📜  C中的食物订购系统

📅  最后修改于: 2021-05-25 22:10:10             🧑  作者: Mango



  • 登陆注册
  • 按食物搜索
  • 按酒店搜索
  • 购物车和订单确认




  • 输入用户名,年龄,电子邮件,密码,确认密码和手机号码。
  • 验证输入
    • 用户名必须包含字母。
    • 年龄必须大于且不等于0。
    • 电子邮件必须包含@,逗号且长度应大于5。
    • 密码的长度必须在8到12之间,并且至少包含一个大写字母,小写字母,数字和特殊字符。密码和确认密码应该相同。
    • 手机号码应包含数字和正好10位数字。











  • 显示您的订单总费用。
  • 确认您的订单并享用食物。
// C program to initialize the Food
// Ordering System
// Initialization
// Structure to store the user details
// i.e., Signup details
struct details {
    char uname[100];
    int age;
    char password[100];
    char email[100];
    char mobile[10];
// Structure to store the hotels
// and their food details
struct hotels {
    char hotel[100];
    char first_food[20];
    char second_food[20];
    char third_food[20];
    char fourth_food[25];
    int first, second, third, fourth;
// Initialize the hotels and details
struct hotels m[5];
struct details s[100];
// Function to get the input for
// a new account
void signup();
// Function to check whether account
// is already existed or not
void account_check();
// Function to validate all input fields
int validate();
void login();
void cart();
void search_by_hotels();
void search_by_food();
void food_order(int food);
// Function to initialize the hotels and
// food structure dynamically
void hotel_initialize();
void hotels(int hotel_choice);
int flag = 1, i, j = 0, count = 0, caps = 0;
int small = 0, special = 0, numbers = 0;
int success = 0, x, choice;
char temp_name[100], temp_password1[100];
char temp_password2[100], temp_email[100];
char temp_mobile[100];
int temp_age, total = 0, food_choice, n;
int hotel_choice, search_choice, confirm;
int ch, food, hotel_id;

// C program to implement Boilerplate
// Code for the Food Ordering System
int main()
    while (1) {
        printf("\n\nWelcome to Food ");
        printf("Ordering System"
        printf("Enter your choice\t");
        scanf("%d", &choice);
        // Switch Cases
        switch (choice) {
        // For Signup Function
        case 1: {
        // For Login Function
        case 2: {
        case 3: {
        default: {
                printf("\nPlease Enter the "
                printf("valid choice\n");

// Function to create a new user for
// the Food ordering system
void signup()
    printf("Enter Your name\t");
    scanf("%s", temp_name);
    printf("Enter Your Age\t");
    scanf("%d", &temp_age);
    printf("Enter Your Email\t");
    scanf("%s", temp_email);
    printf("Enter Password\t");
    scanf("%s", temp_password1);
    printf("Confirm Password\t");
    scanf("%s", temp_password2);
    printf("Enter Your Mobile Number\t");
    scanf("%s", temp_mobile);
    // Function Call to validate
    // the user creation
    x = validate();
    if (x == 1)

