📜  计算数字为0的数字

📅  最后修改于: 2021-05-30 08:25:43             🧑  作者: Mango


Input:  n = 9
Output: 0

Input: n = 107
Output: 17
The numbers having 0 are 10, 20,..90, 100, 101..107

Input: n = 155
Output: 24
The numbers having 0 are 10, 20,..90, 100, 101..110,
120, ..150.


  1. 具有最大d-1位数字的0位整数的计数。
  2. 精确地具有d位的0位整数的计数(小于/等于给定的课程数!)


  1. 如果该位置的数字为零,则将计数器递减1并中断(因为我们不能再移动了,因此请递减以确保数字本身包含零)
  2. 否则,将(number-1)乘以power(9,右边的数字位数)


Let the number be n = 123. non_zero = 0
We encounter 1 first, 
 add (1-1)*92  to non_zero (= 0+0)

We encounter 2, 
 add (2-1)*91 to non_zero (= 0+9 = 9)

We encounter 3, 
 add (3-1)*90 to non_zero (=9+3 = 12)

但是,我们现在可以通过忽略最重要的位置后从n中减去non_zero来轻松地找到它。即,在我们之前的示例中,zero = 23 – non_zero = 23-12 = 11,最后我们将这两个部分相加以获得所需的结果!!

//Modified C++ program to count number from 1 to n with
// 0 as a digit.
using namespace std;
// Returns count of integers having zero upto given digits
int zeroUpto(int digits)
    // Refer below article for details
    // https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/count-positive-integers-0-digit/
    int first = (pow(10,digits)-1)/9;
    int second = (pow(9,digits)-1)/8;
    return 9 * (first - second);
// utility function to convert character representation
// to integer
int toInt(char c)
    return int(c)-48;
// counts numbers having zero as digits upto a given
// number 'num'
int countZero(string num)
    // k denoted the number of digits in the number
    int k = num.length();
    // Calculating the total number having zeros,
    // which upto k-1 digits
    int total = zeroUpto(k-1);
    // Now let us calculate the numbers which don't have
    // any zeros. In that k digits upto the given number
    int non_zero = 0;
    for (int i=0; i

//Modified Java program to count number from 1 to n with
// 0 as a digit.
public class GFG {
// Returns count of integers having zero upto given digits
static int zeroUpto(int digits)
    // Refer below article for details
    // https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/count-positive-integers-0-digit/
    int first = (int) ((Math.pow(10,digits)-1)/9);
    int second = (int) ((Math.pow(9,digits)-1)/8);
    return 9 * (first - second);
// utility function to convert character representation
// to integer
static int toInt(char c)
    return (int)(c)-48;
// counts numbers having zero as digits upto a given
// number 'num'
static int countZero(String num)
    // k denoted the number of digits in the number
    int k = num.length();
    // Calculating the total number having zeros,
    // which upto k-1 digits
    int total = zeroUpto(k-1);
    // Now let us calculate the numbers which don't have
    // any zeros. In that k digits upto the given number
    int non_zero = 0;
    for (int i=0; i

# Python3 program to count number from 1 to n
# with 0 as a digit.
# Returns count of integers having zero
# upto given digits
def zeroUpto(digits):
    first = int((pow(10, digits) - 1) / 9);
    second = int((pow(9, digits) - 1) / 8);
    return 9 * (first - second);
# counts numbers having zero as digits
# upto a given number 'num'
def countZero(num):
    # k denoted the number of digits
    # in the number
    k = len(num);
    # Calculating the total number having 
    # zeros, which upto k-1 digits
    total = zeroUpto(k - 1);
    # Now let us calculate the numbers which
    # don't have any zeros. In that k digits
    # upto the given number
    non_zero = 0;
    for i in range(len(num)):
        # If the number itself contains a zero 
        # then decrement the counter
        if (num[i] == '0'):
            non_zero -= 1;
        # Adding the number of non zero numbers 
        # that can be formed
        non_zero += (((ord(num[i]) - ord('0')) - 1) *
                                (pow(9, k - 1 - i)));
    no = 0;
    remaining = 0;
    calculatedUpto = 0;
    # Calculate the number and the remaining
    # after ignoring the most significant digit
    for i in range(len(num)):
        no = no * 10 + (ord(num[i]) - ord('0'));
        if (i != 0):
            calculatedUpto = calculatedUpto * 10 + 9;
    remaining = no - calculatedUpto;
    # Final answer is calculated. It is calculated 
    # by subtracting 9....9 (d-1) times from no.
    ans = zeroUpto(k - 1) + (remaining - non_zero - 1);
    return ans;
# Driver Code
num = "107";
print("Count of numbers from 1 to",
        num, "is", countZero(num));
num = "1264";
print("Count of numbers from 1 to",
       num, "is", countZero(num));
# This code is contributed by mits

// Modified C# program to count number from 1 to n with
// 0 as a digit. 
using System;
public class GFG{
// Returns count of integers having zero upto given digits
static int zeroUpto(int digits)
    // Refer below article for details
    // https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/count-positive-integers-0-digit/
    int first = (int) ((Math.Pow(10,digits)-1)/9);
    int second = (int) ((Math.Pow(9,digits)-1)/8);
    return 9 * (first - second);
// utility function to convert character representation
// to integer
static int toInt(char c)
    return (int)(c)-48;
// counts numbers having zero as digits upto a given
// number 'num'
static int countZero(String num)
    // k denoted the number of digits in the number
    int k = num.Length;
    // Calculating the total number having zeros,
    // which upto k-1 digits
    int total = zeroUpto(k-1);
    // Now let us calculate the numbers which don't have
    // any zeros. In that k digits upto the given number
    int non_zero = 0;
    for (int i=0; i




Count of numbers from 1 to 107 is 17 
Count of numbers from 1 to 1264 is 315

时间复杂度: O(d),其中d为否。的数字,即O(log(n)