📜  electron-packager (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:14:51.452000             🧑  作者: Mango


What is Electron-Packager

Electron-Packager is a command line tool and Node.js library that packages Electron source code and creates executable binary files for Windows, macOS and Linux operating systems.

Why Use Electron-Packager

Electron-Packager eliminates the need for developers to manually package their Electron applications for different platforms. Instead, you can use Electron-Packager to package your code and create the executable binaries that can be easily distributed to your users.

Features of Electron-Packager
  • Supports packaging Electron apps for Windows, macOS and Linux operating systems
  • Supports packaging apps for both 32-bit and 64-bit architectures
  • Supports creating executables with or without an installer
  • Supports packaging apps with code signing certificates for added security
How to Use Electron-Packager

Electron-Packager is a command line tool that you can easily install using npm. Once installed, you can use it to package your Electron app by running a simple command.

For example, to package your Electron app for the macOS operating system, run the following command:

electron-packager . --platform=darwin

This will create a directory containing the executable binary file for your Electron app.

You can also use the Node.js library to package your app programmatically.


Electron-Packager is a powerful tool that simplifies the process of packaging Electron apps for different operating systems. By using it, you can save time and effort when distributing your apps to your users.