// Function to validate the user for
// the signup process
int validate()
    // Validate the name
    for (i = 0; temp_name[i] != '\0'; i++) {
        if (!((temp_name[i] >= 'a' && temp_name[i] <= 'z')
              || (temp_name[i] >= 'A'
                  && temp_name[i] <= 'Z'))) {
            printf("\nPlease Enter the"
            printf("valid Name\n");
            flag = 0;
    if (flag == 1) {
        count = 0;
        // Validate the Email ID
        for (i = 0;
             temp_email[i] != '\0'; i++) {
            if (temp_email[i] == '@'
                || temp_email[i] == '.')
        if (count >= 2
            && strlen(temp_email) >= 5) {
            // Validating the password
            // check if it matches with
            // correct password or not
            if (!strcmp(temp_password1,
                        temp_password2)) {
                if (strlen(temp_password1) >= 8
                    && strlen(temp_password1) <= 12) {
                    caps = 0;
                    small = 0;
                    numbers = 0;
                    special = 0;
                    for (i = 0;
                         != '\0';
                         i++) {
                        if (temp_password1[i] >= 'A'
                            && temp_password1[i] <= 'Z')
                        else if (temp_password1[i] >= 'a'
                                 && temp_password1[i]
                                        <= 'z')
                        else if (temp_password1[i] >= '0'
                                 && temp_password1[i]
                                        <= '9')
                        else if (temp_password1[i] == '@'
                                 || temp_password1[i] == '&'
                                 || temp_password1[i] == '#'
                                 || temp_password1[i]
                                        == '*')
                    if (caps >= 1 && small >= 1
                        && numbers >= 1 && special >= 1) {
                        // Validating the Input age
                        if (temp_age != 0 && temp_age > 0) {
                            // Validating the Input mobile
                            // number
                            if (strlen(temp_mobile) == 10) {
                                for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
                                    if (temp_mobile[i]
                                            >= '0'
                                        && temp_mobile[i]
                                               <= '9') {
                                        success = 1;
                                    else {
                                        printf("Enter Valid ");
                                        printf("Mobile "
                                        return 0;
                                // Success is assigned with
                                // value 1, Once every
                                // inputs are correct.
                                if (success == 1)
                                    return 1;
                            else {
                                printf("\n\nPlease Enter the");
                                printf("10 digit mobile");
                                return 0;
                        else {
                            printf("\n\nPlease Enter ");
                            printf("the valid age\n\n");
                            return 0;
                    else {
                        printf("\n\nPlease Enter the");
                        printf("strong password, Your ");
                        printf("password must contain ");
                        printf("atleast one uppercase, ");
                        printf("Lowercase, Number and ");
                        printf("special character\n\n");
                        return 0;
                else {
                    printf("\nYour Password is very");
                    printf("short\nLength must ");
                    printf("between 8 to 12\n\n");
                    return 0;
            else {
                printf("\nPassword "
                return 0;
        else {
            printf("\nPlease Enter Valid E-Mail\n\n");
            return 0;

A/c Check
// Function to check if the account
// already exists or not
void account_check()
    for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
        // Check whether the email and
        // password are already matched
        // with existed account
        if (!(strcmp(temp_email,
              && strcmp(temp_password1,
                        s[i].password))) {
            printf("\n\nAccount Already");
            printf("Existed. Please"
                   " Login !!\n\n");
    // If account does not already
    // existed, it creates a new
    // one with new inputs
    if (i == 100) {
        strcpy(s[j].uname, temp_name);
        s[j].age = temp_age;
        strcpy(s[j].email, temp_email);
        strcpy(s[j].mobile, temp_mobile);
               " Successfully");

// Function to Login the users
void login()
    printf("\nEnter Your Email\t");
    scanf("%s", temp_email);
    printf("Enter Your Password\t");
    scanf("%s", temp_password1);
    for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
        // Check whether the input email
        // is already existed or not
        if (!strcmp(s[i].email, temp_email)) {
            // Check whether the password
            // is matched with email or not
            if (!strcmp(s[i].password, temp_password1)) {
                printf("\n\nWelcome %s, ");
                printf("Your are successfully ");
                printf("logged in\n\nWe Provide ");
                printf("two ways of search\n1) ");
                printf("Search By Hotels\n2) ");
                printf("Search by Food\n3) ");
                printf("Exit\n\nPlease Enter");
                printf("your choice\t", s[i].uname);
                scanf("%d", &search_choice);
                // Get the input whether
                // the user are going to search
                // /Order by hotels or search/
                // order by food
                switch (search_choice) {
                case 1: {
                case 2: {
                case 3: {
                default: {
                    printf("Please Enter ");
                    printf("the valid choice\n\n");
            else {
                printf("\n\nInvalid Password! ");
                printf("Please Enter the ");
                printf("correct password\n\n");
        else {
            printf("\n\nAccount doesn't ");
            printf("exist, Please signup!!\n\n");

Hotel Initialization
// Function that initializes the
// Hotels
void hotel_initialize()
    // Initialize the structure with
    // Aarya_bhavan hotel and some
    // foods name with their cost
    strcpy(m[1].hotel, "Aarya_Bhavan");
    strcpy(m[1].first_food, "Sandwich");
    strcpy(m[1].second_food, "Pizza");
    strcpy(m[1].third_food, "Fried_Rice");
    m[1].first = 70;
    m[1].second = 100;
    m[1].third = 95;
    // Initialize the structure with
    // Banu_Hotel and some foods name
    // and their respective costs
    strcpy(m[2].hotel, "Banu_Hotel");
    strcpy(m[2].first_food, "Parotta");
    strcpy(m[2].second_food, "Noodles");
    strcpy(m[2].third_food, "Chicken_Rice");
    m[2].first = 15;
    m[2].second = 75;
    m[2].third = 80;
    // Initialize the structure with
    // SR_Bhavan hotel and some foods
    // name and their respective costs
    strcpy(m[3].hotel, "SR_Bhavan");
    strcpy(m[3].first_food, "Chicken_Biriyani");
    strcpy(m[3].second_food, "Prawn");
    strcpy(m[3].third_food, "Faloda");
    m[3].first = 90;
    m[3].second = 120;
    m[3].third = 35;

