📜  实现单个链接列表的迭代器模式

📅  最后修改于: 2021-05-30 12:47:02             🧑  作者: Mango




using namespace std;
int main()
    // creating  a list
    vector list;
    // elements to be added at the end.
    // in the above created list.
    // elements of list are retrieved through iterator.
    for (vector::iterator it = list.begin();
                                it != list.end(); ++it)
        cout << *it << " ";
    return 0;

import java.util.*;
class GFG
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // creating  a list
        ArrayList list = new ArrayList<>();
        // elements to be added at the end.
        // in the above created list.
        // elements of list are retrieved through iterator.
        Iterator it = list.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext())
            System.out.print(it.next() + " ");
// This code is contributed by pratham76

if __name__=='__main__':
    # Creating  a list
    list = []
    # Elements to be added at the end.
    # in the above created list.
    # Elements of list are retrieved
    # through iterator.
    for it in list:
        print(it, end = ' ')
# This code is contributed by rutvik_56

// C++ program to implement Custom Linked List and
// iterator pattern.
using namespace std;
// Custom class to handle Linked List operations
// Operations like push_back, push_front, pop_back,
// pop_front, erase, size can be added here
class LinkedList
    // Forward declaration
    class Node;
    LinkedList() noexcept
        // caution: static members can't be
        // initialized by initializer list
        m_spRoot = nullptr;
    // Forward declaration must be done
    // in the same access scope
    class Iterator;
    // Root of LinkedList wrapped in Iterator type
    Iterator begin()
        return Iterator(m_spRoot);
    // End of LInkedList wrapped in Iterator type
    Iterator end()
        return Iterator(nullptr);
    // Adds data to the end of list
    void push_back(T data);
    void Traverse();
    // Iterator class can be used to
    // sequentially access nodes of linked list
    class Iterator
    Iterator() noexcept :
        m_pCurrentNode (m_spRoot) { }
    Iterator(const Node* pNode) noexcept :
        m_pCurrentNode (pNode) { }
        Iterator& operator=(Node* pNode)
            this->m_pCurrentNode = pNode;
            return *this;
        // Prefix ++ overload
        Iterator& operator++()
            if (m_pCurrentNode)
                m_pCurrentNode = m_pCurrentNode->pNext;
            return *this;
        // Postfix ++ overload
        Iterator operator++(int)
            Iterator iterator = *this;
            return iterator;
        bool operator!=(const Iterator& iterator)
            return m_pCurrentNode != iterator.m_pCurrentNode;
        int operator*()
            return m_pCurrentNode->data;
        const Node* m_pCurrentNode;
    class Node
        T data;
        Node* pNext;
        // LinkedList class methods need
        // to access Node information
        friend class LinkedList;
    // Create a new Node
    Node* GetNode(T data)
        Node* pNewNode = new Node;
        pNewNode->data = data;
        pNewNode->pNext = nullptr;
        return pNewNode;
    // Return by reference so that it can be used in
    // left hand side of the assignment expression
    Node*& GetRootNode()
        return m_spRoot;
    static Node* m_spRoot;
/*static*/ typename LinkedList::Node* LinkedList::m_spRoot = nullptr;
void LinkedList::push_back(T data)
    Node* pTemp = GetNode(data);
    if (!GetRootNode())
        GetRootNode() = pTemp;
        Node* pCrawler = GetRootNode();
        while (pCrawler->pNext)
            pCrawler = pCrawler->pNext;
        pCrawler->pNext = pTemp;
void LinkedList::Traverse()
    Node* pCrawler = GetRootNode();
    while (pCrawler)
        cout << pCrawler->data << " ";
        pCrawler = pCrawler->pNext;
    cout << endl;
//Driver program
int main()
    LinkedList list;
    // Add few items to the end of LinkedList
    cout << "Traversing LinkedList through method" << endl;
    cout << "Traversing LinkedList through Iterator" << endl;
    for ( LinkedList::Iterator iterator = list.begin();
            iterator != list.end(); iterator++)
        cout << *iterator << " ";
    cout << endl;
    return 0;


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// C++ program to implement Custom Linked List and
// iterator pattern.
using namespace std;
// Custom class to handle Linked List operations
// Operations like push_back, push_front, pop_back,
// pop_front, erase, size can be added here
class LinkedList
    // Forward declaration
    class Node;
    LinkedList() noexcept
        // caution: static members can't be
        // initialized by initializer list
        m_spRoot = nullptr;
    // Forward declaration must be done
    // in the same access scope
    class Iterator;
    // Root of LinkedList wrapped in Iterator type
    Iterator begin()
        return Iterator(m_spRoot);
    // End of LInkedList wrapped in Iterator type
    Iterator end()
        return Iterator(nullptr);
    // Adds data to the end of list
    void push_back(T data);
    void Traverse();
    // Iterator class can be used to
    // sequentially access nodes of linked list
    class Iterator
    Iterator() noexcept :
        m_pCurrentNode (m_spRoot) { }
    Iterator(const Node* pNode) noexcept :
        m_pCurrentNode (pNode) { }
        Iterator& operator=(Node* pNode)
            this->m_pCurrentNode = pNode;
            return *this;
        // Prefix ++ overload
        Iterator& operator++()
            if (m_pCurrentNode)
                m_pCurrentNode = m_pCurrentNode->pNext;
            return *this;
        // Postfix ++ overload
        Iterator operator++(int)
            Iterator iterator = *this;
            return iterator;
        bool operator!=(const Iterator& iterator)
            return m_pCurrentNode != iterator.m_pCurrentNode;
        int operator*()
            return m_pCurrentNode->data;
        const Node* m_pCurrentNode;
    class Node
        T data;
        Node* pNext;
        // LinkedList class methods need
        // to access Node information
        friend class LinkedList;
    // Create a new Node
    Node* GetNode(T data)
        Node* pNewNode = new Node;
        pNewNode->data = data;
        pNewNode->pNext = nullptr;
        return pNewNode;
    // Return by reference so that it can be used in
    // left hand side of the assignment expression
    Node*& GetRootNode()
        return m_spRoot;
    static Node* m_spRoot;
/*static*/ typename LinkedList::Node* LinkedList::m_spRoot = nullptr;
void LinkedList::push_back(T data)
    Node* pTemp = GetNode(data);
    if (!GetRootNode())
        GetRootNode() = pTemp;
        Node* pCrawler = GetRootNode();
        while (pCrawler->pNext)
            pCrawler = pCrawler->pNext;
        pCrawler->pNext = pTemp;
void LinkedList::Traverse()
    Node* pCrawler = GetRootNode();
    while (pCrawler)
        cout << pCrawler->data << " ";
        pCrawler = pCrawler->pNext;
    cout << endl;
//Driver program
int main()
    LinkedList list;
    // Add few items to the end of LinkedList
    cout << "Traversing LinkedList through method" << endl;
    cout << "Traversing LinkedList through Iterator" << endl;
    for ( LinkedList::Iterator iterator = list.begin();
            iterator != list.end(); iterator++)
        cout << *iterator << " ";
    cout << endl;
    return 0;


Traversing LinkedList through method
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Traversing LinkedList through Iterator
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