📜  Hive和 Hue 之间的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-14 01:33:13             🧑  作者: Mango

Hive是一组键,注册表中的子键,具有一组包含数据备份的支持文件。基本上,配置单元是存储 Windows 注册表信息的位置。每个配置单元都包含一棵树,该树具有不同的键,键用作根,它是树的起点或注册表中层次结构的顶部。注册表包含注册表项、注册表子项和注册表值。所有被视为蜂巢的键都以“HKEY”开头。 Hive 是一组注册表项,当所有其他项都已最小化时,这些注册表项会在屏幕左侧显示为文件夹。无法创建、删除或重命名Hive 。 Hive 由 Facebook 在开发的初始阶段推出,后来被 Apache 软件基金会接管。

Hue是一个提供多种服务的 Web 用户界面,Hue 是一个 Hadoop 框架。 Hue 提供了一个 Web 用户界面以及用于浏览 HDFS 的文件路径。 Hue 最重要的功能是作业浏览器、Hadoop shell、用户管理权限、Impala 编辑器、HDFS 文件浏览器、Pig 编辑器、 Hive编辑器、Ozzie Web 界面和 Hadoop API 访问。此 Web UI 布局可帮助用户浏览文件,类似于普通 Windows 用户在其机器上定位文件的布局。 Hue 为编程语言提供了一个 Web 用户界面,这是用户在执行查询时避免语法错误的便捷工具。 Hue 只能使用 Web 浏览器安装或配置。



Comparison based on Hive HUE
Definition Hive is a group of keys, sub keys in the registry that has a set of supporting files containing backups of the data. Basically, hive is the location which stores Windows registry information. Hue is a web user interface which provides a number of services and Hue is a Hadoop framework.
Scope Hive or HiveQL is an analytic query language used to process and retrieve data from a data warehouse. Hue is a Web UI that facilitates the users to interact with the Hadoop ecosystem.
Invention Hive was launched by Apache Software Foundation. Hue was launched by Cloudera.
Authentication With Kerberos 2.0 authentication, Hive has secured authentication. The authentication system is pluggable. But to perform the authentication, we can configure authentication to use an LDAP directory.
Functionality Hive uses map-reduce algorithm to process and analyze the data. Hue provides Web UI editor which can be accessed by Hive and other programming languages.
Implementation Hive is implemented and accessed using a web UI Interface or a command line interface. Hue is implemented on a web browser where we can access multiple programs installed on Cloudera.
Installation Hive can be installed or configured using command line Interface of a Hadoop Ecosystem. Hue can be installed or configured only using a web browser.
Dependency Hive can be embedded across many Hadoop Frameworks. Hue is available only on Cloudera Based Hadoop Framework.