📜  菜单驱动程序实现双循环链表的所有操作

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:57:45.517000             🧑  作者: Mango



方法:每个函数(除了显示)都将指针的地址指向头部,即列表的第一个元素。这允许我们更改头指针的地址。这个想法是只使用一个节点类型的指针来执行所有操作。 node 是包含三个数据成员的类。一个成员是 int 类型的,它存储节点的数据,两个成员是 node* 类型的,一个是下一个元素的存储地址,另一个是前一个元素的存储地址。这样就可以在任一方向遍历列表。可以使用单个指针对元素进行修改、插入、删除搜索。


  • void insert_front(node **head):此函数允许用户在列表的最前面输入一个新节点。
  • void insert_end (node **head):该函数允许用户在列表末尾输入一个新节点。
  • void inser_after(node **head):该函数允许用户在用户进入一个节点后进入一个新的节点。
  • void insert_before(node **head):该函数允许用户在用户输入一个节点之前输入一个新节点。
  • void delete_front(node **head):该函数允许用户从列表的最前面删除一个节点。
  • void delete_end(node**head):此函数允许用户从列表末尾删除一个节点。
  • void delete_mid(node **head):此函数允许删除用户输入的节点。
  • void search (node *head):搜索用户输入的数组位置的函数。
  • void reverse (node **head):反转列表并使列表的最后一个元素成为头的函数。
  • void display (node *head):打印列表的函数。

下面是实现上述方法的 C++ 程序:

