📜  C#中SortedList和SortedDictionary之间的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2021-05-29 20:17:24             🧑  作者: Mango

在C#中, SortedList是键/值对的集合,这些键/值对是根据键排序的。默认情况下,此集合以升序对键/值对进行排序。它具有通用和非通用的集合类型。通用SortedList是在System.Collections.Generic命名空间中定义的,而非通用SortedList是在System.Collections命名空间中定义的。


// C# program to illustrate how
// to create a sortedlist
using System;
using System.Collections;
class GFG {
    // Main Method
    static public void Main()
        // Creating a sortedlist
        // Using SortedList class
        SortedList my_Slist = new SortedList();
        // Adding key/value pairs in
        // SortedList using Add() method
        my_Slist.Add(1.02, "Dog");
        my_Slist.Add(1.07, "Cat");
        my_Slist.Add(1.04, "Rat");
        my_Slist.Add(1.01, "Bird");
        foreach(DictionaryEntry pair in my_Slist)
            Console.WriteLine("{0} and {1}",
                      pair.Key, pair.Value);
1.01 and Bird
1.02 and Dog
1.04 and Rat
1.07 and Cat

在C#中, SortedDictionary是一个通用集合,用于以排序形式存储键/值对,并对键进行排序。 SortedDictionary在System.Collection.Generic命名空间下定义。它本质上是动态的,这意味着已排序字典的大小会根据需要而增加。


// C# program to illustrate how
// to create a sorted dictionary
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG {
    // Main Method
    static public void Main()
        // Creating sorted dictionary
        // Using SortedDictionary class
        SortedDictionary My_sdict = 
            new SortedDictionary();
        // Adding key/value pair in Sorted
        // Dictionary Using Add() method
        My_sdict.Add(004, "Roscosmos");
        My_sdict.Add(003, "ESA");
        My_sdict.Add(001, "NASA");
        My_sdict.Add(005, "ISRO");
        My_sdict.Add(002, "CNSA");
        Console.WriteLine("Top 5 space agencies 2018:");
        // Accessing the key/value pair of the
        // SortedDictionary Using foreach loop
        foreach(KeyValuePair pair in My_sdict)
            Console.WriteLine("Rank: {0} and Name: {1}",
                                  pair.Key, pair.Value);
Top 5 space agencies 2018:
Rank: 1 and Name: NASA
Rank: 2 and Name: CNSA
Rank: 3 and Name: ESA
Rank: 4 and Name: Roscosmos
Rank: 5 and Name: ISRO


SortedList SortedDictionary
The memory of SortedList is an overhead. The memory of SortedDictionary is not bottlenecked.
In SortedList, the elements are stored in a continuous block in memory. In SortedDictionary, the elements are stored in separate object that can spread all over the heap.
In SoterdList, the memory fragmentation is high. In SoterdDictionary, the memory fragmentation is low.
It require less memory for storage. It require more memory for storage.
In SortedList, less inserts and delete operations are required. In SortedDictionary, more inserts and delete operations are required.
In SortedList, you can access elements using the index. In SortedDictionary, you can access elements using index or key. Here key access is sufficient there is no need of accessing elements using index.
In SortedList, data are already in sorted form. In SortedDictionary, data are in un-sorted form.