📜  如何在CSS中使用Google字体

📅  最后修改于: 2020-11-05 09:36:09             🧑  作者: Mango


为网页选择正确的字体是任何网页设计的重要方面。使用Google字体是有优势的,因为我们为网站提供了精美的字体。 Google字体API使每个人都可以更轻松快捷地使用网络字体。这些字体已在各种浏览器配置上经过测试。



  • 首先,我们必须添加样式表链接以请求所需的Web字体。

  • 然后,我们可以在样式表中或通过内联样式使用所需的Web字体设置元素的样式。
.css-selector {
font-family: 'Font Name', serif;


Your text




Hello World

font-family: Roboto;

Hi, Welcome to the javaTpoint.com. This site is developed so that students may learn computer science related technologies easily. The javaTpoint.com is always providing an easy and in-depth tutorial on various technologies. No one is perfect in this world, and nothing is eternally best. But we can try to be better.



Hello World

font-family: Lobster;

Hi, Welcome to the javaTpoint.com. This site is developed so that students may learn computer science related technologies easily. The javaTpoint.com is always providing an easy and in-depth tutorial on various technologies. No one is perfect in this world, and nothing is eternally best. But we can try to be better.


在此示例中,我们使用的字体家族名称Chelsea Market处有一个空格,因此我们将这个空格替换为加号(+)。

Hello World

font-family: Chelsea Market;

Hi, Welcome to the javaTpoint.com. This site is developed so that students may learn computer science related technologies easily. The javaTpoint.com is always providing an easy and in-depth tutorial on various technologies. No one is perfect in this world, and nothing is eternally best. But we can try to be better.



Hello World

font-family: Great Vibes;

Hi, Welcome to the javaTpoint.com. This site is developed so that students may learn computer science related technologies easily. The javaTpoint.com is always providing an easy and in-depth tutorial on various technologies. No one is perfect in this world, and nothing is eternally best. But we can try to be better.

font-family: Inconsolata;

Hi, Welcome to the javaTpoint.com. This site is developed so that students may learn computer science related technologies easily. The javaTpoint.com is always providing an easy and in-depth tutorial on various technologies. No one is perfect in this world, and nothing is eternally best. But we can try to be better.

font-family: Satisfy;

Hi, Welcome to the javaTpoint.com. This site is developed so that students may learn computer science related technologies easily. The javaTpoint.com is always providing an easy and in-depth tutorial on various technologies. No one is perfect in this world, and nothing is eternally best. But we can try to be better.
