📜  给定天数的最佳阅读列表

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:57:13.244000             🧑  作者: Mango




Input:  Number of Days to Finish book = 2
        Number of pages in chapters = {10, 5, 5}
Output: Day 1:  Chapter 1
        Day 2:  Chapters 2 and 3

Input:  Number of Days to Finish book = 3
        Number of pages in chapters = {8, 5, 6, 12}
Output: Day 1:  Chapter 1
        Day 2:  Chapters 2 and 3 
        Day 2:  Chapter 4


在上面的示例 2 中,平均页数为 (8 + 5 + 6 + 12)/3 = 31/3,四舍五入为 10。因此,上面显示的输出的平均页数和每天的页数之间的差异是“ abs(8-10) + abs(5+6-10) + abs(12-10)”即5。值5是差值和的最佳值。

考虑上面的示例 2,其中一本书有 4 章,页数为 8、5、6 和 12。用户希望在 3 天内完成。上述场景的图形表示是,


在上图中,顶点表示章节,边 e(u, v) 表示从 'u' 到达 'v' 需要读取的页数。添加水槽节点以象征书的结尾。

首先,计算一天要阅读的平均页数(此处为 31/3,大约为 10)。新的边权重 e '(u, v) 将是平均差 |avg – e(u, v)|。上述问题的修改图将是,



这个想法是从第 1 章开始,做一个 DFS 来找到边数为 'k' 的接收器。继续将访问过的顶点存储在一个数组中,比如“path[]”。如果到达目标顶点,且路径和小于最优路径,则更新最优分配optimal_path[]。请注意,该图是 DAG,因此无需处理 DFS 期间的循环。
下面,是相同的C++实现,邻接矩阵用于表示图。下面的程序主要有 4 个阶段。
1) 构造一个有向无环图。
2) 使用 DFS 找到最优路径。
3) 打印找到的最优路径。

// C++ DFS solution to schedule chapters for reading in
// given days
# include 
# include 
# include 
# include 
using namespace std;
// Define total chapters in the book
// Number of days user can spend on reading
# define CHAPTERS 4
# define DAYS 3
# define NOLINK -1
// Array to store the final balanced schedule
int optimal_path[DAYS+1];
// Graph - Node chapter+1 is the sink described in the
//         above graph
// Updates the optimal assignment with current assignment
void updateAssignment(int* path, int path_len);
// A DFS based recursive function to store the optimal path
// in path[] of size path_len.  The variable sum stores sum of
// of all edges on current path.  k is number of days spent so
// far.
void assignChapters(int u, int* path, int path_len, int sum, int k)
    static int min = INT_MAX;
    // Ignore the assignment which requires more than required days
    if (k < 0)
    // Current assignment of chapters to days
    path[path_len] = u;
    // Update the optimal assignment if necessary
    if (k == 0 && u == CHAPTERS)
        if (sum < min)
            updateAssignment(path, path_len);
            min = sum;
    // DFS - Depth First Search for sink
    for (int v = u+1; v <= CHAPTERS; v++)
        sum += DAG[u][v];
        assignChapters(v, path, path_len, sum, k-1);
        sum -= DAG[u][v];
// This function finds and prints optimal read list.  It first creates a
// graph, then calls assignChapters().
void minAssignment(int pages[])
    // 1) ............CONSTRUCT GRAPH.................
    // Partial sum array construction S[i] = total pages
    // till ith chapter
    int avg_pages = 0, sum = 0, S[CHAPTERS+1], path[DAYS+1];
    S[0] = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < CHAPTERS; i++)
        sum += pages[i];
        S[i+1] = sum;
    // Average pages to be read in a day
    avg_pages = round(sum/DAYS);
    /* DAG construction vertices being chapter name &
     * Edge weight being |avg_pages - pages in a chapter|
     * Adjacency matrix representation  */
    for (int i = 0; i <= CHAPTERS; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j <= CHAPTERS; j++)
            if (j <= i)
                DAG[i][j] = NOLINK;
                sum = abs(avg_pages - (S[j] - S[i]));
                DAG[i][j] = sum;
    // 2) ............FIND OPTIMAL PATH................
    assignChapters(0, path, 0, 0, DAYS);
    cout << "Optimal Chapter Assignment :" << endl;
    int ch;
    for (int i = 0; i < DAYS; i++)
        ch = optimal_path[i];
        cout << "Day" << i+1 << ": " << ch << " ";
        while ( (i < DAYS-1 && ch < optimal_path[i+1]) ||
                (i == DAYS-1 && ch <= CHAPTERS))
           cout <<  ch << " ";
        cout << endl;
// This function updates optimal_path[]
void updateAssignment(int* path, int path_len)
    for (int i = 0; i < path_len; i++)
        optimal_path[i] = path[i] + 1;
// Driver program to test the schedule
int main(void)
    int pages[CHAPTERS] = {7, 5, 6, 12};
    // Get read list for given days
    return 0;

