📜  MySQL 和 dBASE 的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-09 11:16:18             🧑  作者: Mango

1. MySQL:
MySQL 是一种基于结构化查询语言 (SQL) 的开源关系数据库管理系统 (RDBMS)。它由 Oracle Corporation 开发和管理,最初于 1995 年 5 月 23 日发布。它广泛用于许多小型和大型工业应用程序,能够处理大量数据。

2. 数据库:
dBase 是运行在 Windows 平台上的微型计算机数据库管理系统 (DBMS)。它是最早在微型计算机上运行的数据库系统之一。它旨在操作关系数据库。现在使用的是2016年发布的dBASE PLUS 11版本。DBASE使用类似于BASIC语言的过程函数和命令。它使用简单的命令进行数据操作,如 USE、GO TOP 等。

MySQL 和 dBASE 的区别:

1. It was developed by Oracle and initially released in May 1995. It was developed by Asthon Tate and initially released in 1979.
2. MySQL is an open-source software, commerical software are also available with extended facilities. dBASE is commercial software only
licensed version.
3. Server operating systems for MySQL are FreeBSD, Linux, OS X, Solaris and Windows. Server operating systems for dBASE are DOS (dBASE Classic) and Windows (dBASE Pro).
4. Replication method used by MySQL are Master-Slave Replication and Master-Master Replication. It does not have any replication method.
5. MySQL support SQL (Standard Query Language). dBASE does not support SQL.
6. ACID transaction properties (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability) is supported by MySQL. dBASE does not support ACID properties.
7. It supports server side script procedures. It does not support server side script procedures.
8. JDBC, ODBC are used as APIs and other access method. It does not support any APIs and access methods.
9. It supports Horizontal partitoning method and triggers. It neither supports any paritioning methods nor triggers.