📜  C#|列表容量

📅  最后修改于: 2021-05-29 18:49:39             🧑  作者: Mango

List .Capacity属性用于获取或设置内部数据结构在不调整大小的情况下可以容纳的元素总数。


  • 它与数组不同。列表可以动态调整大小,但数组则不能。
  • 列表类可以接受null作为引用类型的有效值,并且还允许重复的元素。
  • 如果计数等于容量,则列表的容量将通过重新分配内部数组而自动增加。在添加新元素之前,现有元素将被复制到新数组。


  • 计数始终小于容量。添加元素时,如果Count超过Capacity,则在复制旧元素并添加新元素之前,通过重新分配内部数组,Capacity将自动增加。
  • 容量是在调整所需列表大小之前列表可以存储的元素数。但是Count是列表中实际存在的元素数。
  • 如果“容量”远大于“计数”,则用户可以通过调用TrimExcess方法或将“容量”显式设置为较低的值来减少容量。
  • 如果明确地确定了Capacity,则内部数组也将重新分配以容纳指定的容量,并复制所有元素。
  • 检索Capacity属性的值是O(1)操作,而将Capacity设置为O(n)操作,其中n是新的容量。


public int Capacity { get; set; }

返回值:该方法返回类型为System.Int32的大小需要调整之前List 可以包含的元素数。


  • ArgumentOutOfRangeException:如果将容量设置为小于Count的值。
  • OutOfMemoryException:如果系统上没有足够的可用内存。



// C# program to illustrate the
// Capacity Property of List
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class Geeks {
    // Main Method
    public static void Main(String[] args)
        // Creating a List of integers
        // Here we are not setting
        // Capacity explicitly
        List firstlist = new List();
        // adding elements in firstlist
        // Printing the Capacity of firstlist
        Console.WriteLine("Capacity Is: " + firstlist.Capacity);
        // Printing the Count of firstlist
        Console.WriteLine("Count Is: " + firstlist.Count);
        // Adding some more
        // elements in firstlist
        // Printing the Capacity of firstlist
        // It will give output 8 as internally
        // List is resized
        Console.WriteLine("Capacity Is: " + firstlist.Capacity);
        // Printing the Count of firstlist
        Console.WriteLine("Count Is: " + firstlist.Count);


Capacity Is: 4
Count Is: 4
Capacity Is: 8
Count Is: 6


// C# program to illustrate the
// Capacity Property of List
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class Geeks {
    // Main Method
    public static void Main(String[] args)
        // Creating a List of integers
        // Here we are setting Capacity
        // explicitly i.e.
        List firstlist = new List(10);
        // Printing the Capacity of firstlist
        Console.WriteLine("Capacity Is: " + firstlist.Capacity);
        // Printing the Count of firstlist
        Console.WriteLine("Count Is: " + firstlist.Count);
        // adding elements in firstlist
        // Printing the Capacity of firstlist
        Console.WriteLine("Capacity Is: " + firstlist.Capacity);
        // Printing the Count of firstlist
        Console.WriteLine("Count Is: " + firstlist.Count);
        // Adding some more
        // elements in firstlist
        // Printing the Capacity of firstlist
        // It will give output 10 as we have
        // already set the Capacity
        Console.WriteLine("Capacity Is: " + firstlist.Capacity);
        // Printing the Count of firstlist
        Console.WriteLine("Count Is: " + firstlist.Count);


Capacity Is: 10
Count Is: 0
Capacity Is: 10
Count Is: 4
Capacity Is: 10
Count Is: 6


  • https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/dotnet/api/system.collections.generic.list-1.capacity?view=netframework-4.7.2