📜  Swift中函数和方法之间的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2021-01-11 08:02:44             🧑  作者: Mango


有人认为功能和方法相同,并且可以互换使用这些术语。但是,这两者略有不同。 “方法属于类,结构和枚举,而函数不属于。”


func thisIsAFunction() {
struct Employee {
    func thisIsAMethod() {


Function Method
Functions have independent existence. You can define them outside of the class. Methods do not have independent existence. They are always defined within a class, struct, or enum.
Functions are the properties of structured languages like C, C++, Pascal and object based language like JavaScript.
Note: There is no concept of function in Java.
Methods are the properties of Object-oriented language like C#, Java, Swift etc.
Functions don’t have any reference variables. Methods are called using reference variables.
Functions are a self describing piece of code. Methods are used to manipulate instance variable of a class.
Functions are called independently. Methods are called using instance or object.