📜  Python| Whatsapp 生日机器人

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:55:16.610000             🧑  作者: Mango

Python| Whatsapp 生日机器人

您是否曾经希望自动祝您的朋友生日快乐,或在预设时间自动向您的朋友(或任何 Whastapp 联系人!)发送一组消息,或通过在 whatsapp 上发送数千条随机文本来发送您的朋友!使用浏览器自动化,您可以完成所有这些工作,甚至更多!
1) Selenium的Python绑定(浏览器自动化软件)

pip install selenium

2) Chrome 网络驱动程序
从此处下载 Chrome 驱动程序:Chromedriver 下载页面(选择您的特定版本)


该脚本使用 PySelenium 包打开一个 Chrome webdriver 窗口,在该窗口中完成所有任务。它检查当前日期和月份是否与 json 文件中的日期和月份匹配。如果是,则返回它的 'name' 属性,用于在 Whatsapp web 中查找相应的聊天(通过 xpath 查找)。然后脚本模拟点击聊天,打开它,在聊天框中输入消息并模拟点击发送按钮。

什么是 JSON?

JSON 代表 JavaScript 对象表示法。这是一种非常简单和轻便的数据存储方式。虽然它是从 JavaScript 派生的,但它是独立于语言的,并且在外观上类似于Python字典
查看这篇文章了解更多关于 JSON 的信息。

# get current date in required format
import datetime
# store the birthdates of your contacts
import json
from selenium import webdriver
# add a delay so that all elements of
# the webpage are loaded before proceeding
import time
# Global variable Do not use elsewhere
eleNM = None
# This function is just to return a
# string of the message required
def wish_birth(name):
    return "Happy Birthday " + name.split(" ")[0] + "!!"
# This function returns a list of values of some
# attribute based on conditions on two attributes from the JSON file.
# use to return names of contacts having their birthday on current date.
def getJsonData(file, attr_ret, attr1, attr2, attr_val1, attr_val2):
    # Load the file's data in 'data' variable
    data = json.load(file)
    retv =[]
    # If the attributes' value conditions are satisfied,
    # append the name into the list to be returned.
    for i in data:
        if(i[attr1]== attr_val1 and i[attr2]== attr_val2):
    return retv
# Opening the JSON file (birthdays.json) in read only mode.
data_file = open("birthdays.json", "r")
namev =[]
print("Script Running")
# This will keep rerunning the part of
# the code from 'while True' to 'break'.
# use to keep waiting for the JSON function
# to return a non empty list.
# In practice, this function will keep rerunning at
# 11:59pm a day before the birthday and break out at 12:00am.
while True:
        # to get current date
        datt = datetime.datetime.now()
        namev = getJsonData(data_file, "name", "birth_month", "birth_date",
                                           str(datt.month), str(datt.day))
    except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
    if(namev !=[]):
# ChromeOptions allows us use the userdata of chrome
# so that you don't have to sign in manually everytime.
chropt = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
# adding userdata argument to ChromeOptions object
# Creating a Chrome webdriver object
driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path ="",
                                                          options = chropt)
# delay added to give time for all elements to load
# Finds the chat of your contacts (as in the namev list)
for inp in namev:
        eleNM = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//span[@title ="{}"]'.format(inp))
    except Exception as ex:
    # Simulates a mouse click on the element
        # Finds the chat box element
        eleTF = driver.find_element_by_class_name("_13mgZ")
        # Writes the message(function call to wish_birth())
        # Finds the Send button
        eleSND = driver.find_element_by_class_name("_3M-N-")
        # Simulates a click on it

JSON 文件的外观

    "name": "NAME1",
    "birth_month": "1",
    "birth_date": "12"
    "name": "NAME2",
    "birth_month": "5",
    "birth_date": "15"
