📜  C和Dart之间的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2021-05-26 02:55:24             🧑  作者: Mango

1. C语言:
C语言是由丹尼斯·里奇(Dennis Ritchie)于1972年在贝尔研究实验室开发的一种编程语言。 C语言结合了低级和高级语言的属性。 C是高级古典类编程语言,允许开发计算机代码和可移动应用程序。

2. Dart语言:
Dart是Google开发的一种面向对象的编程语言。它用于开发移动,桌面,服务器和Web应用程序。 Dart是一种具有C样式语法的面向对象,基于类的垃圾回收语言。


C was developed by Dennis Ritchie between the year 1969 and 1973 at AT&T Bell Labs. Dart was developed by Google in the year 2011.
C is a procedural language. Dart is an object-oriented language.
C does not support data hiding. Dart supports data hiding.
Built-in data types is supported in C. Built-in & user-defined data types is supported in Dart.
C is a function driven language. Dart is an object driven language.
Function and operator overloading is not supported in C. Function and operator overloading is supported in Dart.
C does not support inheritance. Dart supports inheritance.
Instead of focusing on data, C focuses on method or process. Dart focuses on data instead of focusing on method or procedure.
C does not supports polymorphism. Dart supports polymorphism.
C does not supports encapsulation. Dart supports encapsulation.
Data and functions are separated in C Data and functions are encapsulated in the form of an object.
Functions are not defined inside the structures. Functions are defines inside the structures.
Reference variables are not supported. Reference variables are supported.
Direct support for exception handling is not supported by C. Exception handling is supported by Dart.
