📜  JqueryUI-按钮

📅  最后修改于: 2020-10-23 07:19:11             🧑  作者: Mango

jQueryUI提供了button()方法,可将HTML元素(如按钮,输入和锚点)转换为可主题化的按钮,并自动管理它们上的鼠标移动,所有这些操作均由jQuery UI透明管理。

为了对单选按钮进行分组,Button还提供了另一个名为Buttonset的小部件。 Buttonset用于通过选择容器元件(包含单选按钮)和调用.buttonset()。




button(选项)方法声明将HTML元素视为按钮。 options参数是一个对象,用于指定按钮的行为和外观。


$(selector, context).button (options);


$(selector, context).button({option1: value1, option2: value2..... });


Sr.No. Option & Description
1 disabled

This option deactivates the button is set to true. By default its value is false.

Option – disabled

This option deactivates the button is set to true. By default its value is false.


$( ".selector" ).button({ disabled: true });
2 icons

This option specifies that one or two icons are to be displayed in the button: primary icons to the left, secondary icons to the right. The primary icon is identified by the primary property of the object, and the secondary icon is identified by the secondary property. By default its value is primary: null, secondary: null.

Option – icons

This option specifies that one or two icons are to be displayed in the button: primary icons to the left, secondary icons to the right. The primary icon is identified by the primary property of the object, and the secondary icon is identified by the secondary property. By default its value is primary: null, secondary: null.


$( ".selector" ).button({ icons: { primary: "ui-icon-gear", secondary: "ui-icon-triangle-1-s" } });
3 label

This option specifies text to display on the button that overrides the natural label. If omitted, the natural label for the element is displayed. In the case of radio buttons and checkboxes, the natural label is the

Option – label

This option specifies text to display on the button that overrides the natural label. If omitted, the natural label for the element is displayed. In the case of radio buttons and checkboxes, the natural label is the


$( ".selector" ).button({ label: "custom label" });
4 text

This option specifies whether text is to be displayed on the button. If specified as false, text is suppressed if (and only if) the icons option specifies at least one icon. By default its value is true.

Option – text

This option specifies whether text is to be displayed on the button. If specified as false, text is suppressed if (and only if) the icons option specifies at least one icon. By default its value is true.


$( ".selector" ).button({ text: false });



      jQuery UI Buttons functionality
      An anchor





      jQuery UI Buttons functionality






$(selector, context).button ("action", params);


Sr.No. Action & Description
1 destroy

This action removes the button functionality of an element completely. The elements return to their pre-init state. This method does not accept any arguments.

Action – destroy

This action removes the button functionality of an element completely. The elements return to their pre-init state. This method does not accept any arguments.


$( ".selector" ).button("destroy");
2 disable

This action disables the button functionality of an element. This method does not accept any arguments.

Action – disable

This action disables the button functionality of an element. This method does not accept any arguments.


$( ".selector" ).button("disable");
3 enable

This action enables the button functionality of an element. This method does not accept any arguments.

Action – enable

This action enables the button functionality of an element. This method does not accept any arguments.


$( ".selector" ).button("enable");
4 option( optionName )

This action retrieves the value of the option specified in optionName. Where optionName is a String.

Action – option( optionName )

This action retrieves the value of the option specified in optionName. Where optionName is a String.


var isDisabled = $( ".selector" ).button( "option", "disabled" );
5 option

This action retrieves an object containing key/value pairs representing the current button options hash.

Action – option

This action retrieves an object containing key/value pairs representing the current button options hash.


$( ".selector" ).button("option");
6 option( optionName, value )

This action sets the value of the button option associated with the specified optionName.

Action – option( optionName, value )

This action sets the value of the button option associated with the specified optionName. Where optionName is name of the option to set and value is value to set for the option.


$( ".selector" ).button( "option", "disabled", true );
7 option( options )

This action sets one or more options for the button. Where options is map of option-value pairs to set.

Action – option( options )

This action sets one or more options for the button. Where options is map of option-value pairs to set.


$( ".selector" ).button( "option", { disabled: true } );
8 refresh

This action refreshes the display of the button. This is useful when the buttons are handled by the program and the display does not necessarily correspond to the internal state. This method does not accept any arguments.

Action – refresh

This action refreshes the display of the button. This is useful when the buttons are handled by the program and the display does not necessarily correspond to the internal state. This method does not accept any arguments.


$( ".selector" ).button("refresh");
9 widget

This action returns a jQuery object containing the button element. This method does not accept any arguments.

Action – widget

This action returns a jQuery object containing the button element. This method does not accept any arguments.


$( ".selector" ).button("widget");


      jQuery UI Buttons functionality




Sr.No. Event Method & Description
1 create(event, ui)

This event is triggered when the button is created. Where event is of type Event, and ui is of type Object.

Event – create(event, ui)

This event is triggered when the button element is created. Where event is of type Event, and ui is of type Object.


$( ".selector" ).button({
   create: function( event, ui ) {}


      jQuery UI Buttons functionality
