📜  实施电话目录

📅  最后修改于: 2021-04-17 11:39:05             🧑  作者: Mango

给定电话目录中存在的联系人列表。任务是对电话目录实施搜索查询。字符串“ str ”上的搜索查询显示所有前缀为“ str ”的联系人。搜索函数的一个特殊属性是,当用户从联系人列表中搜索联系人时,在用户输入每个字符后会显示建议(带有前缀的联系人作为输入的字符串)。



Input : contacts [] = {“gforgeeks” , “geeksquiz” }
        Query String = “gekk”

Output : Suggestions based on "g" are 

         Suggestions based on "ge" are 

         No Results Found for "gek" 

         No Results Found for "gekk" 



// This function displays all words with given
// prefix.  "node" represents last node when 
// path from root follows characters of "prefix".
displayContacts (TreiNode node, string prefix)
    If (node.isLast is true)
        display prefix

        // finding adjacent nodes
    for each character ‘i’ in lower case Alphabets 
        if (node.child[i] != NULL)
            displayContacts(node.child[i], prefix+i)

无需一次又一次地检查,我们可以维护一个指针prevNode ‘,该指针指向用户最后输入的字符所对应的TrieNode,现在,当用户输入另一个字符进行检查时,我们需要检查子节点中的’prevNode’如果在Trie中存在。如果新前缀不在Trie中,那么在Trie中也找不到在’prefix’之后输入字符形成的所有字符串。因此,我们打破了用于一一生成前缀的循环,并为所有剩余字符打印“未找到结果”。

// C++ Program to Implement a Phone
// Directory Using Trie Data Structure
using namespace std;
struct TrieNode
    // Each Trie Node contains a Map 'child'
    // where each alphabet points to a Trie
    // Node.
    // We can also use a fixed size array of
    // size 256.
    unordered_map child;
    // 'isLast' is true if the node represents
    // end of a contact
    bool isLast;
    // Default Constructor
        // Initialize all the Trie nodes with NULL
        for (char i = 'a'; i <= 'z'; i++)
            child[i] = NULL;
        isLast = false;
// Making root NULL for ease so that it doesn't
// have to be passed to all functions.
TrieNode *root = NULL;
// Insert a Contact into the Trie
void insert(string s)
    int len = s.length();
    // 'itr' is used to iterate the Trie Nodes
    TrieNode *itr = root;
    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
        // Check if the s[i] is already present in
        // Trie
        TrieNode *nextNode = itr->child[s[i]];
        if (nextNode == NULL)
            // If not found then create a new TrieNode
            nextNode = new TrieNode();
            // Insert into the Map
            itr->child[s[i]] = nextNode;
        // Move the iterator('itr') ,to point to next
        // Trie Node
        itr = nextNode;
        // If its the last character of the string 's'
        // then mark 'isLast' as true
        if (i == len - 1)
            itr->isLast = true;
// This function simply displays all dictionary words
// going through current node. String 'prefix'
// represents string corresponding to the path from
// root to curNode.
void displayContactsUtil(TrieNode *curNode, string prefix)
    // Check if the string 'prefix' ends at this Node
    // If yes then display the string found so far
    if (curNode->isLast)
        cout << prefix << endl;
    // Find all the adjacent Nodes to the current
    // Node and then call the function recursively
    // This is similar to performing DFS on a graph
    for (char i = 'a'; i <= 'z'; i++)
        TrieNode *nextNode = curNode->child[i];
        if (nextNode != NULL)
            displayContactsUtil(nextNode, prefix + (char)i);
// Display suggestions after every character enter by
// the user for a given query string 'str'
void displayContacts(string str)
    TrieNode *prevNode = root;
    string prefix = "";
    int len = str.length();
    // Display the contact List for string formed
    // after entering every character
    int i;
    for (i=0; ichild[lastChar];
        // If nothing found, then break the loop as
        // no more prefixes are going to be present.
        if (curNode == NULL)
            cout << "nNo Results Found for "" << prefix
                 << "" n";
        // If present in trie then display all
        // the contacts with given prefix.
        cout << "nSuggestions based on "" << prefix
             << "" are n";
        displayContactsUtil(curNode, prefix);
        // Change prevNode for next prefix
        prevNode = curNode;
    // Once search fails for a prefix, we print
    // "Not Results Found" for all remaining
    // characters of current query string "str".
    for (; i

