📜  C语言中的setlinestyle()函数

📅  最后修改于: 2021-05-25 18:29:51             🧑  作者: Mango


句法 :

void setlinestyle(int linestyle, unsigned upattern,
                                   int thickness);

例子 :

输入:x = 200,y = 100输出: x和y初始化为(200,100)。对于每一行,y的值增加25以更改位置。线条样式会根据第一个参数(c)的值不断变化。

说明: linestyle指定随后的线条将以几种样式中的哪一种绘制(例如实线,点线,居中,虚线)。

upattern是一种16位模式,仅在linestyle为USERBIT_LINE(4)时适用。在这种情况下,每当模式字中的一位为1时,该行中的相应像素就会以当前绘制颜色进行绘制。必须始终提供“ upattern”的值。如果’linestyle’不是USERBIT_LINE(4),将被忽略。


// C Implementation for setlinestyle()
// driver code
int main()
    // gm is Graphics mode which is
    // a computer display mode that
    // generates image using pixels.
    // DETECT is a macro defined in
    // "graphics.h" header file
    int gd = DETECT, gm;
    // variable to change the
    // line styles
    int c;
    // initial coordinate to 
    // draw line
    int x = 200, y = 100;
    // initgraph initializes the
    // graphics system by loading a
    // graphics driver from disk
    initgraph(&gd, &gm, "");
    // To keep track of lines
    for ( c = 0 ; c < 5 ; c++ )
       // setlinestyle function
       setlinestyle(c, 0, 1);
       // Drawing line
       line(x, y, x+200, y);
       y = y + 25;
    // closegraph function closes the
    // graphics mode and deallocates
    // all memory allocated by
    // graphics system .
    return 0;

输出 :
