📜  C++库-

📅  最后修改于: 2020-12-15 04:25:42             🧑  作者: Mango


它是一个标头,描述了用于管理C++中的动态存储的函数。标头还定义了一些特定类型和set_new_handler / get_new_handler函数对,如下所示-


Sr.No. Function & description
1 operator new

It allocates storage space.

2 operator new[]

It allocates storage space for array.

3 operator delete

It deallocates storage space.

4 operator delete[]

It deallocates storage space of array.

5 get_new_handler

It is used to get new handler function.


Sr.No. Type & description
1 nothrow_t

It is a nathrow type.

2 new_handler

It is a type of new handler function.

3 bad_alloc

It is an exception and throws on failure allocating memory.

4 bad_array_new_length

It is a bad array length exception.


Sr.No. Constant & description
1 nothrow

It is a nathrow constants.