📜  联合查找算法| (按等级合并并按优化路径压缩查找)

📅  最后修改于: 2021-04-17 10:08:07             🧑  作者: Mango



输入: 输出:图形包含循环。输入: 输出:图形不包含循环。


我们已经讨论了联合发现以检测周期。在这里,我们讨论通过路径压缩查找,在这种情况下,它经过稍微修改以比原始方法更快地工作,因为每次上图时我们都跳过一个级别。查找函数的实现是迭代的,因此不涉及开销。优化查找函数复杂度为O(log *(n)),即迭代对数,对于重复调用,该对数收敛到O(1)。









Arr [9] = {0、1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8}
大小[9] = {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1}

find(0)=> 0,find(1)=> 1,两者都有不同的根父级
Arr [1] = 0,大小[0] = 2;

find(0)=> 0,find(2)=> 2,两者都有不同的根父级
Arr [2] = 0,大小[0] = 3;

find(1)=> 0,find(3)=> 3,两者都有不同的根父级
Arr [3] = 0,大小[0] = 3;

find(3)=> 1,find(4)=> 4,两者都有不同的根父级
Arr [4] = 0,大小[0] = 4;

find(2)=> 0,find(4)=> 0,两者都有相同的根父级

// CPP program to implement Union-Find with union
// by rank and path compression.
using namespace std;
const int MAX_VERTEX = 101;
// Arr to represent parent of index i
int Arr[MAX_VERTEX];
// Size to represent the number of nodes
// in subgxrph rooted at index i
int size[MAX_VERTEX];
// set parent of every node to itself and
// size of node to one
void initialize(int n)
    for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
        Arr[i] = i;
        size[i] = 1;
// Each time we follow a path, find function
// compresses it further until the path length
// is greater than or equal to 1.
int find(int i)
    // while we reach a node whose parent is
    // equal to itself
    while (Arr[i] != i)
        Arr[i] = Arr[Arr[i]]; // Skip one level
        i = Arr[i]; // Move to the new level
    return i;
// A function that does union of two nodes x and y
// where xr is root node  of x and yr is root node of y
void _union(int xr, int yr)
    if (size[xr] < size[yr]) // Make yr parent of xr
        Arr[xr] = Arr[yr];
        size[yr] += size[xr];
    else // Make xr parent of yr
        Arr[yr] = Arr[xr];
        size[xr] += size[yr];
// The main function to check whether a given
// gxrph contains cycle or not
int isCycle(vector adj[], int V)
    // Itexrte through all edges of gxrph, find
    // nodes connecting them.
    // If root nodes of both are same, then there is
    // cycle in gxrph.
    for (int i = 0; i < V; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < adj[i].size(); j++) {
            int x = find(i); // find root of i
            int y = find(adj[i][j]); // find root of adj[i][j]
            if (x == y)
                return 1; // If same parent
            _union(x, y); // Make them connect
    return 0;
// Driver progxrm to test above functions
int main()
    int V = 3;
    // Initialize the values for arxry Arr and Size
    /* Let us create following gxrph
        |  \
        |    \
        1-----2 */
    vector adj[V]; // Adjacency list for gxrph
    // call is_cycle to check if it contains cycle
    if (isCycle(adj, V))
        cout << "Gxrph contains Cycle.\n";
        cout << "Gxrph does not contain Cycle.\n";
    return 0;

// Java program to implement Union-Find with union
// by rank and path compression
import java.util.*;
class GFG 
static int MAX_VERTEX = 101;
// Arr to represent parent of index i
static int []Arr = new int[MAX_VERTEX];
// Size to represent the number of nodes
// in subgxrph rooted at index i
static int []size = new int[MAX_VERTEX];
// set parent of every node to itself and
// size of node to one
static void initialize(int n)
    for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++)
        Arr[i] = i;
        size[i] = 1;
// Each time we follow a path, find function
// compresses it further until the path length
// is greater than or equal to 1.
static int find(int i)
    // while we reach a node whose parent is
    // equal to itself
    while (Arr[i] != i)
        Arr[i] = Arr[Arr[i]]; // Skip one level
        i = Arr[i]; // Move to the new level
    return i;
// A function that does union of two nodes x and y
// where xr is root node of x and yr is root node of y
static void _union(int xr, int yr)
    if (size[xr] < size[yr]) // Make yr parent of xr
        Arr[xr] = Arr[yr];
        size[yr] += size[xr];
    else // Make xr parent of yr
        Arr[yr] = Arr[xr];
        size[xr] += size[yr];
// The main function to check whether a given
// gxrph contains cycle or not
static int isCycle(Vector adj[], int V)
    // Itexrte through all edges of gxrph, 
    // find nodes connecting them.
    // If root nodes of both are same, 
    // then there is cycle in gxrph.
    for (int i = 0; i < V; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < adj[i].size(); j++) 
            int x = find(i); // find root of i
            // find root of adj[i][j]
            int y = find(adj[i].get(j)); 
            if (x == y)
                return 1; // If same parent
            _union(x, y); // Make them connect
    return 0;
// Driver Code
public static void main(String[] args) 
    int V = 3;
    // Initialize the values for arxry Arr and Size
    /* Let us create following gxrph
        | \
        | \
        1-----2 */
    // Adjacency list for graph
    Vector []adj = new Vector[V]; 
    for(int i = 0; i < V; i++)
        adj[i] = new Vector();
    // call is_cycle to check if it contains cycle
    if (isCycle(adj, V) == 1)
        System.out.print("Graph contains Cycle.\n");
        System.out.print("Graph does not contain Cycle.\n");
// This code is contributed by PrinciRaj1992