// Java Program to Implement a Phone
// Directory Using Trie Data Structure
import java.util.*;
class TrieNode
    // Each Trie Node contains a Map 'child'
    // where each alphabet points to a Trie
    // Node.
    HashMap child;
    // 'isLast' is true if the node represents
    // end of a contact
    boolean isLast;
    // Default Constructor
    public TrieNode()
        child = new HashMap();
        // Initialize all the Trie nodes with NULL
        for (char i = 'a'; i <= 'z'; i++)
        isLast = false;
class Trie
    TrieNode root;
    // Insert all the Contacts into the Trie
    public void insertIntoTrie(String contacts[])
        root = new TrieNode();
        int n = contacts.length;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
    // Insert a Contact into the Trie
    public void insert(String s)
        int len = s.length();
        // 'itr' is used to iterate the Trie Nodes
        TrieNode itr = root;
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
            // Check if the s[i] is already present in
            // Trie
            TrieNode nextNode = itr.child.get(s.charAt(i));
            if (nextNode == null)
                // If not found then create a new TrieNode
                nextNode = new TrieNode();
                // Insert into the HashMap
            // Move the iterator('itr') ,to point to next
            // Trie Node
            itr = nextNode;
            // If its the last character of the string 's'
            // then mark 'isLast' as true
            if (i == len - 1)
                itr.isLast = true;
    // This function simply displays all dictionary words
    // going through current node.  String 'prefix'
    // represents string corresponding to the path from
    // root to curNode.
    public void displayContactsUtil(TrieNode curNode,
                                   String prefix)
        // Check if the string 'prefix' ends at this Node
        // If yes then display the string found so far
        if (curNode.isLast)
        // Find all the adjacent Nodes to the current
        // Node and then call the function recursively
        // This is similar to performing DFS on a graph
        for (char i = 'a'; i <= 'z'; i++)
            TrieNode nextNode = curNode.child.get(i);
            if (nextNode != null)
                displayContactsUtil(nextNode, prefix + i);
    // Display suggestions after every character enter by
    // the user for a given string 'str'
    void displayContacts(String str)
        TrieNode prevNode = root;
        // 'flag' denotes whether the string entered
        // so far is present in the Contact List
        String prefix = "";
        int len = str.length();
        // Display the contact List for string formed
        // after entering every character
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
            // 'str' stores the string entered so far
            prefix += str.charAt(i);
            // Get the last character entered
            char lastChar = prefix.charAt(i);
            // Find the Node corresponding to the last
            // character of 'str' which is pointed by
            // prevNode of the Trie
            TrieNode curNode = prevNode.child.get(lastChar);
            // If nothing found, then break the loop as
            // no more prefixes are going to be present.
            if (curNode == null)
                System.out.println("nNo Results Found for ""
                                          + prefix + """);
            // If present in trie then display all
            // the contacts with given prefix.
            System.out.println("nSuggestions based on ""
                                    + prefix + "" are");
            displayContactsUtil(curNode, prefix);
            // Change prevNode for next prefix
            prevNode = curNode;
        for ( ; i < len; i++)
            prefix += str.charAt(i);
            System.out.println("nNo Results Found for ""
                                          + prefix + """);
// Driver code
class Main
    public static void main(String args[])
        Trie trie = new Trie();
        String contacts [] = {"gforgeeks", "geeksquiz"};
        String query = "gekk";
        // Note that the user will enter 'g' then 'e' so
        // first display all the strings with prefix as 'g'
        // and then all the strings with prefix as 'ge'

