📜  React.js 和 Angular.js 的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-15 01:09:31             🧑  作者: Mango

React.js: React 是一个声明式、高效且灵活的 JavaScript 库,用于构建用户界面。它是MVC中的“V”。 ReactJS 是一个开源的、基于组件的前端库,只负责应用的视图层。它由 Facebook 维护。

React 使用声明式范式,可以更轻松地推理您的应用程序,旨在既高效又灵活。它为您的应用程序中的每个状态设计简单的视图,当您的数据发生变化时,React 将有效地更新和呈现正确的组件。声明式视图使您的代码更具可预测性且更易于调试。

React.js 的特点:

  • 可扩展性:由于其适应性强的结构和可扩展性,对于大规模应用是合理的。
  • 丰富的 JavaScript 库:来自世界各地的开发人员正在努力包含更多的功能。
  • 代码重用性:它使开发人员能够在进行项目时重用不同级别的代码组件。

Angular:它是一种流行的开源 JavaScript 框架,由 Google 创建,用于开发 Web 应用程序。前端开发人员使用 Angular 或 React 等框架来高效地呈现和操作数据。与旧版本的 Angular 相比,更新后的 Angular 效率更高,尤其是核心功能已移至不同的模块。这就是为什么它与旧的相比变得如此快速和流畅。新添加的角度 CLI。使用该包,您可以为 Angular 项目创建一个脚手架。


  • 可访问性:它提供了更轻松的访问,因为它包含支持 ARIA 的组件。
  • 模板: Angular 拥有多个模板,通过提供和建议一些语法以更快的方式创建 UI 视图。
  • 测试:这里的程序被分成几个块,这使得测试更容易。在这种情况下,测试由量角器执行。

尽管 react js 和 angular 看起来很相似,但 React.js 和 Angular 之间存在显着的差异。

Field React.js Angular
Used as React.js is a JavaScript library. As it indicates react js updates only the virtual DOM present and the data flow is always in a single direction. Angular is a framework. Angular updates the Real DOM and the data flow is ensured in the architecture in both directions.
Architecture React.js is more simplified as it follows MVC- Model View Control. This like angular includes features such as navigation but this can be achieved only with certain libraries like Redux and Flux. Needs more configuration and integration. The architecture of angular on the other hand is a bit complex as it follows MVVM models- Model View  Model. This includes lots of tools and other features required for navigation, routing, and various other functionalities.
Performance React.js holds JSX hence the usage of HTML codes and syntax is enabled. But this doesn’t make react js a subset of HTML. This is purely JavaScript based. Angular on the other is a mere subset of html.
Preference: React.js is preferred when the dynamic content needed is intensive. As react js holds more of straightforward programming and since it is reliable many apps such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter still prefer to react js over angular. Angular is platform-independent and hence is compatible to work in any platform. Hence, an the HTML app which is compatible with all the browsers can prefer angular. One major app which uses angular is YouTube.
Written React.js written in JavaScript. Written in Microsoft’s Typescript language, which is a superset of ECMAScript 6 (ES6).
Dependency Injection React.js Does not use Dependency Injection concept. Angular Hierarchical Dependency Injection system used.

注意: Angular 是一个很棒的框架,它在 ReactJS 方面有很多改进,擅长更大的应用程序。如果您是初学者或编码练习较少,如果您希望项目稳定,您可以使用 ReactJS。