Search by Hotels
// Function that implements the
// functionality search by hotels
void search_by_hotels()
    printf("\n\nPlease Choose the");
    printf("hotels\n\n1) %s\n2) %s\n3) %s",
           m[2].hotel, m[3].hotel);
    printf("\n4) Exit\n\nPlease ");
    printf("select the hotel\t");
    scanf("%d", &hotel_choice);
    if (hotel_choice > 4) {
        printf("Please Enter the");
        printf("valid choice\n\n");
    else if (hotel_choice == 4)
void hotels(int hotel_choice)
    total = 0;
    while (1) {
        // Displays the list of foods
        // available in selected hotel
        printf("\n\nList of foods available");
        printf("in %s\n\n1) %s\tRs: %d\n2)",
        printf("%s\tRs: %d\n3) %s\tRs: %d\n4)",
        printf("Cart\n5) Exit\n\nPlease Enter");
        printf("Your Choice\t");
        scanf("%d", &food_choice);
        // Get the input for no. of foods
        // to calculate the total amount
        if (food_choice == 1) {
            printf("Please Enter the ");
            printf("Count of %s\t",
            scanf("%d", &n);
            total = total
                    + (n * m[hotel_choice].first);
        else if (food_choice == 2) {
            printf("Please Enter Count");
            printf("of %s\t",
            scanf("%d", &n);
            total = total
                    + (n * m[hotel_choice].second);
        else if (food_choice == 3) {
            printf("Please Enter the Count");
            printf("of %s\t",
            scanf("%d", &n);
            total = total
                    + (n * m[hotel_choice].third);
        // Once the user, completed their
        // order, they can go to cart
        // by giving choice as 4.
        else if (food_choice == 4) {
        else if (food_choice == 5) {
        else {
            printf("Please Enter the");
            printf("valid Choice\n\n");

Search by Food
// Function to implement the
// search by food
void search_by_food()
    total = 0;
    // Initialize all the hotels
    // and their foods
    while (1) {
        printf("\n\nPlease choose the ");
        printf("food\n\n1) %s\t%d\n2) %s\t%d",
               m[1].first_food, m[1].first,
               m[1].second_food, m[1].second);
        printf("\n3) %s\t%d\n4) %s\t%d\n",
               m[1].third_food, m[1].third,
               m[2].first_food, m[2].first);
        printf("5) %s\t%d\n6) %s\t%d\n",
               m[2].second_food, m[2].second,
               m[2].third_food, m[2].third);
        printf("7) %s\t%d\n8) %s\t%d\n",
               m[3].first_food, m[3].first,
               m[3].second_food, m[3].second);
        printf("9) %s\t%d\n10) Cart\n",
        printf("11) Exit");
        printf("\nPlease Enter Your Choice\t");
        scanf("%d", &food);
        if (food > 10) {
            printf("Please Enter the ");
            printf("valid choice\n\n");
        // Moves to the cart
        // functionality
        else if (food == 10)
        else if (food == 11)
        // Call food_order functionality
        // to get the no of foods and
        // to calculat the total
        // amount of the order.

// Function to implement the cart
void cart()
    printf("\nYour Total Order");
    printf("Amount is %d\n", total);
    printf("\n\nDo You wish to");
    printf("order (y=1/n=0):");
    scanf("%d", &ch);
    if (ch == 1) {
        printf("\n\nThank You for your");
        printf("order!! Your Food is on ");
        printf("the way. Welcome again!!\n\n");
    else if (ch == 0) {
        printf("Do You want to exit -1");
        printf("or Go back -0");
        scanf("%d", &confirm);
        if (confirm == 1) {
            printf("\n\nOops! Your order is");
            printf("cancelled!! Exiting..");
            printf("Thank You visit again!\n");
        else {
            printf("\n\nThank You\n\n");
    else {
        printf("\n\nPlease Enter the ");
        printf("correct choice\n\n");

