📜  MySQL教程

📅  最后修改于: 2020-11-17 01:51:06             🧑  作者: Mango



MySQL是基于结构化查询语言的关系数据库管理系统,该结构化查询语言是用于访问和管理数据库中记录的流行语言。 MySQL是GNU许可下的开源和免费软件。它受到Oracle公司的支持。



在学习MySQL之前,了解数据库非常重要。数据库是一种存储有组织的记录集合的应用程序。用户可以很容易地访问和管理它。它使我们可以将数据组织到表,行,列和索引中,以快速找到相关信息。每个数据库都包含用于执行数据库操作(例如创建,管理,访问和搜索其存储的数据)的独特API。今天,有许多可用的数据库,例如MySQL,Sybase,Oracle,MongoDB,PostgreSQL,SQL Server等。在本节中,我们将主要关注MySQL。


MySQL是当前用于管理关系数据库的最流行的数据库管理系统软件。它是Oracle公司支持的开源数据库软件。与Microsoft SQL Server和Oracle Database相比,它是快速,可伸缩且易于使用的数据库管理系统。它通常与PHP脚本结合使用,以创建功能强大且动态的服务器端或基于Web的企业应用程序。

它是由瑞典公司MySQL AB开发,销售和支持的,并用C编程语言和C++编程语言编写。 MySQL的正式发音不是My Sequel。这是我的埃克斯奎尔。但是,您可以用自己的方式发音。许多大小公司都使用MySQL。 MySQL支持使用C,C++和Java语言的许多操作系统,例如Windows,Linux,MacOS等。


  • 它使我们能够对表,行,列和索引执行数据库操作。
  • 它以表(行和列的集合)的形式定义数据库关系,也称为关系。
  • 它提供各种表的行或列之间的参照完整性。
  • 它允许我们自动更新表索引。
  • 它使用许多SQL查询,并将来自多个表的有用信息组合起来供最终用户使用。


MySQL遵循客户端-服务器体系结构的工作。此模型旨在为称为客户端的最终用户使用网络服务从称为服务器的中央计算机访问资源。在这里,客户端通过图形用户界面(GUI)发出请求,并且只要指令匹配,服务器就会给出所需的输出。 MySQL环境的过程与客户端-服务器模型相同。

MySQL数据库的核心是MySQL Server。该服务器可作为单独的程序使用,并负责处理所有数据库指令,语句或命令。 MySQL数据库与MySQL Server的配合使用如下:

  • MySQL创建了一个数据库,使您可以构建许多表来存储和处理数据并定义每个表之间的关系。
  • 客户端使用MySQL上的特定SQL表达式,通过GUI屏幕或命令提示符发出请求。
  • 最后,服务器应用程序将使用请求的表达式进行响应,并在客户端产生所需的结果。

客户端可以使用任何MySQL GUI。但是,它可以确保您的GUI更轻巧且用户友好,以使您的数据管理活动更快,更轻松。一些最广泛使用的MySQL GUI是MySQL Workbench,SequelPro,DBVisualizer和Navicat DB Admin Tool。一些GUI是商业性的,而一些GUI是免费的,但功能有限,而某些GUI仅与MacOS兼容。因此,您可以根据需要选择GUI。



  • MySQL是一个开源数据库,因此您不必花一分钱就可以使用它。
  • MySQL是一个非常强大的程序,可以处理最昂贵和最强大的数据库程序包的大量功能。
  • MySQL是可定制的,因为它是一个开源数据库,并且开源GPL许可证使程序员可以根据自己的特定环境修改SQL软件。
  • MySQL比其他数据库要快,因此即使使用大量数据集,MySQL也可以很好地工作。
  • MySQL支持使用多种语言的许多操作系统,例如PHP,PERL,C,C++,JAVA等。
  • MySQL使用众所周知的SQL数据语言的标准格式。
  • MySQL与PHP(Web开发最流行的语言)非常友好。
  • MySQL支持大型数据库,一个表中多达5000万行或更多。表的默认文件大小限制为4GB,但是您可以将其增加(如果操作系统可以处理),理论上的限制为800万兆字节(TB)。


