📜  SASS控制指令和表达式

📅  最后修改于: 2020-12-25 04:03:22             🧑  作者: Mango


Sass控制指令和表达式可帮助您根据某些条件使用样式。它还使您能够多次应用相同的样式。 SassScript支持它。



Index Expression Description
1. if() function The if() function is based on the condition. It returns only one result from two possible values.
2. @if directive The @if directive accepts SassScript expressions and uses the nested styles whenever the result of the expression is anything other than false or null.
3. @else if directive The Sass @else-if directive is used when @if directive is failed. If it is failed @else directive is used.
4. @for directive with through keyword The @for directive facilitates you to generate styles in a loop.
5. @each directive A variable is defined within the @each directive which contains the value of each item in a list.
6. @each directive with multiple assignments We can use Sass @each directive with multiple values like $var1, $var2, $var3, … in .
7. @for directive with to keyword In Sass @for directive, the “to” keyword is used to specify the range form value to the value before value.
8. @while directive It takes SassScript expressions and until the statement evaluates to false it iteratively outputs nested styles.