Complete Code
// C program to implement the Food
// Ordering System
// Structure to store the
// user details (Signup details)
struct details {
    char uname[100];
    int age;
    char password[100];
    char email[100];
    char mobile[10];
// Structure to store the
// hotels and their food details
struct hotels {
    char hotel[100];
    char first_food[20];
    char second_food[20];
    char third_food[20];
    char fourth_food[25];
    int first, second, third, fourth;
struct hotels m[5];
struct details s[100];
// Function to get the
// input for new account.
void signup();
// Function to check whether
// the account is already
// existed or not
void account_check();
// Function to validate
// all the input fields.
int validate();
void login();
void cart();
void search_by_hotels();
void search_by_food();
void food_order(int food);
// Function to initialize the
// hotels and food
// structure dynamically
void hotel_initialize();
void hotels(int hotel_choice);
int flag = 1, i, j = 0, count = 0, caps = 0;
int small = 0, special = 0, numbers = 0;
int success = 0, x, choice;
char temp_name[100], temp_password1[100];
char temp_password2[100], temp_email[100];
char temp_mobile[100];
int temp_age, total = 0, food_choice, n;
int hotel_choice, search_choice, confirm;
int ch, food, hotel_id;
// Boilerplate Code for the
// Food Ordering System
int main()
    while (1) {
               "\n\nWelcome to Food ");
        printf("Ordering System\n\n1)SIGNUP\n");
        printf("Enter your choice\t");
        scanf("%d", &choice);
        switch (choice) {
        case 1: {
        case 2: {
        case 3: {
            // exit(1);
            return 0;
        default: {
            printf("\nPlease Enter the ");
            printf("valid choice\n");
// Function to create a new
// user for the Food ordering
// system
void signup()
    printf("Enter Your name\t");
    scanf("%s", temp_name);
    printf("Enter Your Age\t");
    scanf("%d", &temp_age);
    printf("Enter Your Email\t");
    scanf("%s", temp_email);
    printf("Enter Password\t");
    scanf("%s", temp_password1);
    printf("Confirm Password\t");
    scanf("%s", temp_password2);
    printf("Enter Your Mobile Number\t");
    scanf("%s", temp_mobile);
    // Function Call to validate
    // the user creation
    x = validate();
    if (x == 1)
// Function to validate the user
// for signup process
int validate()
    // Validate the name
    for (i = 0; temp_name[i] != '\0'; i++) {
        if (!((temp_name[i] >= 'a' && temp_name[i] <= 'z')
              || (temp_name[i] >= 'A'
                  && temp_name[i] <= 'Z'))) {
            printf("\nPlease Enter the");
            printf("valid Name\n");
            flag = 0;
    if (flag == 1) {
        count = 0;
        // Validate the Email ID
        for (i = 0;
             temp_email[i] != '\0'; i++) {
            if (temp_email[i] == '@'
                || temp_email[i] == '.')
        if (count >= 2
            && strlen(temp_email) >= 5) {
            // Validating the Password and
            // Check whether it matches
            // with Conform Password
            if (!strcmp(temp_password1,
                        temp_password2)) {
                if (strlen(temp_password1) >= 8
                    && strlen(temp_password1) <= 12) {
                    caps = 0;
                    small = 0;
                    numbers = 0;
                    special = 0;
                    for (i = 0; temp_password1[i] != '\0';
                         i++) {
                        if (temp_password1[i] >= 'A'
                            && temp_password1[i] <= 'Z')
                        else if (temp_password1[i] >= 'a'
                                 && temp_password1[i]
                                        <= 'z')
                        else if (temp_password1[i] >= '0'
                                 && temp_password1[i]
                                        <= '9')
                        else if (temp_password1[i] == '@'
                                 || temp_password1[i] == '&'
                                 || temp_password1[i] == '#'
                                 || temp_password1[i]
                                        == '*')
                    if (caps >= 1 && small >= 1
                        && numbers >= 1 && special >= 1) {
                        // Validating the Input age
                        if (temp_age != 0 && temp_age > 0) {
                            // Validating the Input mobile
                            // number
                            if (strlen(temp_mobile) == 10) {
                                for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
                                    if (temp_mobile[i]
                                            >= '0'
                                        && temp_mobile[i]
                                               <= '9') {
                                        success = 1;
                                    else {
