📜  Ruby多线程

📅  最后修改于: 2021-01-08 13:22:09             🧑  作者: Mango









为了创建一个新线程,Ruby提供了三个关键字,分别是:: new,:: start:: fork。



# Original thread runs
Thread.new {
  # New thread is created.
# Original thread runs


在Ruby中终止线程有多种方法。要退出给定线程,请使用:: kill类。


thr = Thread.new { ... }


th = Thread.new do #Here we start a new thread 
  5.times do |i| #loop starts and increases i each time 
    sleep 1 
  return nil 
while th['counter'].to_i < 4  do 
th is the long running thread 
and we can access the same variable 
from inside the thread here 
  puts "Counter is #{th['counter']}" 
  sleep 0.5 
puts "Long running process finished!" 






线程中可能有一些例外。如果在除主线程之外的任何其他线程中出现异常,则取决于abort_on_exception。默认情况下,此选项始终为false。这意味着未处理的异常将静默终止线程。可以通过将abort_on_exception = true或$ DEBUG设置为true来更改此设置。

要处理异常,可以使用类方法:: handle_interrupt 。它将与线程异步处理异常。



Ruby线程类允许按名称创建和访问线程局部变量。线程对象被视为哈希,使用[] =编写元素,然后使用[]读回它们。


Ruby通过在程序中使用:: stop:: pass方法来支持调度线程。

:: stop类方法使当前正在运行的线程进入睡眠状态并安排另一个线程的执行。线程进入睡眠状态后,将使用实例方法唤醒将线程标记为可进行调度。

:: pass类方法尝试将执行传递给另一个线程。运行线程是否会切换取决于操作系统。





Method Description
abort_on_exception It returns the status of global “abort on exception” condition. The default is true. When it is set to true, all threads will abort if an exception is raised in any thread.
abort_on_exception= When it is set to true, all threads will abort if an exception is raised. It returns the new state.
current It returns the currently executing thread.
exclusive{block} It wraps the block in a single, returning the value of the block.
exit It terminates the currently running thread and schedules another thread tro run.
kill(thread) It causes the given thread to exit.
fork([args]*){|args| block} It is basically same as ::new method.
handle_interrupt(hash){…} Changes asynchronous interrupt timing.
list Returns an array of thread objects for all threads that are either runnable or stopped.
main Returns the main thread.
new{…}/ new(*args, &proc)/ new(*args){|args|…} It creates a new thread executing the given block.
pass It gives the thread scheduler a hint to pass execution to another thread. A running thread may or may not switch depending upon the OS.
pending_interrupt?(error = nil) It returns whether or not the asynchronous queue is empty.
start([args]*){|args|block} It is basically same as ::new method.
stop It stops execution of the current thread, putting it into ‘sleep’ state and schedules execution of another thread.


Method Description
thr[sym] It returns the value of a fiber-local variable using either a string or symbol name.
thr[sym]= It creates the value of a fiber-local variable using either a string or symbol name.
abort_on_exception It returns status of “abort on exception” for thr.
abort_on_exception= When set to true, all threads will abort if an exception is raised in this thr.
add_trace_func(proc) Adds proc as a handler for tracing.
alive? It returns true if thr is running or sleeping.
backtrace It returns current backtrace of target ahead.
backtrace_locations(*args) It returns the execution stack for the target ahead.
exit/kill/terminate It terminates thr and executes another thread to run.
group It returns the ThreadGroup which contains the given thread or returns nil.
inspect It dumps the name, id and status of thr to a string.
join The calling thread will suspend execution and run this thr.
key?(sym) It returns true if the given string exists as a fiber-local variable.
keys It returns an array of the name of the fiber-local variables.
pending_interrupt?(error=nil) Returns whether or not the asynchronous queue is empty for the target thread.
priority It returns the priority of thr.
priority= It sets the priority of thr to integer.
kill It works same as exit.
raise It raises an exception from the given thread.
run It wakes up thr, making it eligible for scheduling.
safe_level It returns the safe level in effect for thr.
set_trace_func(proc) It establishes proc on thr as the handler.
status It returns the status of thr.
stop? It returns true if thr is sleeping or dead.
terminate It terminates thr and schedules another thread to run.
thread_variable?(key) It returns true if the given string exists as a thread local variable.
thread_variable_get(key) It returns the value of a thread local variable that has been set.
thread_variable_set(key, value) Set a thread local with key to value.
thread_variable It returns an array of the thread-local variables.
value It waits for thr to complete, using join and returns its value.
wakeup Makes a given thread eligible for scheduling, although it may still remained block on I/O.