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📅  最后修改于: 2020-12-15 04:33:59             🧑  作者: Mango




typedef pair value_type;




下面是头文件中std :: map的定义

template < class Key,
           class T,
           class Compare = less,
           class Alloc = allocator >
           > class map;


  • 密钥密钥的类型。

  • T-映射值的类型。

  • 比较-一个二进制谓词,它使用两个元素键作为参数并返回布尔值。

  • Alloc-分配器对象的类型。




Sr.No. Member types Definition
1 key_type Key (First parameter of the template)
2 mapped_type T (Second parameter of the template)
3 key_compare Compare (Third parameter of the template)
4 allocator_type Alloc (Fourth parameter of the template)
5 value_type pair
6 value_compare Nested function class to compare elements
7 reference allocator_type::reference
8 const_reference allocator_type::const_reference
9 pointer allocator_type::pointer
10 const_pointer allocator_type::const_pointer
11 iterator bi-directional iterator to value_type
12 const_iterator bi-directional iterator to const value_type
13 reverse_iterator reverse iterator
14 const_reverse_iterator constant reverse iterator
15 difference_type ptrdiff_t
16 size_type size_t




Sr.No. Method & Description
1 map::map default constructor

Constructs an empty map with zero elements.

2 map::map range constructor

Constructs a map with as many elements as in range of first to last.

3 map::map copy constructor

Constructs a map with copy of each elements present in existing map.

4 map::map move constructor

Constructs a map with the contents of other using move semantics.

5 map::map initializer list constructor

Constructs a map from initialize list.


Sr.No. Method & Description
1 map::~map

Destroys map object by deallocating it’s memory.


Sr.No. Method & Description
1 map::at

Returns a reference to the mapped value associated with key k.

2 map::begin

Returns a iterator which refers to the first element of the map.

3 map::cbegin

Returns a constant iterator which refers to the first element of the map.

4 map::cend

Returns a constant iterator which points to past-the-end element of the map.

5 map::clear

Destroys the map by removing all elements and sets size of map to zero.

6 map::count

Returns number of mapped values associated with key k.

7 map::crbegin

Returns a constant reverse iterator which points to the last element of the container i.

8 map::crend

Returns a constant reverse iterator which points to the theoretical element preceding the first element in the container i.

9 map::emplace

Extends container by inserting new element.

10 map::emplace_hint hint version

Inserts a new element in a map using hint as a position for element.

11 map::empty

Tests whether map is empty or not.

12 map::end

Returns an iterator which points to past-the-end element in the map.

13 map::equal_range

Returns range of elements that matches specific key.

14 map::erase position version

Removes single element of the map from position.

15 map::erase position version

Removes single element of the map from position.

16 map::erase key

Removes mapped value associated with key k.

17 map::erase range version

Removes range of element from the the map.

18 map::erase range version

Removes range of element from the the map.

19 map::find

Finds an element associated with key k.

20 map::get_allocator

Returns an allocator associated with map.

21 map::insert single element

Extends container by inserting new element in map.

22 map::insert hint version

Extends container by inserting new element in map.

23 map::insert range version

Extends container by inserting new elements in the map.

24 map::insert move hint verstion

Extends map by inserting new element.

25 map::insert initializer list version

Extends map by inserting new element from initializer list.

26 map::key_comp

Returns a function object that compares the keys, which is a copy of this container’s constructor argument comp.

27 map::lower_bound

Returns an iterator pointing to the first element which is not less than key k.

28 map::max_size

Returns the maximum number of elements can be held by map.

29 map::operator= copy version

Assign new contents to the map by replacing old ones and modifies size if necessary.

30 map::operator= move version

Move the contents of one map into another and modifies size if necessary.

31 map::operator= initializer list version

Copy elements from initializer list to map.

32 map::operator[] copy version

If key k matches an element in the container, then method returns a reference to the element.

33 map::operator[] move version

If key k matches an element in the container, then method returns a reference to the element.

34 map::rbegin

Returns a reverse iterator which points to the last element of the map.

35 map::rend

Returns a reverse iterator which points to the reverse end of the map i.

36 map::size

Returns the number of elements present in the map.

37 map::swap

Exchanges the content of map with contents of map x.

38 map::upper_bound

Returns an iterator pointing to the first element which is greater than key k.

39 map::value_comp

Returns a function object that compares objects of type std::map::value_type.


Sr.No. Method & Description
1 operator==

Tests whether two maps are equal or not.

2 operator!=

Tests whether two maps are equal or not.

3 operator<

Tests whether first map is less than other or not.

4 map::operator<=

Tests whether first map is less than or equal to other or not.

5 operator>

Tests whether first map is greater than other or not.

6 operator>=

Tests whether first map is greater than or equal to other or not.