                                        printf("Enter Valid ");
                                        printf("Mobile "
                                        return 0;
                                // Success is assigned with
                                // value 1, Once every
                                // inputs are correct.
                                if (success == 1)
                                    return 1;
                            else {
                                printf("\n\nPlease Enter the");
                                printf("10 digit mobile");
                                return 0;
                        else {
                            printf("\n\nPlease Enter ");
                            printf("the valid age\n\n");
                            return 0;
                    else {
                        printf("\n\nPlease Enter the");
                        printf("strong password, Your ");
                        printf("password must contain ");
                        printf("atleast one uppercase, ");
                        printf("Lowercase, Number and ");
                        printf("special character\n\n");
                        return 0;
                else {
                    printf("\nYour Password is very");
                    printf("short\nLength must ");
                    printf("between 8 to 12\n\n");
                    return 0;
            else {
                printf("\nPassword Mismatch\n\n");
                return 0;
        else {
            printf("\nPlease Enter"
                   " Valid E-Mail\n\n");
            return 0;
// Function to check if the account
// already exists or not
void account_check()
    for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
        // Check whether the email
        // and password are already
        // matched with existed account
        if (!(strcmp(temp_email, s[i].email)
              && strcmp(temp_password1,
                        s[i].password))) {
            printf("\n\nAccount Already");
            printf("Existed. Please Login !!\n\n");
    // if account does not already
    // existed, it creates a new
    // one with new inputs
    if (i == 100) {
        strcpy(s[j].uname, temp_name);
        s[j].age = temp_age;
        strcpy(s[j].password, temp_password1);
        strcpy(s[j].email, temp_email);
        strcpy(s[j].mobile, temp_mobile);
        printf("\n\n\nAccount Successfully");
// Function to Login the users
void login()
    printf("\nEnter Your Email\t");
    scanf("%s", temp_email);
    printf("Enter Your Password\t");
    scanf("%s", temp_password1);
    for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
        // Check whether the input
        // email is already existed or not
        if (!strcmp(s[i].email, temp_email)) {
            // Check whether the password
            // is matched with the email or not
            if (!strcmp(s[i].password, temp_password1)) {
                printf("\n\nWelcome %s, ", s[i].uname);
                printf("Your are successfully ");
                printf("logged in\n\nWe Provide ");
                printf("two ways of search\n1) ");
                printf("Search By Hotels\n2) ");
                printf("Search by Food\n3) ");
                printf("Exit\n\nPlease Enter");
                printf("your choice\t");
                scanf("%d", &search_choice);
                // Getting the input whether
                // the user are going to search
                // /Order by hotels or search/
                // order by food.
                switch (search_choice) {
                case 1: {
                case 2: {
                case 3: {
                    // exit(1);
                default: {
                    printf("Please Enter ");
                    printf("the valid choice\n\n");
            else {
                printf("\n\nInvalid Password! ");
                printf("Please Enter the ");
                printf("correct password\n\n");
        else {
            printf("\n\nAccount doesn't ");
            printf("exist, Please signup!!\n\n");
// Function to implement the Hotel
// initialzer
void hotel_initialize()
    // Initializing the structure
    // with Aarya_bhavan hotel and
    // some foods name and
    // their respective costs.
    strcpy(m[1].hotel, "Aarya_Bhavan");
    strcpy(m[1].first_food, "Sandwich");
    strcpy(m[1].second_food, "Pizza");
    strcpy(m[1].third_food, "Fried_Rice");
    m[1].first = 70;
    m[1].second = 100;
    m[1].third = 95;
    // Initializing the structure with
    // Banu_Hotel and some foods name
    // and their respective costs.
    strcpy(m[2].hotel, "Banu_Hotel");
    strcpy(m[2].first_food, "Parotta");
    strcpy(m[2].second_food, "Noodles");
    strcpy(m[2].third_food, "Chicken_Rice");
    m[2].first = 15;
    m[2].second = 75;
    m[2].third = 80;
    // Initializing the structure with
    // SR_Bhavan hotel and some foods
