📜  Python和C++之间的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2021-05-30 13:37:11             🧑  作者: Mango

Python教程: Python是一种高级的解释型编程语言。它是由Guido Van Rossum于1991年发明的。 Python是一种面向对象的编程语言,具有巨大的库支持,使各种程序和算法的实现变得容易。它的语言构造和面向对象的方法旨在帮助程序员为各种项目编写清晰的逻辑代码。

C++教程: C++是由Bjarne Stroustrup创建的一种高级通用编程语言,是C编程语言或“ C with Classes”的扩展。随着时间的推移,该语言已经得到了极大的扩展,现代C++除了具有用于低级内存操作的功能外,还具有面向对象,通用和功能性的功能。


Parameter Python C++
Code Python has less lines of code. C++ tends to have large lines of code.
Garbage Collection Python supports garbage collection C++ doesn’t support garbage collection.
Syntax Python is easy to remember almost similar to human language. C++ has a stiff learning curve as it has lots of predefined syntaxes and structure
Compilation Python uses interpreter. C++ is pre; compiled.
Speed Python is slower since it uses interpreter and also determines the data type at run time. C++ is faster in speed as compared to python.
Rapid Prototyping Rapid Prototyping is possible due to the small size of the code. Rapid Prototyping not possible due to larger code size.
Efficiency Easier to maintain, object-oriented and simpler to use Less clean and manageable in comparison to python
Nature Python is dynamically typed. C++ is statically typed.

Python得出一个结论:就其易于阅读的代码和简单的语法而言, Python对于初学者来说更好。另外, Python是Web开发(后端)的不错选择,而C++在任何类型的Web开发中都不是很流行。
Python还是用于数据分析和机器学习的领先语言。虽然也可以将C++用于机器学习,但这不是一个好的选择。就简单性而言, Python在AI和ML框架方面更易于使用,并且具有强大的支持系统。