📜  PyQtGraph – 符号

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:54:57.311000             🧑  作者: Mango

PyQtGraph – 符号

PyQtGraph 是一个图形和用户界面Python库,用于设计和科学应用程序中通常需要的功能。它提供了用于显示数据(绘图、视频等)的快速交互式图形。折线图是一种图形,它将信息显示为一系列通常称为标记的数据点,由直线段连接。散点图使用点来表示两个不同数值变量的值。它是一种图形,使用笛卡尔坐标绘制以显示一组数据的典型两个变量的值

当我们创建折线图或散点图时,需要使用某些符号来突出表示某些数据的点,默认为圆形,但可以根据需要进行修改。 pyqtgraph 总共提供了 12 个符号,可用于根据需要更改符号。

  • o :默认符号,圆形符号
  • t :向下的三角形符号
  • t1 :三角形向上符号
  • t2 :三角形指向右侧符号
  • t3 :三角形指向左侧符号
  • s :方形符号
  • p :五边形符号
  • h :六边形符号
  • star :星星符号
  • + :加号
  • d :棱镜符号
  • x :十字符号



plt = pg.plot()


  • 导入 pyqtgraph、pyqt5 和 numpy 模块
  • 创建主窗口类
  • 创建绘图窗口对象
  • 将图例添加到绘图窗口
  • 创建 12 条具有不同点的线,使它们不会相互交叉并具有不同的符号和颜色
  • 将绘图窗口和其他小部件(如标签)添加到网格布局
  • 将网格布局小部件设置为主窗口的中央小部件


# importing Qt widgets
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
# importing system
import sys
# importing numpy as np
import numpy as np
# importing pyqtgraph as pg
import pyqtgraph as pg
from PyQt5.QtGui import * from PyQt5.QtCore import * from collections import namedtuple
class Window(QMainWindow):
    def __init__(self):
        # setting title
        # setting geometry
        self.setGeometry(100, 100, 800, 500)
        # icon
        icon = QIcon("skin.png")
        # setting icon to the window
        # calling method
        # showing all the widgets
    # method for components
    def UiComponents(self):
        # creating a widget object
        widget = QWidget()
        # text
        text = "Geeksforgeeks Different Symbols"
        # creating a label
        label = QLabel(text)
        # setting minimum width
        # making label do word wrap
        # setting pyqtgraph configuration
        pg.setConfigOptions(antialias = True)
        # creating a plot window
        plot = pg.plot()
        # adding legend to the plot window
        # plot the line1 with symbol o
        # having color blue
        line1 = plot.plot([1, 1, 1, 1, 1], pen =(0, 0, 200), symbolBrush =(0, 0, 200),
                          symbolPen ='w', symbol ='o', symbolSize = 14, name ="symbol ='o'")
        # plot the line2 with symbol t
        # having color green
        line2 = plot.plot([2, 2, 2, 2, 2], pen =(0, 128, 0), symbolBrush =(0, 128, 0),
                          symbolPen ='w', symbol ='t', symbolSize = 14, name ="symbol ='t'")
        # plot the line3 with symbol t1
        # having color bluegreen
        line3 = plot.plot([3, 3, 3, 3, 3], pen =(19, 234, 201), symbolBrush =(19, 234, 201),
                          symbolPen ='w', symbol ='t1', symbolSize = 14, name ="symbol ='t1'")
        # plot the line4 with symbol t2
        # having color purple
        line4 = plot.plot([4, 4, 4, 4, 4], pen =(195, 46, 212), symbolBrush =(195, 46, 212),
                          symbolPen ='w', symbol ='t2', symbolSize = 14, name ="symbol ='t2'")
        # plot the line5 with symbol t3
        # having color brownish
        line5 = plot.plot([5, 5, 5, 5, 5], pen =(250, 194, 5), symbolBrush =(250, 194, 5),
                          symbolPen ='w', symbol ='t3', symbolSize = 14, name ="symbol ='t3'")
        # plot the line6 with symbol s
        # having color grey
        line6 = plot.plot([6, 6, 6, 6, 6], pen =(54, 55, 55), symbolBrush =(55, 55, 55), symbolPen ='w', symbol ='s', symbolSize = 14,
                  name ="symbol ='s'")
        # plot the line7 with symbol p
        # having color sky blue
        line7 = plot.plot([7, 7, 7, 7, 7], pen =(0, 114, 189), symbolBrush =(0, 114, 189),
                         symbolPen ='w', symbol ='p', symbolSize = 14, name ="symbol ='p'")
        # plot the line8 with symbol h
        # having color orange
        line8 = plot.plot([8, 8, 8, 8, 8], pen =(217, 83, 25), symbolBrush =(217, 83, 25),
                          symbolPen ='w', symbol ='h', symbolSize = 14, name ="symbol ='h'")
        # plot the line9 with symbol star
        # having yellow color
        line9 = plot.plot([9, 9, 9, 9, 9], pen =(237, 177, 32), symbolBrush =(237, 177, 32),
                          symbolPen ='w', symbol ='star', symbolSize = 14, name ="symbol ='star'")
        # plot the line10 with symbol +
        # having blueish color
        line10 = plot.plot([10, 10, 10, 10, 10], pen =(126, 47, 142), symbolBrush =(126, 47, 142),
                           symbolPen ='w', symbol ='+', symbolSize = 14, name ="symbol ='+'")
        # plot the line11 with symbol d
        # having greensih color
        line11 = plot.plot([11, 11, 11, 11, 11], pen =(119, 172, 48), symbolBrush =(119, 172, 48),
                           symbolPen ='w', symbol ='d', symbolSize = 14, name ="symbol ='d'")
        # plot the line12 with symbol x
        # having off white color
        line12 = plot.plot([12, 12, 12, 12, 12], pen =(180, 180, 180), symbolBrush =(180, 180, 180),
                           symbolPen ='w', symbol ='x', symbolSize = 14, name ="symbol ='x'")
        # setting x-axis range
        plot.setXRange(-3, 4)
        # Creating a grid layout
        layout = QGridLayout()
        # minimum width value of the label
        # setting this layout to the widget
        # adding label in the layout
        layout.addWidget(label, 1, 0)
        # plot window goes on right side, spanning 3 rows
        layout.addWidget(plot, 0, 1, 3, 1)
        # setting this widget as central widget of the main widow
# create pyqt5 app
App = QApplication(sys.argv)
# create the instance of our Window
window = Window()
# start the app

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