📜  特征向量中心度(中心度)

📅  最后修改于: 2021-05-20 06:43:20             🧑  作者: Mango




对于给定的图形G:=(V,E)|V|顶点让A = (a_{v,t})是邻接矩阵,即 a_{v,t} = 1如果顶点 v链接到顶点t , 和a_{v,t} = 0除此以外。顶点的相对中心度得分v可以定义为:

x_{v}={\frac {1}{\lambda }}\sum _{t\in M(v)}x_{t}={\frac {1}{\lambda }}\sum _{t\in G}a_{v,t}x_{t}
在哪里M(v)是…的一组邻居v\lambda 是一个常数。只需很小的重新排列,就可以将其用向量符号形式重写为特征向量方程式

\mathbf {Ax} =\lambda \mathbf {x}


def eigenvector_centrality(G, max_iter=100, tol=1.0e-6, nstart=None,
    """Compute the eigenvector centrality for the graph G.
    Eigenvector centrality computes the centrality for a node based on the
    centrality of its neighbors. The eigenvector centrality for node `i` is
    .. math::
        \mathbf{Ax} = \lambda \mathbf{x}
    where `A` is the adjacency matrix of the graph G with eigenvalue `\lambda`.
    By virtue of the Perron–Frobenius theorem, there is a unique and positive
    solution if `\lambda` is the largest eigenvalue associated with the
    eigenvector of the adjacency matrix `A` ([2]_).
    G : graph
      A networkx graph
    max_iter : integer, optional
      Maximum number of iterations in power method.
    tol : float, optional
      Error tolerance used to check convergence in power method iteration.
    nstart : dictionary, optional
      Starting value of eigenvector iteration for each node.
    weight : None or string, optional
      If None, all edge weights are considered equal.
      Otherwise holds the name of the edge attribute used as weight.
    nodes : dictionary
       Dictionary of nodes with eigenvector centrality as the value.
    The eigenvector calculation is done by the power iteration method and has
    no guarantee of convergence. The iteration will stop after ``max_iter``
    iterations or an error tolerance of ``number_of_nodes(G)*tol`` has been
    For directed graphs this is "left" eigenvector centrality which corresponds
    to the in-edges in the graph. For out-edges eigenvector centrality
    first reverse the graph with ``G.reverse()``.
    from math import sqrt
    if type(G) == nx.MultiGraph or type(G) == nx.MultiDiGraph:
        raise nx.NetworkXException("Not defined for multigraphs.")
    if len(G) == 0:
        raise nx.NetworkXException("Empty graph.")
    if nstart is None:
        # choose starting vector with entries of 1/len(G)
        x = dict([(n,1.0/len(G)) for n in G])
        x = nstart
    # normalize starting vector
    s = 1.0/sum(x.values())
    for k in x:
        x[k] *= s
    nnodes = G.number_of_nodes()
    # make up to max_iter iterations
    for i in range(max_iter):
        xlast = x
        x = dict.fromkeys(xlast, 0)
        # do the multiplication y^T = x^T A
        for n in x:
            for nbr in G[n]:
                x[nbr] += xlast[n] * G[n][nbr].get(weight, 1)
        # normalize vector
            s = 1.0/sqrt(sum(v**2 for v in x.values()))
        # this should never be zero?
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            s = 1.0
        for n in x:
            x[n] *= s
        # check convergence
        err = sum([abs(x[n]-xlast[n]) for n in x])
        if err < nnodes*tol:
            return x
    raise nx.NetworkXError("""eigenvector_centrality():
power iteration failed to converge in %d iterations."%(i+1))""")


>>> import networkx as nx
>>> G = nx.path_graph(4)
>>> centrality = nx.eigenvector_centrality(G)
>>> print(['%s %0.2f'%(node,centrality[node]) for node in centrality])


['0 0.37', '1 0.60', '2 0.60', '3 0.37']