7 swap()

Exchanges the content of map with contents of map x.




typedef pair value_type;




下面是头文件中std :: multimap的定义

template < class Key,
           class T,
           class Compare = less,
           class Alloc = allocator >
           > class multimap;


  • 密钥密钥的类型。

  • T-映射值的类型。

  • 比较-一个二进制谓词,它使用两个元素键作为参数并返回布尔值。

  • Alloc-分配器对象的类型。

  • T可以用任何其他数据类型(包括用户定义的类型)代替。



Sr.No. Member types Definition
1 key_type Key (First parameter of the template)
2 mapped_type T (Second parameter of the template)
3 key_compare Compare (Third parameter of the template)
4 allocator_type Alloc (Fourth parameter of the template)
5 value_type pair
6 value_compare Nested function class to compare elements
7 reference allocator_type::reference
8 const_reference allocator_type::const_reference
9 pointer allocator_type::pointer
10 const_pointer allocator_type::const_pointer
11 iterator bi-directional iterator to value_type
12 const_iterator bi-directional iterator to const value_type
13 reverse_iterator reverse iterator
14 const_reverse_iterator constant reverse iterator
15 difference_type ptrdiff_t
16 size_type size_t




Sr.No. Method & Description
1 multimap::multimap default constructor

Constructs an empty multimap with zero elements.

2 multimap::multimap range constructor

Constructs a multimap with as many elements as in range of first to last.

3 multimap::multimap copy constructor

Constructs a multimap with copy of each elements present in existing multimap.

4 multimap::multimap move constructor

Constructs a multimap with the contents of other using move semantics.

5 multimap::multimap initializer list constructor

Constructs a multimap from initialize list.


Sr.No. Method & Description
1 multimap::~multimap

Destroys multimap object by deallocating it’s memory.


Sr.No. Method & Description
1 multimap::begin

Returns a iterator which refers to the first element of the multimap.

2 multimap::cbegin

Returns a constant iterator which refers to the first element of the multimap.

3 multimap::cend

Returns a constant iterator which points to past-the-end element of the multimap.

4 multimap::clear

Destroys the multimap by removing all elements and sets size of multimap to zero.

5 multimap::count

Returns number of multimapped values associated with key k.

6 multimap::crbegin

Returns a constant reverse iterator which points to the last element of the container.

7 multimap::crend

Returns a constant reverse iterator which points to the theoretical element preceding the first element in the container.

8 multimap::emplace

Extends container by inserting new element.

9 multimap::emplace_hint hint version

Inserts a new element in a multimap using hint as a position for element.

10 multimap::empty

Tests whether multimap is empty or not.

11 multimap::end

Returns an iterator which points to past-the-end element in the multimap.

12 multimap::equal_range

Returns range of elements that matches specific key.

13 multimap::erase position version

Removes single element of the multimap from position.

14 multimap::erase position version

Removes single element of the multimap from position.

15 multimap::erase key

Removes mapped value associated with key k.

16 multimap::erase range version

Removes range of element from the the multimap.

17 multimap::erase range version

Removes range of element from the the multimap.

18 multimap::find

Finds an element associated with key k.

19 multimap::get_allocator

Returns an allocator associated with multimap.

20 multimap::insert single element

Extends container by inserting new element in multimap.

21 multimap::insert hint version

Extends container by inserting new element in multimap.

22 multimap::insert range version

Extends container by inserting new elements in the multimap.

23 multimap::insert move hint verstion

Extends multimap by inserting new element.

24 multimap::insert initializer list version

Extends multimap by inserting new element from initializer list.

25 multimap::key_comp

Returns a function object that compares the keys, which is a copy of this container’s constructor argument comp.

26 multimap::lower_bound

Returns an iterator pointing to the first element which is not less than key k.

27 multimap::max_size

Returns the maximum number of elements can be held by multimap.

28 multimap::operator= copy version

Assign new contents to the multimap by replacing old ones and modifies size if necessary.

29 multimap::operator= move version

Move the contents of one multimap into another and modifies size if necessary.

30 multimap::operator= initializer list version

Copy elements from initializer list to multimap.

31 multimap::rbegin

Returns a reverse iterator which points to the last element of the multimap.

32 multimap::rend

Returns a reverse iterator which points to the reverse end of the multimap.

33 multimap::size

Returns the number of elements present in the multimap.

34 multimap::swap

Exchanges the content of multimap with contents of multimap x.

35 multimap::upper_bound

Returns an iterator pointing to the first element which is greater than key k.

36 multimap::value_comp

Returns a function object that compares objects of type std::multimap::value_type.


Sr.No. Method & Description
1 operator==

Tests whether two multimaps are equal or not.

2 operator!=

Tests whether two multimaps are equal or not.

3 operator<

Tests whether first multimap is less than other or not.

4 multimap::operator<=

Tests whether first multimap is less than or equal to other or not.

5 operator>

Tests whether first multimap is greater than other or not.

6 operator>=

Tests whether first multimap is greater than or equal to other or not.

7 swap()

Exchanges the content of multimap with contents of multimap x.