# Python3 DFS solution to schedule chapters 
# for reading in given days
# A DFS based recursive function to store 
# the optimal path in path[] of size path_len.
# The variable Sum stores Sum of all edges on 
# current path. k is number of days spent so far. 
def assignChapters(u, path, path_len, Sum, k):
    global CHAPTERS, DAYS, NOLINK, optical_path, DAG, Min
    # Ignore the assignment which requires
    # more than required days 
    if (k < 0): 
    # Current assignment of chapters to days 
    path[path_len] = u 
    path_len += 1
    # Update the optimal assignment if necessary 
    if (k == 0 and u == CHAPTERS):
        if (Sum < Min):
            updateAssignment(path, path_len) 
            Min = Sum
    # DFS - Depth First Search for sink
    for v in range(u + 1, CHAPTERS + 1):
        Sum += DAG[u][v] 
        assignChapters(v, path, path_len, Sum, k - 1) 
        Sum -= DAG[u][v]
# This function finds and prints 
# optimal read list. It first creates a 
# graph, then calls assignChapters(). 
def MinAssignment(pages):
    global CHAPTERS, DAYS, NOLINK, optical_path, DAG, MIN
    # 1) ............CONSTRUCT GRAPH................. 
    # Partial Sum array construction S[i] = total pages 
    # till ith chapter 
    avg_pages = 0
    Sum = 0 
    S = [None] * (CHAPTERS + 1)
    path = [None] * (DAYS + 1) 
    S[0] = 0
    for i in range(CHAPTERS):
        Sum += pages[i] 
        S[i + 1] = Sum
    # Average pages to be read in a day 
    avg_pages = round(Sum/DAYS) 
    # DAG construction vertices being chapter name & 
    # Edge weight being |avg_pages - pages in a chapter| 
    # Adjacency matrix representation
    for i in range(CHAPTERS + 1):
        for j in range(CHAPTERS + 1):
            if (j <= i):
                DAG[i][j] = NOLINK 
                Sum = abs(avg_pages - (S[j] - S[i])) 
                DAG[i][j] = Sum
    # 2) ............FIND OPTIMAL PATH................ 
    assignChapters(0, path, 0, 0, DAYS) 
    print("Optimal Chapter Assignment :") 
    ch = None
    for i in range(DAYS):
        ch = optimal_path[i] 
        print("Day", i + 1, ": ", ch, end = " ") 
        ch += 1
        while ((i < DAYS - 1 and ch < optimal_path[i + 1]) or 
               (i == DAYS - 1 and ch <= CHAPTERS)):
            print(ch, end = " ") 
            ch += 1
# This function updates optimal_path[] 
def updateAssignment(path, path_len):
    for i in range(path_len):
        optimal_path[i] = path[i] + 1
# Driver Code
# Define total chapters in the book 
# Number of days user can spend on reading 
DAYS = 3
# Array to store the final balanced schedule 
optimal_path = [None] * (DAYS + 1)
# Graph - Node chapter+1 is the sink 
#          described in the above graph 
DAG = [[None] * (CHAPTERS + 1) 
       for i in range(CHAPTERS + 1)] 
Min = 999999999999
pages = [7, 5, 6, 12] 
# Get read list for given days 
# This code is contributed by PranchalK


Optimal Chapter Assignment :
Day1: 1
Day2: 2 3
Day3: 4

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