📜  Linux vs Windows

📅  最后修改于: 2020-12-07 06:03:13             🧑  作者: Mango



在本节中,我们将通过考虑一些参数(例如性能,可用性,安全性,易用性等)来讨论Linux和Windows之间的区别,并通过更多参数来清楚地了解使用这两种操作系统的情况。此外,我们将看到Linux相对于其他操作系统(例如Windows和Mac OS)的优势。这将帮助您确定哪个更适合您。




Windows是Microsoft开发和销售的图形操作系统。也称为Microsoft Windows。市场上已经推出了几种Windows版本。当前版本是Windows10。 1985年11月20日引入了Windows的第一个版本,作为用于MS-DOS的图形操作系统。

Microsoft Windows是各种操作系统的家族。它具有两个版本,即64位和32位。它简化了客户端和服务器版本。最新的客户端版本是Windows 10,服务器版本是Windows Server 2019。



Linux是一个开源操作系统。由于它是开源的,因此它很特殊并且与其他操作系统不同,这意味着您可以通过编辑源代码对其进行自定义。它提供了编程以及图形用户界面。 Linux由Linux Torvalds构建,因为他想创建一个任何人都可以使用的免费操作系统内核。

Linux是基于Linux内核的一组操作系统。 Linux的第一个版本于1991年发布。Linux系统最常用于服务器。但是,它在桌面版本中也可用。

Ubuntu,DevianFedora是一些流行的Linux发行版。此外,我们还有用于商业发行Linux的SUSE Linux Enterprise Server(SLES)RedHat Enterprise Linux。由于它是开源的,因此我们可以修改源代码并在操作系统中进行更改。


  • 文件系统


但是Linux使用树结构来存储和组织文件。 Linux文件结构从根目录开始,并且被视为文件系统的起点。用正斜杠(/)表示。在Linux中,所有内容(目录,设备和文件)都被视为文件。


  • 一般档案
  • 目录文件
  • 设备文件




设备文件: Windows将外部设备(Pendrives,硬盘驱动器和CD-ROM)表示为诸如E的字母:F:但是,Linux将设备表示为文件,例如硬盘的分区被表示为dev / sda1,dev / sda2以及更多(取决于分区数)。所有设备文件都在目录/ dev中。

  • 文件命名约定


  • 用户数


  • 管理员
  • 标准
  • 儿童
  • 来宾


  • 定期
  • 行政(根)
  • 服务


在Linux中,当我们在系统上安装ubuntu时,将创建一个普通帐户用户。默认情况下,我们所有文件都保存在主目录(/ home /)中。普通用户无法访问其他用户的目录。




Linux系统被广泛用作服务器操作系统。领先的服务提供商(例如Apache,Squid,电子邮件等)拥有其服务帐户以提高安全性。 Linux服务用户可以根据服务类型允许或拒绝访问各种资源。


  • 主目录

Linux OS为用户提供了一个单独的主目录。用户创建的文件和目录存储在特定的主目录下。用户不能将文件存储在任何其他用户的目录下,因为不允许访问其他用户的目录。例如,用户“ Alex”的主目录在安装时自动创建为“ / home / alex /”

Windows操作系统还为不同的用户提供了不同的主目录。它是“ C:\文档或\ settings”

  • 其他目录

Linux系统具有树形结构来保存目录。相对而言,Windows使用不同的驱动器来保存目录。在Windows中,系统文件和程序文件通常在C驱动器中进行。但是在Linux中,系统文件和程序文件发生在其特定目录中,例如软件文件存储在/ bin中,程序和设备文件存储在/ dev中,引导文件存储在/ boot目录中。

  • 核心


Linux和Windows具有不同的内核。 Linux内核是单片的,它消耗更多的运行空间。相比之下,Windows使用微内核,它消耗更少的运行空间。但是,Windows的运行效率低于Linux。 Linux内核和Windows内核之间的主要区别在于Windows是商业软件,而Linux是开源软件。

  • 价钱

Linux是一个开源操作系统,因此几乎所有实用程序和库都是完全免费的。可以简单地免费下载GNU / Linux发行版。但是,有些公司正在为其Linux发行版提供付费支持,但是底层软件仍然是免费的。

Microsoft Windows许可副本的价格通常在$ 99.00和$ 199.00之间。 Microsoft当前停止提供对早期版本的支持。最新版本Windows 10的价格为139美元


Parameter Linux Windows
Access Users can access the source code of kernel in Linux and can alter the kernel according to need. Usually, users cannot access the source code. However, members of some groups can have access to it.
Variety Linux has several distributions that are highly customizable. Windows have fewer options to customize.
Command-line The command line usually referred to as Terminal, which is the most useful tool of the Linux system. It used for administration and daily tasks. For the end-users, it does not look so effective. Windows also have a command line, but it is not such effective as a comparison to the Linux terminal. Most users prefer the GUI options for daily tasks.
Installation The Linux installation process is a bit complicated to set up as it requires many user inputs. It takes less time than Windows to install. Windows OS is easy to install and set up on a machine; it requires fewer user input options during installation. However, it takes more time to install as compared to Linux.
Ease of use The Linux OS is meant to be for the technical user because you must have some exposure to various Linux commands. Users may take more time to be a handy user of Linux. The troubleshooting process is also complicated as compared to Windows. Windows comes with simple and rich GUI options, so it is easy to use it. It can be simply used by technical as well as non-technical users. The troubleshooting process is also much easy than Linux.
Written in Linux is written in assembly language and C. Windows is written in C++ and assembly language.
Reliability Linux is highly reliable and secure. It has well-established system security, process management, and uptime. Windows is not as much reliable as Linux. However, now Windows has improved reliability but still has some security weaknesses and system instabilities.
Support Linux has a

good support as it has a huge community of user forums and online search.

Windows also provide good support to its user. It provides free as well as paid support. It has an easily accessible online forum.
Update Linux provides full control to its users on updates. A user can install the update whenever needed. Also, it takes less time to install an update. Windows updates are annoying. The updates will come at any time and take too much time to install. Sometimes, you power on your machine, and updates are automatically getting started. Unfortunately, the user does not have much control over updates.
Security Linux OS is more secure than Windows. It is hard for the hackers and attackers to find a loophole in it. So, Linux is hard to breakthrough. Windows is less secure than Linux. Attackers primarily target the Windows for malware and virus. Windows is most vulnerable without anti-virus.
License Linux is distributed under the GPL(GNU General Public License) license. Windows is distributed under a Proprietary commercial software license.