📜  Android 1.0 和 Android 2.0 的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-14 02:17:17             🧑  作者: Mango

1. 安卓 1.0:
Android 1.0 是 Google 推出的第一个 Android 版本。它有一些基本功能,包括网络浏览器支持、相机支持、Gmail 计数、谷歌地图和 Youtube 应用程序。虽然它没有像进一步介绍版本那样的正式版本名称,但非正式地称为Apple Pie 。 Android 1.0 版本的 API 级别为 1。在移动设备中不再使用它。它于2008年9月23日发布。

2. 安卓 2.0:
Android 2.0 是继 Google 推出的 Android 1.6 之后的下一个 Android 版本。它具有之前版本中包含的所有功能,即 Android 1.0、Android 1.1、Android 1.5 和 Android 1.6,并且在此版本中添加了一些突出的功能。此版本引入了 HTML、Microsoft 支持、蓝牙 2.1、动态壁纸和更新的 UI 等功能。这个版本有一个版本名称。它的版本名称是Eclair 。 Android 2.0 中的 API 级别为 5。它于 2009 年 10 月 26 日发布。

Android 1.0 和 Android 2.0 的区别:

1. It is the first version of Android. It is the next version of Android introduced after Android 1.0, Android 1.1, Android 1.5 and Android 1.6.
2. It is predecessor to Android 1.1. It is predecessor to Android 2.0.1 and successor to Android 1.6.
3. It was released on 23 September 2008. It was released on 26 October 2009.
4. The API level in Android 1.0 version is 1. The API level in Android 2.0 version is 5.
5. It is not used anymore in mobile devices. It is also not used anymore.
6. It does not have official version name. It has official version name like its previous version.
7. It has unofficial version name ‘Apple pie’. It has official version name ‘Eclair’.
8. It had limited features like google maps, gmail, web browser, camera and youtube. It had all the features of all previous versions and some more prominent features were added in this version.
9. It did not have good user interface. Updated user interface was introduced in this version.
10. It did not provide features like live wallpapers and Bluetooth. Bluetooth 2.1 and live wallpaper features were added in this version.