// C# Program to Implement a Phone 
// Directory Using Trie Data Structure 
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class TrieNode 
    // Each Trie Node contains a Map 'child' 
    // where each alphabet points to a Trie 
    // Node. 
    public Dictionary child; 
    // 'isLast' is true if the node represents 
    // end of a contact 
    public bool isLast; 
    // Default Constructor 
    public TrieNode() 
        child = new Dictionary(); 
        // Initialize all the Trie nodes with NULL 
        for (char i = 'a'; i <= 'z'; i++) 
            child.Add(i, null); 
        isLast = false; 
class Trie 
    public TrieNode root; 
    // Insert all the Contacts into the Trie 
    public void insertIntoTrie(String []contacts) 
        root = new TrieNode(); 
        int n = contacts.Length; 
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) 
    // Insert a Contact into the Trie 
    public void insert(String s) 
        int len = s.Length; 
        // 'itr' is used to iterate the Trie Nodes 
        TrieNode itr = root; 
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) 
            // Check if the s[i] is already present in 
            // Trie 
            TrieNode nextNode = itr.child[s[i]]; 
            if (nextNode == null) 
                // If not found then create a new TrieNode 
                nextNode = new TrieNode(); 
                // Insert into the Dictionary 
                    itr.child[s[i]] = nextNode; 
                    itr.child.Add(s[i], nextNode); 
            // Move the iterator('itr') ,to point to next 
            // Trie Node 
            itr = nextNode; 
            // If its the last character of the string 's' 
            // then mark 'isLast' as true 
            if (i == len - 1) 
                itr.isLast = true; 
    // This function simply displays all dictionary words 
    // going through current node. String 'prefix' 
    // represents string corresponding to the path from 
    // root to curNode. 
    public void displayContactsUtil(TrieNode curNode, 
                                    String prefix) 
        // Check if the string 'prefix' ends at this Node 
        // If yes then display the string found so far 
        if (curNode.isLast) 
        // Find all the adjacent Nodes to the current 
        // Node and then call the function recursively 
        // This is similar to performing DFS on a graph 
        for (char i = 'a'; i <= 'z'; i++) 
            TrieNode nextNode = curNode.child[i]; 
            if (nextNode != null) 
                displayContactsUtil(nextNode, prefix + i); 
    // Display suggestions after every character enter by 
    // the user for a given string 'str' 
    public void displayContacts(String str) 
        TrieNode prevNode = root; 
        // 'flag' denotes whether the string entered 
        // so far is present in the Contact List 
        String prefix = ""; 
        int len = str.Length; 
        // Display the contact List for string formed 
        // after entering every character 
        int i; 
        for (i = 0; i < len; i++) 
            // 'str' stores the string entered so far 
            prefix += str[i]; 
            // Get the last character entered 
            char lastChar = prefix[i]; 
            // Find the Node corresponding to the last 
            // character of 'str' which is pointed by 
            // prevNode of the Trie 
            TrieNode curNode = prevNode.child[lastChar]; 
            // If nothing found, then break the loop as 
            // no more prefixes are going to be present. 
            if (curNode == null) 
                Console.WriteLine("\nNo Results Found for'"
                                           + prefix + "'"); 
            // If present in trie then display all 
            // the contacts with given prefix. 
            Console.WriteLine("Suggestions based on '"     
                                  + prefix + "' are"); 
            displayContactsUtil(curNode, prefix); 
            // Change prevNode for next prefix 
            prevNode = curNode; 
        for ( ; i < len; i++) 
            prefix += str[i]; 
            Console.WriteLine("\nNo Results Found for '"
                                        + prefix + "'"); 
// Driver code 
public class GFG 
    public static void Main(String []args) 
        Trie trie = new Trie(); 
        String []contacts = {"gforgeeks", "geeksquiz"}; 
        String query = "gekk"; 
        // Note that the user will enter 'g' then 'e' so 
        // first display all the strings with prefix as 'g' 
        // and then all the strings with prefix as 'ge' 
// This code is contributed by PrinciRaj1992


Suggestions based on "g" are 

Suggestions based on "ge" are 

No Results Found for "gek" 

No Results Found for "gekk"