📜  小波树|介绍

📅  最后修改于: 2021-04-17 11:06:46             🧑  作者: Mango




小波树中的每个节点都由一个数组表示,该数组是原始数组和范围[L,R]的子序列。这里[L,R]是数组元素落入的范围。即,“ R”表示阵列中的最大元素,而“ L”表示最小元素。因此,根节点将包含元素位于[L,R]范围内的原始数组。现在,我们将计算范围[L,R]的中间值,并将数组稳定地分为左右两个孩子两半。因此,左子元素将包含在[L,mid]范围内的元素,右子元素将包含在[mid + 1,R]范围内的元素。

假设给定一个整数数组。现在,我们计算中间值(最大值+最小值/ 2)并形成两个子级。

给定数组:0 0 9 1 2 1 7 6 4 8 9 4 3 7 5 9 2 7 0 5 1 0

要构造一个小波树,让我们看看我们需要在每个节点上存储什么。因此,在树的每个节点上,我们将存储两个数组,分别为S []和freq []。数组S []将是原始数组A []的子序列,数组freq []将存储将进入该节点左右子元素的元素计数。也就是说,freq [i]表示从S []的前i个元素到左子元素的元素数。因此,可以很容易地计算出将要移到正确子元素上的元素的数量为(i – freq [i])。

下面的示例显示如何维护freq []数组:

Array : 1 5 2 6 4 4
Mid = (1 + 6) / 2 = 3
Left Child : 1 2
Right Child : 5 6 4 4


频率数组:{ 1、1、2、2、2、2 }

为了计算移到右子树的元素数量,我们从i中减去freq [i]。

From index 1, 0 elements go to right subtree.
From index 2, 1 element go to right subtree.
From index 3, 1 element go to right subtree.
From index 4, 2 elements go to right subtree.
From index 5, 3 elements go to right subtree.
From index 6, 4 elements go to right subtree.

我们可以在C++ STL中使用stable_partition函数和lambda表达式来轻松稳定地围绕轴对数组进行分区,而不会扭曲原始序列中元素的顺序。强烈建议在继续执行之前,先阅读stable_partition和lambda表达式文章。

// CPP code to implement wavelet trees
using namespace std;
#define N 100000
// Given array
int arr[N];
// wavelet tree class
class wavelet_tree {
    // Range to elements
    int low, high;
    // Left and Right children
    wavelet_tree* l, *r;
    vector freq;
    // Default constructor
    // Array is in range [x, y]
    // Indices are in range [from, to]
    wavelet_tree(int* from, int* to, int x, int y)
        // Initialising low and high
        low = x, high = y;
        // Array is of 0 length
        if (from >= to)
        // Array is homogenous
        // Example : 1 1 1 1 1
        if (high == low) {
            // Assigning storage to freq array
            freq.reserve(to - from + 1);
            // Initialising the Freq array
            // Assigning values
            for (auto it = from; it != to; it++) 
                // freq will be increasing as there'll 
                // be no further sub-tree
                freq.push_back(freq.back() + 1);
        // Computing mid
        int mid = (low + high) / 2;
        // Lambda function to check if a number is 
        // less than or equal to mid
        auto lessThanMid = [mid](int x) {
            return x <= mid;
        // Assigning storage to freq array
        freq.reserve(to - from + 1);
        // Initialising the freq array
        // Assigning value to freq array
        for (auto it = from; it != to; it++) 
            // If lessThanMid returns 1(true), we add
            // 1 to previous entry. Otherwise, we add
            // 0 (element goes to right sub-tree)
            freq.push_back(freq.back() + lessThanMid(*it));
        // std::stable_partition partitions the array w.r.t Mid
        auto pivot = stable_partition(from, to, lessThanMid);
        // Left sub-tree's object
        l = new wavelet_tree(from, pivot, low, mid);
        // Right sub-tree's object
        r = new wavelet_tree(pivot, to, mid + 1, high);
// Driver code
int main()
    int size = 5, high = INT_MIN;    
    int arr[] = {1 , 2, 3, 4, 5}; 
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) 
        high = max(high, arr[i]);    
    // Object of class wavelet tree
    wavelet_tree obj(arr, arr + size, 1, high);
    return 0;

树的高度:O(log(max(A)),其中max(A)是数组A []中的最大元素。





If high <= x, 
   we return R - L + 1. 
i.e. all the elements in the current range is less than x.

否则,我们将使用变量LtCount = freq [L-1](即元素从L-1到左子树),RtCount = freq [R](即元素从R到右子树)

left sub-tree with range[ LtCount + 1, RtCount ] and, 
right sub-tree with range[ L - Ltcount,R - RtCount ]


// CPP program for querying in
// wavelet tree Data Structure
using namespace std;
#define N 100000
// Given Array
int arr[N];
// wavelet tree class
class wavelet_tree {
    // Range to elements
    int low, high;
    // Left and Right child
    wavelet_tree* l, *r;
    vector freq;
    // Default constructor
    // Array is in range [x, y]
    // Indices are in range [from, to]
    wavelet_tree(int* from, int* to, int x, int y)
        // Initialising low and high
        low = x, high = y;
        // Array is of 0 length
        if (from >= to)
        // Array is homogenous
        // Example : 1 1 1 1 1
        if (high == low) {
            // Assigning storage to freq array
            freq.reserve(to - from + 1);
            // Initialising the Freq array
            // Assigning values
            for (auto it = from; it != to; it++) 
                // freq will be increasing as there'll
                // be no further sub-tree
                freq.push_back(freq.back() + 1);
        // Computing mid
        int mid = (low + high) / 2;
        // Lambda function to check if a number
        // is less than or equal to mid
        auto lessThanMid = [mid](int x) {
            return x <= mid;
        // Assigning storage to freq array
        freq.reserve(to - from + 1);
        // Initialising the freq array
        // Assigning value to freq array
        for (auto it = from; it != to; it++) 
            // If lessThanMid returns 1(true), we add
            // 1 to previous entry. Otherwise, we add 0
            // (element goes to right sub-tree)
            freq.push_back(freq.back() + lessThanMid(*it));        
        // std::stable_partition partitions the array w.r.t Mid
        auto pivot = stable_partition(from, to, lessThanMid);
        // Left sub-tree's object
        l = new wavelet_tree(from, pivot, low, mid);
        // Right sub-tree's object
        r = new wavelet_tree(pivot, to, mid + 1, high);
    // Count of numbers in range[L..R] less than 
    // or equal to k
    int kOrLess(int l, int r, int k)
        // No elements int range is less than k
        if (l > r or k < low)
            return 0;
        // All elements in the range are less than k
        if (high <= k)
            return r - l + 1;
        // Computing LtCount and RtCount
        int LtCount = freq[l - 1];
        int RtCount = freq[r];
        // Answer is (no. of element <= k) in
        // left + (those <= k) in right
        return (this->l->kOrLess(LtCount + 1, RtCount, k) + 
             this->r->kOrLess(l - LtCount, r - RtCount, k));
// Driver code
int main()
    int size = 5, high = INT_MIN;        
    int arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};    
    // Array : 1 2 3 4 5
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)     
        high = max(high, arr[i]);
    // Object of class wavelet tree
    wavelet_tree obj(arr, arr + size, 1, high);
    // count of elements less than 2 in range [1,3]
    cout << obj.kOrLess(0, 3, 2) << '\n';
    return 0;

输出 :


时间复杂度:O(log(max(A)),其中max(A)是数组A []中的最大元素。


  • https://users.dcc.uchile.cl/~jperez/papers/ioiconf16.pdf
  • https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/小波树
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7tju9j7UWU