📜  模拟退火

📅  最后修改于: 2021-04-26 09:10:19             🧑  作者: Mango

问题:给定一个成本函数f:R ^ n –> R ,找到一个使f值最小的n元组。请注意,最小化函数的值在算法上等效于最大化(因为我们可以将成本函数重新定义为1-f)。

你们中许多具有微积分/分析背景的人可能熟悉单变量函数的简单优化。例如,函数f(x)= x ^ 2 + 2x可以优化,将一阶导数设置为零,获得解x = -1产生最小值f(-1)= -1 。该技术足以满足简单的功能,并且只需很少的变量。但是,通常情况下,研究人员会对优化多个变量的功能感兴趣,在这种情况下,只能通过计算获得解决方案。





在此算法中,我们定义一个初始温度(通常设置为1)和一个最低温度(约10 ^ -4)。当前温度乘以某个分数α,因此降低直到达到最低温度。对于每个不同的温度值,我们将核心优化例程运行固定次数。优化例程包括找到一个相邻解并以概率e ^(f(c(c)– f(n)))接受它,其中c是当前解, n是相邻解。通过对当前解决方案施加一些微扰,可以找到一个相邻的解决方案。这种随机性有助于避免优化启发式方法的常见陷阱-陷入局部极小值。通过潜在地接受一个比我们目前不那么理想的解决方案,并以与成本增加成反比的概率来接受它,该算法更有可能收敛于全局最优值附近。设计邻居函数非常棘手,必须逐案进行,但是下面是在位置优化问题中寻找邻居的一些想法。

  • 将所有点沿随机方向移动0或1个单位
  • 随机移动输入元素
  • 交换输入序列中的随机元素
  • 置换输入序列
  • 将输入序列划分为随机数量的段和置换段



// Java program to implement Simulated Annealing
import java.util.*;
public class SimulatedAnnealing {
    // Initial and final temperature
    public static double T = 1;
    // Simulated Annealing parameters
    // Temperature at which iteration terminates
    static final double Tmin = .0001;
    // Decrease in temperature
    static final double alpha = 0.9;
    // Number of iterations of annealing
    // before decreasing temperature
    static final int numIterations = 100;
    // Locational parameters
    // Target array is discretized as M*N grid
    static final int M = 5, N = 5;
    // Number of objects desired
    static final int k = 5;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Problem: place k objects in an MxN target
        // plane yielding minimal cost according to
        // defined objective function
        // Set of all possible candidate locations
        String[][] sourceArray = new String[M][N];
        // Global minimum
        Solution min = new Solution(Double.MAX_VALUE, null);
        // Generates random initial candidate solution
        // before annealing process
        Solution currentSol = genRandSol();
        // Continues annealing until reaching minimum
        // temprature
        while (T > Tmin) {
            for (int i=0;i Math.random())
                    currentSol = newSol;
            T *= alpha; // Decreases T, cooling phase
        //Returns minimum value based on optimiation
        for(String[] row:sourceArray) Arrays.fill(row, "X");
        // Displays
        for (int object:min.config) {
            int[] coord = indexToPoints(object);
            sourceArray[coord[0]][coord[1]] = "-";
        // Displays optimal location
        for (String[] row:sourceArray)
    // Given current configuration, returns "neighboring"
    // configuration (i.e. very similar)
    // integer of k points each in range [0, n)
    /* Different neighbor selection strategies:
        * Move all points 0 or 1 units in a random direction
        * Shift input elements randomly
        * Swap random elements in input sequence
        * Permute input sequence
        * Partition input sequence into a random number
          of segments and permute segments   */
    public static Solution neighbor(Solution currentSol){
        // Slight perturbation to the current solution
        // to avoid getting stuck in local minimas
        // Returning for the sake of compilation
        return currentSol;
    // Generates random solution via modified Fisher-Yates
    // shuffle for first k elements
    // Pseudorandomly selects k integers from the interval
    // [0, n-1]
    public static Solution genRandSol(){
        // Instantiating for the sake of compilation
        int[] a = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
        // Returning for the sake of compilation
        return new Solution(-1, a);
    // Complexity is O(M*N*k), asymptotically tight
    public static double cost(int[] inputConfiguration){
        // Given specific configuration, return object
        // solution with assigned cost
        return -1; //Returning for the sake of compilation
    // Mapping from [0, M*N] --> [0,M]x[0,N]
    public static int[] indexToPoints(int index){
        int[] points = {index%M, index/M};
        return points;
    // Class solution, bundling configuration with error
    static class Solution {
        // function value of instance of solution;
        // using coefficient of variance root mean
        // squared error
        public double CVRMSE;
        public int[] config; // Configuration array
        public Solution(double CVRMSE, int[] configuration) {
            this.CVRMSE = CVRMSE;
            config = configuration;

输出 :


[X, -, X, X, X]
[-, X, X, X, X]
[-, X, X, X, X]
[-, X, X, X, X]
[-, X, X, X, X]