📜  如何在C#中使用指针访问结构元素

📅  最后修改于: 2021-05-29 16:52:03             🧑  作者: Mango

与C / C++不同,C#中的结构可以具有方法,字段,索引器,运算符方法,属性或事件等成员。成员可以具有公共,私有和内部访问说明符。






// C# Program to show the use of 
// pointers to access struct members
using System;
namespace GFG {
// Defining a struct Student
struct Student
    // With members
    // roll number and marks
    public int rno;
    public double marks;
    // Constructor to initialize values
    public Student(int r, double m)
        rno = r;
        marks = m;
}; // end of struct Student
class Program {
    // Main Method
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // unsafe so as to use pointers
            // Declaring two Student Variables
            Student S1 = new Student(1, 95.0);
            Student S2 = new Student(2, 79.5);
            // Declaring two Student pointers
            // and initializing them with addresses
            // of S1 and S2
            Student* S1_ptr = &S1;
            Student* S2_ptr = &S2;
            // Displaying details of Student using pointers
            // Using  the arrow ( -> ) operator
            Console.WriteLine("Details of Student 1");
            Console.WriteLine("Roll Number: {0} Marks: {1}", 
                            S1_ptr -> rno, S1_ptr -> marks);
            Console.WriteLine("Details of Student 2");
            Console.WriteLine("Roll Number: {0} Marks: {1}",
                            S2_ptr -> rno, S2_ptr -> marks);
        } // end unsafe
    } // end main
} // end class






// C# Program to illustrate the use 
// of dereferencing operator
using System;
namespace GFG {
// Defining struct Employee
struct Employee{
    // Elements Eid and Salary
    // With properties get and set
    public int Eid 
public double Salary
; // Employee ends
class Program {
    // Main Method
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // unsafe so as to use pointers
            // Declaring a variable of type Employee
            Employee E1;
            // Declaring pointer of type Employee
            // initialized to point to E1
            Employee* ptr = &E1;
            // Accessing struct elements using
            // dereferencing operator
            // calls the set accessor
            (*ptr).Eid = 1101;
            (*ptr).Salary = 1000.00;
            Console.WriteLine("Details of Employee");
            // calls the get accessor
            Console.WriteLine("Employee Id: {0}\nSalary: {1}",
                                   (*ptr).Eid, (*ptr).Salary);
        } // end unsafe
    } // end Main
} // end class


注意:要在Visual Studio(2012)上编译不安全代码,请转到项目–> ProjectName属性–>生成–>选中“允许不安全代码”框。