📜  mips exit syscall (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:17:39.722000             🧑  作者: Mango

MIPS Exit Syscall

The MIPS exit syscall is a system call instruction used to terminate a program and return control to the operating system. It is commonly used to gracefully exit a MIPS assembly program. In this article, we will discuss the details of the MIPS exit syscall, including its functionality and usage.


The MIPS exit syscall is used to terminate a program and return the exit status to the operating system. It allows the program to indicate its termination status, which can be used by other programs or scripts that call it. The exit status is an integer value that is passed as an argument to the exit syscall.

When the exit syscall is called, it performs the following actions:

  1. Flushes any buffered output, such as text printed to the console using the syscall for writing.
  2. Closes any open files or resources associated with the program.
  3. Terminates the program and returns control to the operating system.

The exit syscall in MIPS assembly language is invoked using the syscall instruction with the syscall number 10 (0x0a) and the exit status in $a0 register. Here's an example usage of the exit syscall:

    exit_message: .asciiz "Program terminated successfully.\n"

        # Print an exit message
        li $v0, 4     # syscall code for printing a string
        la $a0, exit_message  # load the address of exit_message string

        # Terminate the program
        li $v0, 10    # syscall code for exit
        li $a0, 0     # exit status (0 means success)

In the above example, the program first prints an exit message using the print_string syscall (syscall code 4), and then it calls the exit syscall (syscall code 10) with an exit status of 0 to indicate successful termination.

Exit Status

The exit status indicates the result of the program's execution. Conventionally, a value of 0 is used to denote a successful execution, while a non-zero value represents an error or abnormal termination. The specific interpretation of the exit status value is left to the calling program or script.

For example, in a shell script, you can check the exit status of a MIPS program using the $? special variable:

if [ $exit_status -eq 0 ]; then
    echo "Program terminated successfully."
    echo "Program terminated with an error."

The exit status can be useful to determine the success or failure of a program and take appropriate actions or make decisions based on it.


The MIPS exit syscall is a vital instruction for terminating a program and returning control to the operating system. It allows the program to specify an exit status, which can be used for error handling or status reporting. Understanding the usage and importance of the exit syscall is crucial for MIPS assembly programmers.