📜  C 与Python

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C 与Python

C: C 是一种结构化的中级通用编程语言,由 Dennis Ritchie 在 1972-73 年间在贝尔实验室开发。它是作为开发 UNIX 操作系统的基础而构建的。作为一种中级语言,C 缺乏高级语言所特有的内置函数,但它提供了开发人员所需的所有构建块。 C 遵循面向结构的方法,即自上而下的方法,将程序分割成更小的函数。

C 的独特之处在于它针对以前用汇编语言编写的低级内存管理任务进行了优化(代码遵循可以直接访问内存位置的十六进制格式)。这正是 C 用于构建 OS 架构的原因。即使在今天,UNIX 和 Linux 的衍生产品在许多功能上都严重依赖 C。

Python: Python是一种通用的高级编程语言,由 Guido Rossum 于 1989 年开发Python的惊人之处在于其几乎类似于英语的简单语法和动态输入能力。简单的语法使代码易于阅读。

此外,作为一种解释性语言, Python是在大多数平台上编写脚本和快速应用程序开发的理想语言,并且深受开发人员的欢迎。脚本语言通过基于 Web 的应用程序结合了交互式和动态功能。


IntroductionC is a general-purpose, procedural computer programming language.Python is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language.
SpeedCompiled programs execute faster as compared to interpreted programs.Interpreted programs execute slower as compared to compiled programs.
UsageProgram syntax is harder than Python.It is easier to write a code in Python as the number of lines is less comparatively.
Declaration of variablesIn C, the type of a variable must be declared when it is created, and only values of that type must be assigned to it.There is no need to declare the type of variable. Variables are untyped in Python. A given variable can be stuck on values of different types at different times during the program execution
Error DebuggingIn C, error debugging is difficult as it is a compiler dependent language. This means that it takes the entire source code, compiles it and then shows all the errors.Error debugging is simple. This means it takes only one in instruction at a time and compiles and executes simultaneously. Errors are shown instantly and the execution is stopped, at that instruction.
Function renaming mechanismC does not support function renaming mechanism. This means the same function cannot be used by two different names.Supports function renaming mechanism i.e, the same function can be used by two different names.
ComplexityThe syntax of a C program is harder than Python.Syntax of Python programs is easy to learn, write and read.
Memory-managementIn C, the Programmer has to do memory management on their own.Python uses an automatic garbage collector for memory management.
ApplicationsC is generally used for hardware related applications.Python is a General-Purpose programming language.
Built-in functionsC has a limited number of built-in functions.Python has a large library of built-in functions.
Implementing Data StructuresImplementing data structures requires its functions to be explicitly implementedGives ease of implementing data structures with built-in insert, append functions.
PointersPointers are available in C.No pointers functionality available in Python.


关于何时使用Python以及何时使用 C 出现了一个棘手的问题。C 与Python语言相似,但有许多关键区别。这些语言是开发各种应用程序的有用语言。 C 和Python的区别在于Python是一种多范式语言,而 C 是一种结构化编程语言。 Python是一种通用语言,用于机器学习、自然语言处理、Web 开发等等。 C主要用于与硬件相关的应用程序开发,例如操作系统、网络驱动程序。在目前竞争激烈的市场中,仅仅掌握一种编程语言是不够的。要成为一名多才多艺且称职的程序员,您需要掌握多种语言。