📜  查找给定列表中每个单词的最短唯一前缀|设置1(使用特里)

📅  最后修改于: 2021-04-17 11:16:56             🧑  作者: Mango



Input: arr[] = {"zebra", "dog", "duck", "dove"}
Output: dog, dov, du, z
Explanation: dog => dog
             dove = dov 
             duck = du
             z   => zebra 

Input: arr[] =  {"geeksgeeks", "geeksquiz", "geeksforgeeks"};
Output: geeksf, geeksg, geeksq}






                / \
         (d, 3)/   \(z, 1)
              /     \
          Node1     Node2
           / \          \
     (o,2)/   \(u,1)     \(e,1)
         /     \          \
   Node1.1    Node1.2     Node2.1
      /  \         \            \
(g,1)/    \ (t,1)   \(c,1)       \(b,1)
    /      \         \            \ 
   Leaf   Leaf       Node1.2.1     Node2.1.1
   (dog)  (dot)        \               \
                         \(k, 1)          \(r, 1)
                          \                \   
                          Leaf           Node2.1.1.1
                          (duck)              \


// C++ program to print all prefixes that
// uniquely reprsent words.
using namespace std;
#define MAX 256
// Maximum length of an input word
#define MAX_WORD_LEN 500
// Trie Node.
struct trieNode
    struct trieNode *child[MAX];
    int freq;  // To store frequency
// Function to create a new trie node.
struct trieNode *newTrieNode(void)
    struct trieNode *newNode = new trieNode;
    newNode->freq   = 1;
    for (int i = 0; ichild[i] = NULL;
    return newNode;
// Method to insert a new string into Trie
void insert(struct trieNode *root, string str)
    // Length of the URL
    int len = str.length();
    struct trieNode *pCrawl = root;
    // Traversing over the length of given str.
    for (int level = 0; levelchild[index])
            pCrawl->child[index] = newTrieNode();
        // Move to the child
        pCrawl = pCrawl->child[index];
// This function prints unique prefix for every word stored
// in Trie. Prefixes one by one are stored in prefix[].
// 'ind' is current index of prefix[]
void findPrefixesUtil(struct trieNode *root, char prefix[],
                      int ind)
    // Corner case
    if (root == NULL)
    // Base case
    if (root->freq == 1)
       prefix[ind] = '\0';
       cout << prefix << " ";
    for (int i=0; ichild[i] != NULL)
           prefix[ind] = i;
           findPrefixesUtil(root->child[i], prefix, ind+1);
// Function to print all prefixes that uniquely
// represent all words in arr[0..n-1]
void findPrefixes(string arr[], int n)
    // Construct a Trie of all words
    struct trieNode *root = newTrieNode();
    root->freq = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i

// Java program to print all prefixes that
// uniquely represent words.
public class Unique_Prefix_Trie {
    static final int MAX  = 256;
    // Maximum length of an input word
    static final int MAX_WORD_LEN = 500;
    // Trie Node.
    static class TrieNode
        TrieNode[] child = new TrieNode[MAX];
        int freq;  // To store frequency
        TrieNode() {
            freq =1;
            for (int i = 0; i < MAX; i++)
                child[i] = null;
    static TrieNode root;
    // Method to insert a new string into Trie
    static void insert(String str)
        // Length of the URL
        int len = str.length();
        TrieNode pCrawl = root;
        // Traversing over the length of given str.
        for (int level = 0; level

// C# program to print all prefixes that 
// uniquely represent words. 
using System;
public class Unique_Prefix_Trie 
    static readonly int MAX = 256; 
    // Maximum length of an input word 
    static readonly int MAX_WORD_LEN = 500; 
    // Trie Node. 
    public class TrieNode 
        public TrieNode[] child = new TrieNode[MAX]; 
        public int freq; // To store frequency 
        public TrieNode() 
            freq = 1; 
            for (int i = 0; i < MAX; i++) 
                child[i] = null; 
    static TrieNode root; 
    // Method to insert a new string into Trie 
    static void insert(String str) 
        // Length of the URL 
        int len = str.Length; 
        TrieNode pCrawl = root; 
        // Traversing over the length of given str. 
        for (int level = 0; level


dog dov du z

感谢Gaurav Ahirwar提出上述解决方案。