📜  SQL和HiveQL之间的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2021-08-24 08:21:29             🧑  作者: Mango

SQL是一种用于编程的领域特定语言,旨在管理关系数据库管理系统(也称为RDBMS)中保存的数据。它在处理结构化数据(即合并了实体和变量之间的关系的数据)中也很有用。 SQL是用于在数据库中存储,处理和检索数据的标准语言。

2. Hive查询语言(HiveQL):
HiveQL是Hive的查询语言,用于分析和处理元存储中的结构化数据。它与SQL非常相似并且具有高度可扩展性。它重用了关系数据库领域中熟悉的概念,例如表,行,列和架构,以简化学习。 Hive支持四种文件格式,即TEXT FILE,SEQUENCE FILE,ORC和RC FILE(Record Columnar File)。


On the basis of  SQL HiveQL
Update-commands in table structure UPDATE, DELETEINSERT, UPDATE, DELETEINSERT,
Manages Relational data Data Structures
Transaction Supported Limited Support Supported
Indexes Supported Supported
Data Types It contain a total of five data types i.e., Integral, floating-point, fixed-point, text and binary strings, temporal It contains a total of 9 data types i.e., Boolean, integral, floating-point, fixed-point, text and binary strings, temporal, array, map, struct.
Functions Hundreds of built-in functions Hundreds of built-in functions
Mapreduce Not Supported Supported
Multitable inserts in table Not supported Supported
Create tabl…as Select Not supported Supported
Select command Supported Supported with SORT BY clause for partial ordering and LIMIT to restrict number of rows returned
Joins Supported Inner joins, outer joins, semi join, map joins, cross joins
Subqueries Supported Only Used in FROM, WHERE, or HAVING clauses
Views Can be Updated Read-only i.e. cannot be updated