📜  斯卡拉 |最终的

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:54:29.797000             🧑  作者: Mango

斯卡拉 |最终的

在 Scala 中, Final是一个关键字,用于通过各种方式对超类或父类施加限制。我们可以将 final 关键字与变量、方法和类一起使用。
以下是在 Scala 中使用 final 关键字的方法

  1. 斯卡拉最终变量:

Scale final 变量在声明时仅初始化一次,并在整个程序中用作常量。在下面的示例中,变量area是 final ,它被声明为 final 并且在超类shape中声明时也被初始化。如果我们想从派生类 Rectangle 中访问或修改变量区域,那么这是不可能的,因为对变量区域的限制是通过关键字 final 添加的。

Scala final 变量通过以下方式初始化:

  • 在声明的同时
  • 在静态块中
  • 在构造函数中
// Scala program of using final variable
class Shapes
    // define final variable
    final val area:Int = 60
class Rectangle extends Shapes
    override val area:Int = 100
    def display()
// Creating object
object GFG
    // Main method
    def main(args:Array[String])
        var b = new Rectangle() 

// Scala program of using final method
class Shapes
    val height:Int = 0
    val width :Int =0
    // Define final method
    final def CalArea(){ 
class Rectangle extends Shapes
    override def CalArea()
        val area:Int = height * width 
// Creating object
object GFG
    // Main method
    def main(args:Array[String])
        var b = new Rectangle() 

// Scala program of using final class
final class Shapes
    // Final variables and functions
    val height:Int = 0
    val width :Int =0
    final def CalArea()
class Rectangle extends Shapes
    // Cannot inherit Shapes class 
     override def CalArea()
        val area:Int = height * width 
// Creating Object
object GFG
    // Main method
    def main(args:Array[String])
        var b = new Rectangle() 


输出 :

prog.scala:5: error: overriding value area in class Shapes of type Int;
 value area cannot override final member
override val area:Int = 100
one error found

  • Scala最终方法:
    父类(Shapes)中的 final 方法CalArea表明,该方法不能在子类(Rectangle)中覆盖。


    // Scala program of using final method
    class Shapes
        val height:Int = 0
        val width :Int =0
        // Define final method
        final def CalArea(){ 
    class Rectangle extends Shapes
        override def CalArea()
            val area:Int = height * width 
    // Creating object
    object GFG
        // Main method
        def main(args:Array[String])
            var b = new Rectangle() 


    输出 :

    prog.scala:8: error: overriding method CalArea in class Shapes of type ()Unit;
     method CalArea cannot override final member
        override def CalArea(){
    one error found

  • Scala 最终课程
    如果 Scala 中的类是 final 的,那么它不能继承到派生类。继承限制将由 final 关键字添加。在这里,如果类 Shapes 是最终的,那么它的所有成员也是最终的并且不能在派生类中使用。


    // Scala program of using final class
    final class Shapes
        // Final variables and functions
        val height:Int = 0
        val width :Int =0
        final def CalArea()
    class Rectangle extends Shapes
        // Cannot inherit Shapes class 
         override def CalArea()
            val area:Int = height * width 
    // Creating Object
    object GFG
        // Main method
        def main(args:Array[String])
            var b = new Rectangle() 


    输出 :

    prog.scala:4: error: illegal inheritance from final class Shapes
    class Rectangle extends Shapes{
    one error found