MySQL的项目始于1979年,当时MySQL的发明者Michael Widenius开发了一种内部数据库工具UNIREG用于管理数据库。之后,UNIREG已用几种不同的语言进行了重写,并扩展到可以处理大型数据库。一段时间后,Michael Widenius联系了mSQL的作者David Hughes,以查看Hughes是否有兴趣将mSQL连接到UNIREG的B + ISAM处理程序以提供对mSQL的索引。这就是MySQL诞生的方式。

MySQL以共同创始人Michael Widenius的女儿的名字命名,名字叫“ My”。


Year Happenings
1995 MySQL AB, founded by Michael Widenius (Monty), David Axmark, and Allan Larsson in Sweden.
2000 MySQL goes open-source and releases software under the terms of the GPL. Revenues dropped 80% as a result, and it took a year to make up for it.
2001 Marten Mickos elected CEO at age 38. Marten was the CEO of several nordic companies before joining MySQL and comes with a sales and marketing background. 2 million active installations. Raised series with an undisclosed amount from Scandinavian venture capitalists. It was estimated to be around $1 to $2 million.
2002 MySQL launched its headquarters in addition to Swedish headquarters. At that time, 3 million active users. MySQL was ended this year with $6.5 million in revenue with 1,000 paying customers.
2003 This year raised a $19.5 million series b from benchmark capital and index ventures. At this time, 4 million active installations and over 30,000 downloads per day. It ended the year with $12 million in revenue.
2004 With the main revenue coming from the OEM dual-licensing model, MySQL decides to move more into the enterprise market and to focus more on recurring revenue from end-users rather than one-time licensing fees from their OEM partners. It ended the year with $20 million in revenue.
2005 MySQL launched the MySQL network model after the Redhat network. The MySQL network is a subscription service targeted at end-users that provide updates, alerts, notifications, and product-level support designed to make it easier for companies to manage hundreds of MySQL servers. MySQL 5 ships and includes many new features to go after enterprise users (e.g., stored procedures, triggers, views, cursors, distributed transactions, federated storage engines, etc.) Oracle buys innobase, the 4-person, and a Finland’s company behind MySQL’s InnoDB storage backend, ended the year with $34 million in revenue based on 3400 customers.
2006 Marten Mickos confirms that Oracle tried to buy MySQL. Oracle’ CEO Larry Ellison commented: “we’ve spoken to them, in fact, we’ve spoken to almost everyone. Are we interested? It’s a tiny company. I think the revenues from MySQL are between $30 million and $40 million. Oracle’s revenue next year is $15 billion.” Oracle buys sleepycat, the company that provides MySQL with the Berkeley db transactional storage engine. Marten Mickos announces that they are making MySQL ready for an IPO in 2008 on a projected $100 million in revenues. 8 million active installations. MySQL has 320 employees in 25 countries, 70 percent of whom work from home, raised an $18 million series c based on a rumored valuation north of $300 million. MySQL is estimated to have a 33% market share measured in install base and 0.2% market share measured in revenue (the database market was a $15 billion market in 2006). It ended the year with $50 million in revenue.
2007 It ended the year with $75 million in revenue.
2008 Sun Microsystems acquired MySQL AB for approximately $1 billion. Michael Widenius (Monty) and David Axmark, two of MySQL AB’s co-founders, begin to criticize Sun publicly and leave Sun shortly after.
2009 Marten Mickos leaves Sun and becomes entrepreneur-in-residence at Benchmark Capital. Sun has now lost the business and spiritual leaders that turned MySQL into a success.
Sun Microsystems and Oracle announced that they have entered into a definitive agreement under which Oracle will acquire Sun common stock for $9.50 per share in cash. The transaction is valued at approximately $7.4 billion.






