📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:33:01.480000             🧑  作者: Mango


When working with MySQL databases, sometimes it is necessary to delete data from more than one table at once. This can be achieved using a DELETE JOIN statement in SQL.

The syntax for a DELETE JOIN statement is as follows:

DELETE t1, t2
FROM table1 t1
JOIN table2 t2 ON t1.key = t2.key
WHERE condition;

Let's break this down and explain each part of the statement.

  • DELETE t1, t2: This specifies the tables we want to delete data from. In this example, we are deleting data from two tables - table1 and table2.
  • FROM table1 t1: This tells MySQL where to find the tables we want to delete data from.
  • JOIN table2 t2 ON t1.key = t2.key: This joins table1 and table2 on a common key. The ON keyword specifies the condition for the join.
  • WHERE condition: This specifies any additional conditions for the delete operation. For example, you can use a WHERE clause to delete only specific rows from the tables.

Here is an example of a DELETE JOIN statement in action:

DELETE orders, order_items
FROM orders
JOIN order_items ON orders.order_id = order_items.order_id
WHERE orders.customer_id = 123;

This statement would delete all orders and associated order items for customer 123.

It is important to note that DELETE JOIN statements can have a significant impact on database performance, especially for large tables. Be sure to test your statement on a small subset of data before running it on a larger scale.

In conclusion, DELETE JOIN is a powerful tool for deleting data from multiple tables in MySQL. With careful planning and testing, you can use this statement to efficiently manage your database.