📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-10 02:30:00             🧑  作者: Mango

在线分析处理 (OLAP) –
在线分析处理由一种用于业务决策数据分析的软件工具组成。 OLAP 提供了一种环境,可以从一次从多个数据库系统检索的数据库中获取洞察力。

示例 –任何类型的数据仓库系统都是 OLAP 系统。 OLAP的用途如下:

  • Spotify 分析了用户的歌曲,以提供他们歌曲和播放列表的个性化主页。
  • Netflix 电影推荐系统。

在线事务处理 (OLTP) –
在线事务处理在 3 层架构中提供面向事务的应用程序。 OLTP 管理组织的日常事务。

示例 – OLTP 的用途如下:

  • ATM 中心是一个 OLTP 应用程序。
  • OLTP 在通过应用程序进行数据事务期间处理 ACID 属性。
  • 它还用于网上银行、在线机票预订、发送短信、将一本书添加到购物车。

OLAP 与 OLTP 的比较 –


OLAP (Online analytical processing) OLTP (Online transaction processing)
Consists of historical data from various Databases. Consists only operational current data.
It is subject oriented. Used for Data Mining, Analytics, Decision making,etc. It is application oriented. Used for business tasks.
The data is used in planning, problem solving and decision making. The data is used to perform day to day fundamental operations.
It reveals a snapshot of present business tasks. It provides a multi-dimensional view of different business tasks.
Large amount of data is stored typically in TB, PB The size of the data is relatively small as the historical data is archived. For ex MB, GB
Relatively slow as the amount of data involved is large. Queries may take hours. Very Fast as the queries operate on 5% of the data.
It only need backup from time to time as compared to OLTP. Backup and recovery process is maintained religiously
This data is generally managed by CEO, MD, GM. This data is managed by clerks, managers.
Only read and rarely write operation. Both read and write operations.