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📜  Angular Sweep(可以包含在给定半径的圆中的最大点数)(1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:39:13.496000             🧑  作者: Mango

Angular Sweep

Angular Sweep is the maximum number of points that can be included in a given radius of a circle. It is an important concept in geometry, and is often used in computer graphics and programming.

Calculation of Angular Sweep

The Angular Sweep of a circle can be calculated using the following formula:

Angular Sweep = 2 * acos(r/(2*d))

Where r is the radius of the circle and d is the distance between the center of the circle and the point being considered.


Angular Sweep is used in many areas, including computer graphics, robotics and game development. For example, in gaming when a player is in range of a particular weapon, the Angular Sweep of the weapon is used to determine whether the player is within the range of fire.

Similarly in robotics, the Angular Sweep can be used to determine the range of motion of robot arms or to determine the maximum reach of a manipulator.


Angular Sweep can be implemented easily in programming languages such as Python, JavaScript and C++.

Here is a Python code snippet to calculate the Angular Sweep of a circle:

import math

def angular_sweep(radius, distance):
    angle = 2 * math.acos(radius/(2*distance))
    return angle

Angular Sweep is a useful concept in mathematics and programming. Understanding it is important when working with graphics, robotics, game development and other related fields.