📜  C++ STL中的std :: istream_iterator和std :: ostream_iterator

📅  最后修改于: 2021-05-30 11:11:25             🧑  作者: Mango


  1. 容器:这些类定义用于包含数据的数据结构。数据可以存储在链表,树或数组中。 STL中提供的容器是矢量,出队,列表,转发列表,集合,多集,映射和多图。
  2. 算法: STL库还为我们提供了处理容器中存储的数据的功能。这些函数在算法头文件中提供
  3. 迭代器:迭代器是容器和算法之间的链接。它们是这些类的通用接口。迭代器是一个对象,可用于对容器中的元素进行迭代。因此,算法使用迭代器来修改容器。






namespace std {
    template < typename T, typename charT=char, 
               typename traits=char_traits  >
    class istream_iterator;

句法 :

T:      Template parameter for specifying type of data
stream: The object representing the stream
ostream_iterator(stream, delim).
stream: The object representing the stream.
T:      Template Parameter for data type in the stream
delim:  An optional char sequence that is used to 
        separate the data items while displaying them.

笔记 :

  • 使用迭代器,我们只能访问一种类型的元素。
  • istream_iterator具有迭代器的特殊状态结束,当到达流的末尾或输入操作失败时,将获取它。流迭代器的结尾由默认构造函数返回。



namespace std {
    template < typename T, typename charT=char, 
               typename traits=char_traits  >
    class ostream_iterator;

句法 :

OutputIterator copy (InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator result);

first: Input Iterator to the first element 
in source from where elements need to be copied.
last:  Input Iterator to the last element 
in source till where elements need to be copied.
result: Output iterator to the first element 
in the destination container to where elements will copied.

Return Value: Iterator pointing to the last element that was copied to the destination.


例子 :

istream_iterator cin_it(cin) is an iterator for the stream cin.
ostream_iterator cout_it(cout, " ") is an iterator for the stream cout.
ostream_iterator cout_it(cout) is an iterator for stream cout, with no delimeter.


流迭代器的优点是,它们提供了一个公共接口来访问I / O流,文件流以及其他流到外部物理设备的元素。

  • 一旦获得了对各个流的迭代器,则后面的代码在所有类型的流中几乎都是相同的。
  • 因此,诸如从输入流读取和从另一个外部流读取的任务变得相似。
  • 流迭代器使我们能够访问所有强大的STL算法,例如for_each,replace_if,它们需要输入范围进行操作。一个特别有用的函数是copy()函数。此函数用于将元素从一个容器复制到另一个容器。
  • 使用copy()函数,我们可以轻松地将数据从流传输到容器,反之亦然。以下是一些示例程序,以演示如何使用流迭代器


// Cpp program to illustrate
// Read a bunch of integers from the input stream
// and print them to output stream
using namespace std;
int main()
    // Get input stream and end of stream iterators
    istream_iterator cin_it(cin);
    istream_iterator eos;
    // Get output stream iterators
    ostream_iterator cout_it(cout, " ");
    // We have both input and output iterators, now we can treat them
    // as containers. Using copy function we transfer data from one
    // container to another.
    // Copy elements from input to output using copy function
    copy(cin_it, eos, cout_it);
    return 0;
Input: 1 2 3 4 5 
Output: 1 2 3 4 5


// Cpp program to illustrate
// Read a bunch of strings from a file
// sort them lexicographically and print them to output stream
using namespace std;
int main()
    // Define a vector to store the strings received from input
    vector strings_v;
    // Define the filestream object used to read data from file
    ifstream fin("input_file.txt");
    // Get input stream and end of stream iterators
    istream_iterator fin_it(fin);
    istream_iterator eos;
    // Get output stream iterators
    ostream_iterator cout_it(cout, " ");
    // Copy elements from input to vector using copy function
    copy(fin_it, eos, back_inserter(strings_v));
    // Sort the vector
    sort(strings_v.begin(), strings_v.end());
    // Copy elements from vector to output
    copy(strings_v.begin(), strings_v.end(), cout_it);
    return 0;
Contents of File "input_file.txt": quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Output: brown dog fox jumps lazy over quick the 


// Cpp program to illustrate
// Read a bunch of integers from the stream
// print the sorted order of even integers only
using namespace std;
int main()
    // Define a vector to store the even integers received from input
    vector vi;
    // Get input stream and end of stream iterators
    istream_iterator cin_it(cin);
    istream_iterator eos;
    // Get output stream iterators
    ostream_iterator cout_it(cout, " ");
    // Copy even integer elements from input to vector using for_each function
    for_each(cin_it, eos, [&](int a) {
        if (a % 2 == 0) {
            // if a is even push it to vector
    // Sort the vector
    sort(vi.begin(), vi.end());
    // Copy elements from vector to output
    copy(vi.begin(), vi.end(), cout_it);
    return 0;
Input: 1 4 3 2 6 8 31 52 
Output: 2 4 6 8 52 


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