// C++ program for the above approach
using namespace std;
class node {
    node* next;
    node* prev;
    int data;
// Function to add the node at the front
// of the doubly circular LL
void insert_front(node** head)
    // Function to insert node
    // in front of list
    cout << "\nEnter Data for New Node:";
    // Create a new node named
    // new_node
    node* new_node = new node;
    // Enter data for new_node
    cin >> new_node->data;
    if (*head == NULL) {
        // If there is no node in
        // the list, create a node
        // pointing to itself and
        // make it head
        new_node->next = new_node;
        new_node->prev = new_node;
        *head = new_node;
    else {
        // If there already exists
        // elements in the list
        // Next of new_node will point
        // to head
        new_node->next = *head;
        // prev of new_node will point
        // to prev of head
        new_node->prev = (*head)->prev;
        // next of prev of head i.e. next
        // of last node will point to
        // new_node
        ((*head)->prev)->next = new_node;
        // prev of head will point
        // to new_node
        (*head)->prev = new_node;
        // new_node will become the
        // head of list
        *head = new_node;
// Function to add the node at the end
// of the doubly circular LL
void insert_end(node** head)
    // Function to insert node at
    // last of list
    cout << "\nEnter Data for New Node:";
    // Create new node
    node* new_node = new node;
    cin >> new_node->data;
    if (*head == NULL) {
        // If there is no element in the
        // list create a node pointing
        // to itself and make it head
        new_node->next = new_node;
        new_node->prev = new_node;
        *head = new_node;
    else {
        // If there are elements in the
        // list then create a temp node
        // pointing to current element
        node* curr = *head;
        while (curr->next != *head)
            // Traverse till the end of
            // list
            curr = curr->next;
        // next of new_node will point to
        // next of current node
        new_node->next = curr->next;
        // prev of new_node will
        // point to current element
        new_node->prev = curr;
        // prev of next of current node
        // i.e. prev of head will point to
        // new_node
        (curr->next)->prev = new_node;
        // next of current node will
        // point to new_node
        curr->next = new_node;
// Function to add the node after the
// given node of doubly circular LL
void insert_after(node** head)
    // Function to enter a node after
    // the element entered by user
    // Create new node
    node* new_node = new node;
    cout << "\nEnter Data for New Node:";
    cin >> new_node->data;
    if (*head == NULL) {
        // If there is no element in
        // the list then create a node
        // pointing to itself and make
        // it head
        cout << "\nThere is No element in the List";
        cout << "\nCreating a new node";
        new_node->prev = new_node;
        new_node->next = new_node;
        *head = new_node;
    else {
        int num;
        // Ask user after which node new
        // node is to be inserted
        cout << "Enter After Element:";
        cin >> num;
        // temp node to traverse list
        // and point to current element
        node* curr = *head;
        while (curr->data != num) {
            curr = curr->next;
            // If current becomes equal
            // to head i.e. if entire list
            // has been traversed then
            // element entered is not found
            // in list
            if (curr == *head) {
                cout << "\nEntered Element"
                     << " Not Found in "
        // Control will reach here only if
        // element is found in list
        // next of new node will point to
        // next of current node
        new_node->next = curr->next;
        // prev of new node will
        // point to current node
        new_node->prev = curr;
        // prev of next of current node
        // will point to new node
        (curr->next)->prev = new_node;
        // next of current node will
        // point to new node
        curr->next = new_node;
// Function to add the node before the
// given node of doubly circular LL
void insert_before(node** head)
    // Function to enter node before
    // a node entered by the user
    node* new_node = new node;
    if (*head == NULL) {
        // If there is no element in the
        // list create new node and make
        // it head
        cout << "List is Empty!! Creating New node...";
        cout << "\nEnter Data for New Node:";
        cin >> new_node->data;
        new_node->prev = new_node;
        new_node->next = new_node;
        *head = new_node;
    else {
        int num;
        // Ask user before which node
        // new node is to be inserted
        cout << "\nEnter Before Element:";
        cin >> num;
        // If user wants to enter new node
        // before the first node i.e.
        // before head then call insert_front
        // function
        if ((*head)->data == num)
        else {
            // temp node current for traversing
            // the list and point to current
            // element we assign curr to
            // *head->next this time because
            // data of head has already been
            // checked in previous condition
            node* curr = (*head)->next;
            while (curr->data != num) {
                if (curr == *head) {
                    // If current equal head then
                    // entire list has been traversed
                    // and the entered element is not
                    // found in list
                    cout << "\nEntered Element Not Found "
                            "in List!!\n";
                curr = curr->next;
            cout << "\nEnter Data For New Node:";
            cin >> new_node->data;
            // Control will reaach here only
            // if entered node exists in list
            // and current has found the element
            // next of new node will point to
            // current node
            new_node->next = curr;
            // prev of new node will point
            // to prev of current node
            new_node->prev = curr->prev;
            // next of prev of current node
            // will point to new node
            (curr->prev)->next = new_node;
            // prev of current will
            // point to new node
            curr->prev = new_node;
// Function to delete the front node
// of doubly circular LL
void delete_front(node** head)
    // Function to delete a node
