📜  网站和网页之间的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2020-12-24 00:50:07             🧑  作者: Mango





可以将网页定义为通过互联网显示在网站上的数字文档。在较大的网站中,网页只是网站的一小部分。网页包含比网站更具体的信息。如果多个网页位于不同的文档中,则它们可以具有相同的名称。网页的内容将显示在网站上。这是网站的一部分,这就是为什么它需要更少的时间来开发的原因。使用单个URL,我们可以访问网页。我们可以复制和共享网页。我们不需要任何导航即可查看网页。网页可以具有图形,视频,音频,纯文本,超文本,到其他页面的超链接等。可以使用网络浏览器显示网页的内容。 Web浏览器连接到服务器以显示远程文件。使用HTML和Web等编程语言可以创建网页。 HTML页面不那么交互式,而且外观简单,但是加载和浏览时间更少。





S.N. Website Webpage
1 Website is a collection of web pages, and we can access these web pages using the URL. It is a part of the website. It contains links to other web pages.
2 The URL of website does not have any extension. The URL of a web page has an extension as php, htm, html, etc.
3 A unique URL is contained in each website. If multiple web pages reside in a different document, they can have the same name.
4 A website is a location where the content of the web page is displayed. A web page contains the content that will be displayed on the website.
5 The website and web page address does not have any relation. The address of the web page depends on the address of the website.
6 It takes more time to load as compared to the web page. It is a part of website that’s why it needs less time to develop.
7 A website shows all the online content, and it involves each type of file. It is a part of website which drives website and is used to hold it together.