📜  JavaFX Shape属性

📅  最后修改于: 2020-10-14 01:06:06             🧑  作者: Mango

JavaFX Shape属性

所有JavaFX 2D形状类均获取JavaFX.scene.shape.Shape类定义的公共属性。在下表中,我们描述了常见的形状属性。

Property Description Setter Methods
fill Used to fill the shape with a defined paint. This is a object type property. setFill(Paint)
smooth This is a boolean type property. If true is passes then the edges of the shape will become smooth. setSmooth(boolean)
strokeDashOffset It defines the distances in the coordinate system which shows the shapes in the dashing patterns. This is a double type property. setStrokeDashOffset(Double)
strokeLineCap It represents the style of the line end cap. It is a strokeLineCap type property. setStrokeLineCap(StrokeLineCap)
strokeLineJoin It represents the style of the joint of the two paths. setStrokeLineJoin(StrokeLineJoin)
strokeMiterLimit It applies the limitation on the distance between the inside and outside points of a joint. It is a double type property. setStrokeMiterLimit(Double)
stroke It is a colour type property which represents the colour of the boundary line of the shape. setStroke(paint)
strokeType It represents the type of the stroke (where the boundary line will be imposed to the shape) whether inside, outside or centred. setStrokeType(StrokeType)
strokeWidth It represents the width of the stroke. setStrokeWidth(Double)