    // from front of list
    if (*head == NULL) {
        // If list is already empty
        // print a message
        cout << "\nList in empty!!\n";
    else if ((*head)->next == *head) {
        // If head is the only element
        // in the list delete head and
        // assign it to NULL
        delete *head;
        *head = NULL;
    else {
        node* curr = new node;
        // temp node to save address
        // of node next to head
        curr = (*head)->next;
        // prev of temp will
        // point to prev of head
        curr->prev = (*head)->prev;
        // next of prev of head i.e.
        // next of last node will point
        // to temp
        ((*head)->prev)->next = curr;
        // delete head
        delete *head;
        // assign head to temp
        *head = curr;
// Function to delete the end node
// of doubly circular LL
void delete_end(node** head)
    // Function to delete a node
    // from end of list
    if (*head == NULL) {
        // If list is already empty
        // print a message
        cout << "\nList is Empty!!\n";
    else if ((*head)->next == *head) {
        // If head is the only element
        // in the list delete head and
        // assign it to NULL
        delete *head;
        *head = NULL;
    else {
        // Create temporary node curr
        // to traverse list and point
        // to current element
        node* curr = new node;
        // Assign curr to head
        curr = *head;
        while (curr->next != (*head)) {
            // Traverse till end of list
            curr = curr->next;
        // next of prev of curr will point
        // to next of curr
        (curr->prev)->next = curr->next;
        // prev of next of curr will point
        // to prev of curr
        (curr->next)->prev = curr->prev;
        // delete curr
        delete curr;
// Function to delete the middle node
// of doubly circular LL
void delete_mid(node** head)
    // Function to delete a node
    // entered by user
    if (*head == NULL) {
        // If list is already empty
        // print a message
        cout << "\nList is Empty!!!";
    else {
        cout << "\nEnter Element to be deleted:";
        int num;
        cin >> num;
        if ((*head)->data == num) {
            // If user wants to delete
            // the head node i.e front
            // node call delete_front(head)
            // function
        else {
            // temp node to traverse list
            // and point to current node
            node* curr = (*head)->next;
            while ((curr->data) != num) {
                if (curr == (*head)) {
                    // If curr equals head then
                    // entire list has been
                    // traversed element to be
                    // deleted is not found
                    cout << "\nEntered Element Not Found "
                            "in List!!\n";
                curr = curr->next;
            // control will reach here only
            // if element is found in the list
            // next of prev of curr will
            // point to next of curr
            (curr->prev)->next = curr->next;
            // prev of next of curr will
            // point to prev of curr
            (curr->next)->prev = curr->prev;
            delete curr;
// Function to search any node in the
// doubly circular LL
void search(node* head)
    if (head == NULL) {
        // If head is null list is empty
        cout << "List is empty!!";
    int item;
    cout << "Enter item to be searched:";
    // Ask user to enter item to
    // be searched
    cin >> item;
    // curr pointer is used to
    // traverse list it will point
    // to the current element
    node* curr = head;
    int index = 0, count = 0;
    do {
        // If data in curr is equal to item
        // to be searched print its position
        // index+1
        if (curr->data == item) {
            cout << "\nItem found at position:"
                 << index + 1;
            // increment count
        // Index will increment by 1 in
        // each iteration
        curr = curr->next;
    } while (curr != head);
    // If count is still 0 that means
    // item is not found
    if (count == 0)
        cout << "Item searched not found in list";
// Function to reverse the doubly
// circular Linked List
void reverse(node** head)
    if (*head == NULL) {
        // If head is null list is empty
        cout << "List is Empty !!";
    // curr is used to traverse list
    node* curr = *head;
    while (curr->next != *head) {
        // use a temp node to store
        // address of next of curr
        node* temp = curr->next;
        // make next of curr to point
        // its previous
        curr->next = curr->prev;
        // make previous of curr to
        // point its next
        curr->prev = temp;
        // After each iteration move
        // to element which was earlier
        // next of curr
        curr = temp;
    // Update the last node separately
    node* temp = curr->next;
    curr->next = curr->prev;
    curr->prev = temp;
    // only change is this node will now
    // become head
    *head = curr;
// Function to display the doubly
// circular linked list
void display(node* head)
    node* curr = head;
    if (curr == NULL)
        cout << "\n List is Empty!!";
    else {
        do {
            cout << curr->data << "->";
            curr = curr->next;
        } while (curr != head);
void display_menu()
    cout << "=============================================="
    cout << "\nMenu:\n";
    cout << "1. Insert At Front\n";
    cout << "2. Insert At End\n";
    cout << "3. Insert After Element\n";
    cout << "4. Insert Before Element\n";
    cout << "5. Delete From Front\n";
    cout << "6. Delete From End\n";
    cout << "7. Delete A Node\n";
    cout << "8. Search for a element\n";
    cout << "9. Reverse a the list\n";
    cout << "=============================================="
// Driver Code
int main()
    int choice;
    char repeat_menu = 'y';
    // Declaration of head node
    node* head = NULL;
    do {
        cout << "\nEnter Your Choice:";
        cin >> choice;
        switch (choice) {
        case 1: {
        case 2: {
        case 3: {
        case 4: {
        case 5: {
        case 6: {
        case 7: {
        case 8: {
        case 9: {
        default: {
            cout << "\nWrong Choice!!!";
        cout << "\nEnter More(Y/N)";
        cin >> repeat_menu;
    } while (repeat_menu == 'y' || repeat_menu == 'Y');
    return 0;


1. void insert_front(节点**头):


2. void insert_end(节点**头):


3. void insert_after(节点**头):


4. void insert_before(节点**头):


5. void delete_front(节点**头):


6. void delete_end (node **head):


7. void delete_mid(节点**头):




9. 无效反向(节点**头):
