📜  MapReduce API

📅  最后修改于: 2020-12-03 01:44:10             🧑  作者: Mango

MapReduce API

在本节中,我们重点介绍MapReduce API。在这里,我们了解MapReduce编程中使用的类和方法。

MapReduce Mapper类别




void cleanup(Context context) This method called only once at the end of the task.
void map(KEYIN key, VALUEIN value, Context context) This method can be called only once for each key-value in the input split.
void run(Context context) This method can be override to control the execution of the Mapper.
void setup(Context context) This method called only once at the beginning of the task.

MapReduce Reducer类别



void cleanup(Context context) This method called only once at the end of the task.
void map(KEYIN key, Iterable values, Context context) This method called only once for each key.
void run(Context context) This method can be used to control the tasks of the Reducer.
void setup(Context context) This method called only once at the beginning of the task.




Methods Description
Counters getCounters() This method is used to get the counters for the job.
long getFinishTime() This method is used to get the finish time for the job.
Job getInstance() This method is used to generate a new Job without any cluster.
Job getInstance(Configuration conf) This method is used to generate a new Job without any cluster and provided configuration.
Job getInstance(Configuration conf, String jobName) This method is used to generate a new Job without any cluster and provided configuration and job name.
String getJobFile() This method is used to get the path of the submitted job configuration.
String getJobName() This method is used to get the user-specified job name.
JobPriority getPriority() This method is used to get the scheduling function of the job.
void setJarByClass(Class c) This method is used to set the jar by providing the class name with .class extension.
void setJobName(String name) This method is used to set the user-specified job name.
void setMapOutputKeyClass(Class class) This method is used to set the key class for the map output data.
void setMapOutputValueClass(Class class) This method is used to set the value class for the map output data.
void setMapperClass(Class class) This method is used to set the Mapper for the job.
void setNumReduceTasks(int tasks) This method is used to set the number of reduce tasks for the job
void setReducerClass(Class class) This method is used to set the Reducer for the job.