📜  jQuery bind()

📅  最后修改于: 2020-11-26 01:34:58             🧑  作者: Mango

jQuery bind()

jQuery bind()事件用于为一组元素中的选定元素附加一个或多个事件处理程序。它指定事件发生时要运行的函数。




jQuery bind()事件的参数

Parameter Description
Event It is a mandatory parameter. It specifies one or more events to attach to the elements. If you want to add multiple events they they must be separated by space.
Data It is an optional parameter. It specifies additional data to pass along to the function.
Function It is a mandatory parameter. It executes the function to run when the event occurs.
Map It specifies an event map which contains one or more events or functions attached to the element.

jQuery bind()事件的示例

让我们以一个示例来演示jQuery bind()事件。

Click on the statement.


Click on the statement.

jQuery bind()事件的优点

  • 它与各种浏览器兼容。
  • 绑定事件处理程序非常简单快捷。
  • 它提供了一些带有click(),hover()等事件的简便快捷方法,用于绑定事件处理程序。

具有mouseenter()和mouseleave()事件的jQuery bind()示例

让我们以带有mouseenter()和mouseleave()事件的jQuery bind()为例。

  bind demo

Click or double click on the statement.