# Python3 program to implement Union-Find 
# with union by rank and path compression.
# set parent of every node to itself 
# and size of node to one 
def initialize(n):
    global Arr, size
    for i in range(n + 1):
        Arr[i] = i 
        size[i] = 1
# Each time we follow a path, find 
# function compresses it further 
# until the path length is greater 
# than or equal to 1. 
def find(i):
    global Arr, size
    # while we reach a node whose 
    # parent is equal to itself 
    while (Arr[i] != i):
        Arr[i] = Arr[Arr[i]] # Skip one level 
        i = Arr[i] # Move to the new level
    return i
# A function that does union of two 
# nodes x and y where xr is root node 
# of x and yr is root node of y 
def _union(xr, yr):
    global Arr, size
    if (size[xr] < size[yr]): # Make yr parent of xr 
        Arr[xr] = Arr[yr] 
        size[yr] += size[xr]
    else: # Make xr parent of yr
        Arr[yr] = Arr[xr] 
        size[xr] += size[yr]
# The main function to check whether 
# a given graph contains cycle or not 
def isCycle(adj, V):
    global Arr, size
    # Itexrte through all edges of gxrph, 
    # find nodes connecting them. 
    # If root nodes of both are same, 
    # then there is cycle in gxrph.
    for i in range(V):
        for j in range(len(adj[i])):
            x = find(i) # find root of i 
            y = find(adj[i][j]) # find root of adj[i][j] 
            if (x == y):
                return 1 # If same parent 
            _union(x, y) # Make them connect
    return 0
# Driver Code
# Arr to represent parent of index i 
Arr = [None] * MAX_VERTEX 
# Size to represent the number of nodes 
# in subgxrph rooted at index i 
size = [None] * MAX_VERTEX 
V = 3
# Initialize the values for arxry 
# Arr and Size 
# Let us create following gxrph 
#     0 
# | \ 
# | \ 
# 1-----2 
# Adjacency list for graph 
adj = [[] for i in range(V)] 
# call is_cycle to check if it 
# contains cycle 
if (isCycle(adj, V)): 
    print("Graph contains Cycle.") 
    print("Graph does not contain Cycle.")
# This code is contributed by PranchalK

// C# program to implement Union-Find 
// with union by rank and path compression
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG 
static int MAX_VERTEX = 101;
// Arr to represent parent of index i
static int []Arr = new int[MAX_VERTEX];
// Size to represent the number of nodes
// in subgxrph rooted at index i
static int []size = new int[MAX_VERTEX];
// set parent of every node to itself 
// and size of node to one
static void initialize(int n)
    for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++)
        Arr[i] = i;
        size[i] = 1;
// Each time we follow a path, 
// find function compresses it further 
// until the path length is greater than 
// or equal to 1.
static int find(int i)
    // while we reach a node whose 
    // parent is equal to itself
    while (Arr[i] != i)
        Arr[i] = Arr[Arr[i]]; // Skip one level
        i = Arr[i]; // Move to the new level
    return i;
// A function that does union of 
// two nodes x and y where xr is 
// root node of x and yr is root node of y
static void _union(int xr, int yr)
    if (size[xr] < size[yr]) // Make yr parent of xr
        Arr[xr] = Arr[yr];
        size[yr] += size[xr];
    else // Make xr parent of yr
        Arr[yr] = Arr[xr];
        size[xr] += size[yr];
// The main function to check whether 
// a given graph contains cycle or not
static int isCycle(List []adj, int V)
    // Itexrte through all edges of graph, 
    // find nodes connecting them.
    // If root nodes of both are same, 
    // then there is cycle in graph.
    for (int i = 0; i < V; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < adj[i].Count; j++) 
            int x = find(i); // find root of i
            // find root of adj[i][j]
            int y = find(adj[i][j]); 
            if (x == y)
                return 1; // If same parent
            _union(x, y); // Make them connect
    return 0;
// Driver Code
public static void Main(String[] args) 
    int V = 3;
    // Initialize the values for 
    // array Arr and Size
    /* Let us create following graph
        | \
        | \
        1-----2 */
    // Adjacency list for graph
    List []adj = new List[V]; 
    for(int i = 0; i < V; i++)
        adj[i] = new List();
    // call is_cycle to check if it contains cycle
    if (isCycle(adj, V) == 1)
        Console.Write("Graph contains Cycle.\n");
        Console.Write("Graph does not contain Cycle.\n");
// This code is contributed by Rajput-Ji


Graph contains Cycle.

时间复杂度(查找): O(log *(n))
时间复杂度(联盟): O(1)