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📜  C#|价值元组<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,TRest>结构(1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:40:29.821000             🧑  作者: Mango

C# - ValueTuple<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,TRest> Structure

ValueTuple is a structure that allows you to define a tuple with up to 7 elements in C#. However, if you need to define a tuple with more than 7 elements, you can still use the ValueTuple structure with the TRest generic parameter.

Creating a ValueTuple

To create a ValueTuple, you can use the constructor of the ValueTuple structure with the values of each element as parameters. Here's an example:

var myTuple = new ValueTuple<int, string, double>(1, "Hello", 3.14);

In this case, we're creating a ValueTuple with 3 elements: an int, a string, and a double. You can access each element of the tuple using the ItemX property, where X is the index of the element (starting with 1). Here's an example:

Console.WriteLine(myTuple.Item1); // Output: 1
Console.WriteLine(myTuple.Item2); // Output: Hello
Console.WriteLine(myTuple.Item3); // Output: 3.14
Using TRest

If you need to define a tuple with more than 7 elements, you can use the TRest generic parameter in the ValueTuple structure. Here's an example:

var myTuple = new ValueTuple<int, string, double, int, string, double, int, ValueTuple<int, string, double>>(1, "Hello", 3.14, 2, "World", 6.28, 3, new ValueTuple<int, string, double>(4, "Test", 9.99)));

In this case, we're creating a ValueTuple with 10 elements: the first 7 elements are an int, a string, a double, an int, a string, a double, and an int, and the last 3 elements are another ValueTuple with 3 elements: an int, a string, and a double.

You can access each element of the tuple using the ItemX property as before. Here's an example:

Console.WriteLine(myTuple.Item1); // Output: 1
Console.WriteLine(myTuple.Item2); // Output: Hello
Console.WriteLine(myTuple.Item3); // Output: 3.14
Console.WriteLine(myTuple.Item4); // Output: 2
Console.WriteLine(myTuple.Item5); // Output: World
Console.WriteLine(myTuple.Item6); // Output: 6.28
Console.WriteLine(myTuple.Item7); // Output: 3
Console.WriteLine(myTuple.Rest.Item1); // Output: 4
Console.WriteLine(myTuple.Rest.Item2); // Output: Test
Console.WriteLine(myTuple.Rest.Item3); // Output: 9.99

As you can see, you can access the elements of the nested ValueTuple using the Rest property.


ValueTuple is a powerful structure that allows you to define tuples with up to 7 elements in C#. If you need to define tuples with more elements, you can still use the ValueTuple structure with the TRest generic parameter.