📜  实现同步队列 API 的Java程序

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:55:45.924000             🧑  作者: Mango

实现同步队列 API 的Java程序

SynchronousQueue 是一个特殊的阻塞队列,没有内部容量。它有助于以线程安全的方式在线程之间交换数据或信息。

SynchronousQueue 仅支持 2 个操作:



  synchronousQueue.put("data or information goes here");
catch(InterruptedException iex)

  // data type according to the data or information
  String info = synchronousQueue.take();
catch(InterruptedException iex)

// Java program to implement SynchronousQueue API.
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue;
public class SynchronousQAPI {
    public SynchronousQueue synchronousQ;
    // we create a SynchronousQueue with no fair policy
    public SynchronousQAPI()
        synchronousQ = new SynchronousQueue();
    // we create a SynchronousQueue with fair policy
    public SynchronousQAPI(boolean fair)
        synchronousQ = new SynchronousQueue();
    // As we discussed above in API overview that
    // SynchronousQueue has 2 supported operations put() and
    // take() So, we will implement this methods only
    // put() method: It insert element at tail of the queue
    // and used to wait until the queue is full.
    public void put(E e) throws InterruptedException
    // take() method: return element at the head of the
    // queue
    public E take() throws InterruptedException
        return synchronousQ.take();
    // Implementation of Put Thread (producer)
    class Put implements Runnable {
        BlockingQueue SynchronousQueue;
        public Put(BlockingQueue q)
            this.SynchronousQueue = q;
        public void run()
            try {
                // put the data
                    "1 added to synchronous queue.");
            catch (InterruptedException e) {
    class Take implements Runnable {
        BlockingQueue SynchronousQueue;
        public Take(BlockingQueue q)
            this.SynchronousQueue = q;
        @Override public void run()
            try {
                // take out the previously inserted data
                    "1 removed from synchronous queue.");
            catch (InterruptedException e) {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        throws InterruptedException
        SynchronousQAPI synchronousQueue
            = new SynchronousQAPI();
        new Thread(new SynchronousQAPI<>().new Put(
        new Thread(new SynchronousQAPI<>().new Take(



  // data type according to the data or information
  String info = synchronousQueue.take();
catch(InterruptedException iex)

SynchronousQueue 有两种类型的构造函数,它们基于两种不同的访问策略:

1. SynchronousQueue():在这种情况下,如果多个线程正在等待,则这些线程被授予随机或未指定的访问权限,这称为不公平策略。

2. SynchronousQueue(boolean fair):在这种情况下,如果有多个线程在等待,那么这些线程以先进先出的方式被授予访问权限。



// Java program to implement SynchronousQueue API.
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue;
public class SynchronousQAPI {
    public SynchronousQueue synchronousQ;
    // we create a SynchronousQueue with no fair policy
    public SynchronousQAPI()
        synchronousQ = new SynchronousQueue();
    // we create a SynchronousQueue with fair policy
    public SynchronousQAPI(boolean fair)
        synchronousQ = new SynchronousQueue();
    // As we discussed above in API overview that
    // SynchronousQueue has 2 supported operations put() and
    // take() So, we will implement this methods only
    // put() method: It insert element at tail of the queue
    // and used to wait until the queue is full.
    public void put(E e) throws InterruptedException
    // take() method: return element at the head of the
    // queue
    public E take() throws InterruptedException
        return synchronousQ.take();
    // Implementation of Put Thread (producer)
    class Put implements Runnable {
        BlockingQueue SynchronousQueue;
        public Put(BlockingQueue q)
            this.SynchronousQueue = q;
        public void run()
            try {
                // put the data
                    "1 added to synchronous queue.");
            catch (InterruptedException e) {
    class Take implements Runnable {
        BlockingQueue SynchronousQueue;
        public Take(BlockingQueue q)
            this.SynchronousQueue = q;
        @Override public void run()
            try {
                // take out the previously inserted data
                    "1 removed from synchronous queue.");
            catch (InterruptedException e) {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        throws InterruptedException
        SynchronousQAPI synchronousQueue
            = new SynchronousQAPI();
        new Thread(new SynchronousQAPI<>().new Put(
        new Thread(new SynchronousQAPI<>().new Take(
1 added to synchronous queue.
1 removed from synchronous queue.