📜  C#中的自定义属性

📅  最后修改于: 2021-05-29 20:55:42             🧑  作者: Mango

属性是元数据扩展,可在运行时为编译器提供有关程序代码中元素的附加信息。属性用于施加条件或提高代码段的效率。 C#中存在内置属性,但是程序员可以创建自己的属性,这些属性称为Custom属性。要创建自定义属性,我们必须构造从System.Attribute类派生的类。


1.使用AttributeUsageAttribute:此标记定义我们正在构造的属性。它提供信息,例如属性目标是什么,是否可以继承或此属性的多个实例是否存在。 AttributeUsageAttribute具有三个主要成员,如下所示:

  1. AttributeTargets.All指定可将属性应用于程序的所有部分,而Attribute.Class表示可将属性应用于类,并将AttributeTargets.Method应用于方法。
    [AttributeUsageAttribute( AttributeTargets.All )]
  2. 继承的成员指示该属性是否可以被继承。它需要一个布尔值(真/假)。如果未指定,则默认为true。
    [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.All, Inherited = false)]
  3. AllowMultiple成员告诉我们是否可以存在该属性的多个实例。它也需要一个布尔值。默认情况下为false。
    [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = true)]


      [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.All, Inherited = true, AllowMultiple = false)]
      public class MyAttribute : Attribute
          //Class Members


      public MyAttribute(dataType value)
          this.value = value;


      public dataType MyProperty
          get {return this.value;}
          set {this.value = newValue;}

      示例1:以下代码显示了一个名为MyAttribute的自定义属性的示例,该属性具有两个私有成员,即name和action。 “名称”用于为可以应用该属性的任何程序元素定义名称。 “动作”描述了元素应该执行的操作。在这里,这些属性应用于将方法分类为Student的方法。

      // C# program to illustrate the 
      // use of custom attributes
      using System;
      // Creating Custom attribute MyAttribute
      [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.All)] public class MyAttribute : Attribute {
          // Provides name of the member
          private string name;
          // Provides description of the member
          private string action;
          // Constructor
          public MyAttribute(string name, string action)
              this.name = name;
              this.action = action;
          // property to get name
          public string Name
              get { return name; }
          // property to get description
          public string Action
              get { return action; }
      class Student {
          // Private fields of class Student
          private int rollNo;
          private string stuName;
          private double marks;
          // The attribute MyAttribute is applied 
          // to methods of class Student
          // Providing details of their utility
          [MyAttribute("Modifier", "Assigns the Student Details")] public void setDetails(int r, 
                                                                            string sn, double m)
              rollNo = r;
              stuName = sn;
              marks = m;
          [MyAttribute("Accessor", "Returns Value of rollNo")] public int getRollNo()
              return rollNo;
          [MyAttribute("Accessor", "Returns Value of stuName")] public string getStuName()
              return stuName;
          [MyAttribute("Accessor", "Returns Value of marks")] public double getMarks()
              return marks;
      class TestAttributes {
          // Main Method
          static void Main(string[] args)
              Student s = new Student();
              s.setDetails(1, "Taylor", 92.5);
              Console.WriteLine("Student Details");
              Console.WriteLine("Roll Number : " + s.getRollNo());
              Console.WriteLine("Name : " + s.getStuName());
              Console.WriteLine("Marks : " + s.getMarks());
      Student Details
      Roll Number : 1
      Name : Taylor
      Marks : 92.5

      示例2:在此示例中,我们可以显示我们创建的定制属性的内容。在这里,NewAttribute是具有两个字段(即标题和描述)的自定义属性。磁贴存储标题,描述存储应用了NewAttribute的方法的函数。将Custom属性应用于程序任何部分的方法必须在定义之前调用其构造函数。 NewAttribute还包括一个参数化构造函数和一个显示属性内容的方法。在主体中,您使用类名来调用AttributeDisplay方法,因为它是静态方法,它将显示有关应用属性的类的方法的信息。

      // C# program to display the custom attributes
      using System;
      using System.Reflection;
      using System.Collections.Generic;
      // Defining a Custom attribute class
      class NewAttribute : Attribute {
          // Private fields
          private string title;
          private string description;
          // Parameterised Constructor
          public NewAttribute(string t, string d)
              title = t;
              description = d;
          // Method to show the Fields 
          // of the NewAttribute
          // using reflection
          public static void AttributeDisplay(Type classType)
              Console.WriteLine("Methods of class {0}", classType.Name);
              // Array to store all methods of a class
              // to which the attribute may be applied
              MethodInfo[] methods = classType.GetMethods();
              // for loop to read through all methods
              for (int i = 0; i < methods.GetLength(0); i++) {
                  // Creating object array to receive 
                  // method attributes returned
                  // by the GetCustomAttributes method
                  object[] attributesArray = methods[i].GetCustomAttributes(true);
                  // foreach loop to read through 
                  // all attributes of the method
                  foreach(Attribute item in attributesArray)
                      if (item is NewAttribute) {
                          // Display the fields of the NewAttribute
                          NewAttribute attributeObject = (NewAttribute)item;
                          Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1}, {2} ", methods[i].Name,
                           attributeObject.title, attributeObject.description);
      // Class Employer
      class Employer {
          // Fields of Employer
          int id;
          string name;
          // Constructor
          public Employer(int i, string n)
              id = i;
              name = n;
          // Applying the custom attribute 
          // NewAttribute to the getId method
          [NewAttribute("Accessor", "Gives value of Employer Id")] public int getId()
              return id;
          // Applying the custom attribute 
          // NewAttribute to the getName method
          [NewAttribute("Accessor", "Gives value of Employer Name")] public string getName()
              return name;
      // Class Employee
      class Employee {
          // Fields of Employee
          int id;
          string name;
          public Employee(int i, string n)
              id = i;
              name = n;
          // Applying the custom 
          // attribute NewAttribute
          // to the getId method
          [NewAttribute("Accessor", "Gives value of Employee Id")] public int getId()
              return id;
          // Applying the custom attribute 
          // NewAttribute to the getName method
          [NewAttribute("Accessor", "Gives value of Employee Name")] public string getName()
              return name;
      class Program {
          // Main Method
          static void Main(string[] args)
              // Calling the AttributeDisplay
              // method using the class name
              // since it is a static method
      Methods of class Employer
      getId - Accessor, Gives value of Employer Id 
      getName - Accessor, Gives value of Employer Name 
      Methods of class Employee
      getId - Accessor, Gives value of Employee Id 
      getName - Accessor, Gives value of Employee Name