    // name and their respective costs.
    strcpy(m[3].hotel, "SR_Bhavan");
    strcpy(m[3].first_food, "Chicken_Biriyani");
    strcpy(m[3].second_food, "Prawn");
    strcpy(m[3].third_food, "Faloda");
    m[3].first = 90;
    m[3].second = 120;
    m[3].third = 35;
// Function to implement the search
// by hotels
void search_by_hotels()
           "\n\nPlease Choose the");
    printf("hotels\n\n1) %s\n2) %s\n3) %s",
           m[2].hotel, m[3].hotel);
    printf("\n4) Exit\n\nPlease ");
    printf("select the hotel\t");
    scanf("%d", &hotel_choice);
    if (hotel_choice > 4) {
        printf("Please Enter the");
        printf("valid choice\n\n");
    else if (hotel_choice == 4)
        // exit(1);
// Function to implement the hotel
void hotels(int hotel_choice)
    total = 0;
    while (1) {
        // Displays the list of
        // foods available in
        // selected hotel
        printf("\n\nList of foods available");
        printf("in %s\n\n1) %s\tRs: %d\n2)",
        printf("%s\tRs: %d\n3) %s\tRs: %d\n4)",
        printf("Cart\n5) Exit\n\nPlease Enter");
        printf("Your Choice\t");
        scanf("%d", &food_choice);
        // Get the input for no
        // of foods to calculate
        // the total amount
        if (food_choice == 1) {
            printf("Please Enter the ");
            printf("Count of %s\t",
            scanf("%d", &n);
            total = total
                    + (n * m[hotel_choice].first);
        else if (food_choice == 2) {
            printf("Please Enter the Count");
            printf("of %s\t",
            scanf("%d", &n);
            total = total
                    + (n * m[hotel_choice].second);
        else if (food_choice == 3) {
            printf("Please Enter the Count");
            printf("of %s\t",
            scanf("%d", &n);
            total = total
                    + (n * m[hotel_choice].third);
        // Once the user, completed their
        // order, they can go to cart
        // by giving choice as 4.
        else if (food_choice == 4) {
        else if (food_choice == 5) {
        else {
            printf("Please Enter the");
            printf("valid Choice\n\n");
void search_by_food()
    total = 0;
    // Initialize all the
    // hotels and their foods
    while (1) {
        printf("\n\nPlease choose the ");
        printf("food\n\n1) %s\t%d\n2) %s\t%d",
               m[1].first_food, m[1].first,
               m[1].second_food, m[1].second);
        printf("\n3) %s\t%d\n4) %s\t%d\n",
               m[1].third_food, m[1].third,
               m[2].first_food, m[2].first);
        printf("5) %s\t%d\n6) %s\t%d\n",
               m[2].second_food, m[2].second,
               m[2].third_food, m[2].third);
        printf("7) %s\t%d\n8) %s\t%d\n",
               m[3].first_food, m[3].first,
               m[3].second_food, m[3].second);
        printf("9) %s\t%d\n10) Cart\n",
        printf("11) Exit");
        printf("\nPlease Enter Your Choice\t");
        scanf("%d", &food);
        if (food > 10) {
            printf("Please Enter the ");
            printf("valid choice\n\n");
        // Moves to the cart
        // functionality
        else if (food == 10)
        else if (food == 11)
            // exit(1);
        // Call food_order functionality
        // to get the no of foods and
        // to calculat the total
        // amount of the order.
// Function to implement the food
// order functionality
void food_order(int food)
    if (food >= 1 && food <= 3)
        hotel_id = 1;
    else if (food >= 4 && food <= 6)
        hotel_id = 2;
        hotel_id = 3;
    if ((food % 3) == 1) {
        printf("Please Enter the");
        printf(" Count of %s\t",
        scanf("%d", &n);
        total = total + (n * m[hotel_id].first);
    else if ((food % 3) == 2) {
        printf("Please Enter the ");
        printf("Count of %s\t",
        scanf("%d", &n);
        total = total + (n * m[hotel_id].second);
    else if ((food % 3) == 0) {
        printf("Please Enter the ");
        printf("Count of %s\t",
        scanf("%d", &n);
        total = total + (n * m[hotel_id].third);
// Function to implement the cart
void cart()
    printf("\nYour Total Order");
    printf("Amount is %d\n", total);
    printf("\n\nDo You wish to");
    printf("order (y=1/n=0):");
    scanf("%d", &ch);
    if (ch == 1) {
        printf("\n\nThank You for your");
        printf("order!! Your Food is on ");
        printf("the way. Welcome again!!\n\n");
        // exit(1);
    else if (ch == 0) {
        printf("Do You want to exit -1");
        printf("or Go back -0");
        scanf("%d", &confirm);
        if (confirm == 1) {
            printf("\n\nOops! Your order is");
            printf("cancelled!! Exiting..");
            printf("Thank You visit again!\n");
            // exit(1);
        else {
            printf("\n\nThank You\n\n");
    else {
        printf("\n\nPlease Enter the ");
        printf("correct choice\n\n");









